
DeKalb Times

Thursday, March 13, 2025

DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Board met Oct. 16

Webp 8

Scott Campbell, County Board Member | DeKalb County

Scott Campbell, County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Board met Oct. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Commissioners met in regular session at the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 7:42 p.m. Vice-President Frieders called the meeting to order, and the Secretary called the roll. Those present were Commissioners Meryl Domina, Laurie Emmer, Vice-President John Frieders, Benjamin Haier, Rhonda Henke, Laura Hoffman, Savanah Ilenikhena, Kathy Lampkins, Jim Luebke, John Lyon, Terri Mann-Lamb, Stewart Ogilvie, Jerry Osland, Michelle Pickett, Roy Plote, Chris Porterfield, Amber Quitno, Tim Bagby, Mary Cozad, Rukisha Crawford, and Patrick Deutsch. Those Commissioners absent were Joe Marcinkowski, Scott Campbell, and President Ellingsworth Webb. A quorum was established with twenty-one Commissioners present and three absent.



Ilenikhena moved to approve the agenda as presented and Domina seconded the motion. Voice Vote

Vice-President Frieders called for a voice vote to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried.



Porterfield moved to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2024 meeting. Deutsch seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Vice-President Frieders asked for a voice vote on the approval of minutes. The motion carried.


There were no public comments.



STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Resolution FP-R2024-015: A Resolution Approving the Payment of Forest Preserve Claims for October 2024, and Off-Cycle Claims Paid During the Previous Month, Including All Claims for Travel, Meals, and Lodging, in the Amount of $138,303.95 Motion

Plote moved that the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Commissioners hereby approve the payment of Forest Preserve claims for October 2024, and off-cycle claims paid during the previous month, including all claims for travel, meals, and lodging in the amount of $138,303.95. Cozad seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

A roll call vote was taken on the motion to approve the District’s October Claims. Those voting aye were Commissioners Domina, Emmer, Haier, Henke, Hoffman, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Luebke, Lyon, Mann-Lamb, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, and Vice-President Frieders. The motion carried 21-0-3.

Reports of District Officials


Plote moved to accept and place on file the following Reports of District Officials:

Cash & Investments in Forest Preserve Bank Accounts – September 2024

Monthly Reports of the Forest Preserve District – July, August, September 2024 Crawford seconded the motion.

Voice VoteA voice vote was called for to accept the Reports of District Officials as presented. The motion carried.


Superintendent Hannan urged residents to refrain from burning, particularly in the forest preserves, due to the severe dry weather and high winds the area has been experiencing.

He also highlighted recent Forest Preserve District activities, including the 18th Annual Jeff’s Trees event. Additionally, he encouraged Commissioners to visit the District’s Facebook page to stay informed about upcoming events.


Osland moved to adjourn at 7:49 p.m. and Luebke seconded the motion.Voice Vote

The Vice-President called for a voice vote to adjourn. Motion carried.
