
DeKalb Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center Oversight Board met Oct. 22

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Rukisha Crawford, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Rukisha Crawford, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center Oversight Board met Oct. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Regular meeting of the Members of the DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center Oversight Board (hereinafter “Oversight Board”) was held Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Multi Purpose Room in DeKalb, Illinois pursuant to written notice to each Member as required by the By Laws.


Chair Anna Wilhelmi called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and called the roll. Those Members present were Rukisha Crawford, Abdul El-Jamal, Mary Hatch, Rhonda Henke, Charlotte Hodder, Jerry Osland, Kay Riley and Frank Roberts. A quorum was established with all nine Members present.

Others that were present included: DCRNC Administrator Bart Becker and Board Secretary Liam Sullivan


It was moved by Crawford to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Hatch and approved unanimously by voice vote.


It was moved by Henke and seconded by Riley to approve the minutes of the September 24, 2024 Meeting of the DCRNC Oversight Board.


There were no public comments.


There were no comments from the Chair


DCRNC Administrator’s Report

DCRNC Administrator Bart Becker reviewed the following report, as well as providing an overview of August Monthly Report: https://dekalbcounty.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/fn-rpt24sep dcrnc.pdf

Becker stated that the facility is still has an overall rating of two-stars, with a two-star rating for Health Inspections, four stars for staffing, and the rating for quality measures recently increased from three to four stars. The facility saw an anticipated uptick in agency usage in August and September due to the opening of the TCU.

Presentation of FY2025 DCRNC Budget and Jordan Plan Update

Liam Sullivan provided an overview of the revised Jordan Plan, FY2025 DCRNC Budget, and the FY2025 Property Tax & Debt Stabilization Plan.

Update from the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee

Frank Roberts and Mary Hatch, provided an overview of the discussions that took place at the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee. They explained that the Committee is focused on the revenue and financials of the DCRNC and that the Committee reviewed marketing strategies and is working with staff to implement some of the strategies discussed.

Sullivan took the opportunity to thank Hatch and Kay for their contributions behind the scenes and stated that staff greatly appreciates their assistance.

Oversight Board Orientation

Becker, Hatch and Sullivan provided the Oversight Board with an orientation presentation, which is a requirement of the Oversight Board’s Bylaws. The Oversight Board reviewed the first half of the presentation during their September 24th meeting and finished the final portion of the presentation during this meeting.


There were no Action Items.


Nomination of Oversight Board Member to be Appointed to Serve as an Ex Officio Member of the Nursing Home Foundation Board.

On October 15, 2024, the Nursing Home Foundation revised their Bylaws to expand the number of members. The Foundation has requested that a member of the DCRNC Oversight Board be appointed as an ex officio member of the Nursing Home Foundation Board.

The DCRNC Oversight Board is being asked to nominate a member of the Board to be appointed to serve on the Foundation Board. The Oversight Board’s nomination for appointment will be considered by the Executive Committee at their November 13th meeting.

Chair Wilhelmi opened nominations.

Mary Hatch moved to nominate Frank Roberts, Henke seconded the motion. Chair Wilhelmi called for nominations twice more before closing the nominations.

The motion to nominate Frank Roberts was approved by voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative and one abstention (Roberts).


There were no Old Business items.


Chair Wilhelmi asked Sullivan for an update on the County Administrator search process. He explained that he has not been involved in the process and that the County’s Human Resources Department is handling the search process. Chair Wilhelmi asked Sullivan is he believes that the Oversight Board will have a say in the search process. Sullivan indicated that it is unlikely as that would mean that all of the appointed boards within the County would be involved as well. He stated that Tim Neubert shared during a previous County Committee meeting that members of the County Board and Department Heads will be a part of the process. Sullivan continued by stating that he does not know who will be involved beyond that.


A motion to adjourn was made by Osland at 8:02 PM, seconded by Henke, and approved by voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.
