Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County
Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County
DeKalb County Sheriff’s Merit Commission met Oct. 29.
Here are the minutes provided by the Commission:
The Merit Commission met in the Situation Room at the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office.
I. Call to Order
Van Bomar called the meeting to order at 4:07 PM Tuesday, October 29, 2024.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners present at the meeting were: Commissioners Van Bomar and Anita Turner.
Todd Walker will be arriving late. Also present was Sheriff Andy Sullivan, Communications Lt. Joe Rood and Support Services Lt. David Aranda.
III. Approval of Agenda
Van Bomar called for a motion to approve the agenda. Anita Turner moved and Van Bomar seconded. All were in favor. No opposition. Agenda was approved.
IV. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the previous meeting held 09/24/2024 were reviewed by Commissioners.
Van Bomar called for approval of those minutes. Motion for approval was made by Anita Turner and seconded by Van Bomar. All were in favor. No opposition. The minutes from 09/24/24 were approved.
V. Public Comment
Though it was an open public meeting, no audience was present.
VI. Correspondence
Commission mileage sheet.
VII. Old Business – Sheriff Andy Sullivan gave the commission an update on the staffing at the Sheriff’s Office. For Patrol, we are needing to fill 8 positions. We tentatively have 6 people scheduled for PTI training in January, pending one polygraph result. Sheriff Sullivan advised we have 5 potential openings in Corrections, hence the interview panels tonight and next week. Sheriff Sullivan advised we are still fully staffed in Communications. Darius House and Nicholas Peterson will be (2) of the Corrections Deputies that will be attending the January PTI training to move to Patrol with the other (4) being new recruits.
VIII. New Business – None
IX. Executive Session – Applicant Interviews / Promotional Testing
Van Bomar asked for a motion to go into executive session for the purpose of Patrol and Corrections Applicant Interviews. Anita Turner made the motion, Van Bomar seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion passed. The Commission adjourned into executive session to conduct Patrol applicant interviews at 4:10 PM.
The interview process Patrol and Corrections applicants was concluded. Van Bomar, Anita Turner, Todd Walker and Lt. Joe Rood and Lt. David Aranda were still present. With no other executive session matters to discuss, Todd Walker asked for a motion to return to regular session. Van Bomar made the motion, Anita Turner seconded, no opposition, motion passed.
X. Adjournment
The Commission reentered regular session and with no further business to discuss Todd Walker called for a motion to adjourn. Anita Turner made the motion which was seconded by Van Bomar. All were in favor. There was no opposition, the meeting was adjourned.