
DeKalb Times

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City of Naperville Riverwalk Commission met Nov. 13

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Scott Wehrli, Mayor - City of Naperville, IL | Mayor Scott Wehrli | Facebook

Scott Wehrli, Mayor - City of Naperville, IL | Mayor Scott Wehrli | Facebook

City of Naperville Riverwalk Commission met Nov. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Kennedy called the November 13, 2024 Naperville Riverwalk Commission meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the Naperville Employee University (NEU) at the Naperville Municipal Center located at 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL.


Present: Pam Bartlett; Hannah Brauer; John Cuff; Grant Cowen; Jan Erickson; Mary Gibson; Ian Holzhauer (arrived 7:33 a.m.); Pat Kennedy, Chairman; Bill Novack; Tiffani Picco; Johnna Shields; Mike Sullivan; and Carl Wohlt

Absent: Aarav Khullar, Student Commissioner; and Kyle Wang, Student Commissioner

Also Present: Tim Ball, GRWA; Rebecca DeLarme, City staff; Brian Dusak, ERA; Rick Hitchcock, former Riverwalk Commission Chairman; John Joseph, Riverwalk 2031 Fund Chairman; Peggy Motta, Naperville Park District; Stephanie Penick, Naperville Riverwalk Foundation; and Geoff Roehll, former Riverwalk Commission Chairman Kennedy welcomed Hannah Brauer as the new Riverwalk Commissioner.

A brief introduction was provided by each member of the group at this time.


Geoff Roehll, former Riverwalk Commission Chairman, spoke in honor of Kennedy’s last meeting as Riverwalk Commissioner and thanked him for all of the great work he has done. Kennedy thanked Roehll for his comments. Additional public comments were made in honor of Kennedy during the Chairman’s Report, item G. 2.


There were no project updates.


There was no old business to discuss.


There was no new business.


1. Approval of Minutes - Pat Kennedy

Approve minutes from the October 9, 2024 Riverwalk Commission meeting

A motion to approve the October 9, 2024 Riverwalk Commission meeting minutes was made by Erickson and seconded by Shields. MOTION CARRIED with Cuff, Kennedy, Novack, Picco and Sullivan abstaining

2. Chairman - Pat Kennedy

Kennedy addressed the group stating that it was a great seven years serving on the Riverwalk Commission. He spoke of the history, hard work, and passion for the Riverwalk in Naperville and that it was a privilege to keep that going forward. He added that he learned a lot from many and how Naperville residents were lucky to have Novack and Picco, as all they do for the Riverwalk goes far beyond a job. He thanked the group for making the Riverwalk Commission great.

Hitchcock commented that many wonderful people were a part of the commission over the years, as some are legends and their names are inscribed along the Riverwalk. He noted all of the work that Kennedy put in behind the scenes, thanking him for his leadership and all of his efforts with the Riverwalk 2031 Master Plan, recognizing the dream of how to build it, and his work to build consensus, gain advocacy and encouragement of others to devote their time.

Joseph, former Riverwalk Commissioner and Chair of the 2031 Fund, noted that he joined the commission at the same time with Kennedy. He shared three words that he felt captured Kennedy: vision, drive and passion. He spoke of the hallmarks of a great leader, noting that Kennedy espoused them every step of the way. He thanked Kennedy for all that he has done for the Riverwalk Commission.

Erickson added that Kennedy always had a moral compass, knowing the right thing to do and how to accomplish it without “stepping on toes”.

Holzhauer spoke to Kennedy’s excellent leadership and Sullivan spoke of the precedent Kennedy set for a cohesive and cooperative group where all ideas are welcomed. Novack thanked Kennedy and spoke of the years working together, his excellent leadership, and ability to recognize opportunities and how to nurture them.

3. Park District - Tiffani Picco

Receive the monthly Park District report

Picco thanked Kennedy for his leadership and expressed her appreciation for all that he has done for the Riverwalk. She reported on the following highlights from the Park District report, included with the agenda packet.

Staff has finished aerating, fertilizing and seeding the turf on the Riverwalk. They are in the process of planting the tulip bulbs, and twelve trees were planted in October in sections 2, 3 and 8.

Staff has started repainting some of the shepherd’s crook light poles. Ten were sandblasted and powder coated, and another ten will be done this winter. There are three hundred shepherd’s crook lights on the Riverwalk and staff will continue the process, starting at Jefferson Avenue, and identifying poles most in need of repainting.

Annual flowers have been ordered and some perennial plants and shrubs have been filled in areas in existing beds. Staff is also starting to design and think of areas to enhance, as was discussed at the previous week’s Planning, Design and Construction (PDC) Committee meeting.

The sled hill fence was installed and the ice rink boards will be going up today.

4. Riverwalk Foundation - John Cuff

There was no report. Kennedy thanked Cuff and Penick for their focus to honor and preserve what we have on the Riverwalk and acknowledged the funding provided by the Naperville Riverwalk Foundation for some of the projects.

5. Riverwalk 2031 Fund - Grant Cowen

Cowen thanked Kennedy for his guidance and reported that the Riverwalk 2031 Fund continues to focus on the fundraising phase and advance their social media campaign. Kennedy encouraged the group to contact members of the Fund with any questions. Erickson added that they plan to coordinate marketing with the City and Park District to raise awareness on the Master Plan projects.

6. Donor Recognition - Rebecca DeLarme

Receive the monthly Donor Recognition report

DeLarme reported that the Spring 2025 Legacy Gift order deadline is March 15, 2025 and currently consists of one 4” x 8” commemorative brick and one 8” x 8” commemorative brick. The Fall 2024 order was completed and installation occurred with the donors and Park District staff on November 6th. Thirty additional 8” x 8” replacement bricks were ordered to replace existing worn/faded bricks around the Exchange Club Memories Fountain. It was noted that Legacy Gift information/order forms can be found at napervilleriverwalk.com and napervilleriverwalkfoundation.org.

7. Planning, Design, and Construction - Jan Erickson

Receive the November 5, 2024 Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee draft meeting minutes

Erickson reviewed the following items that were discussed in detail at last week’s PDC Committee meeting.

South Extension Project Update: Hitchcock met with the consultants and shared suggestions for the South Gateway project that included adding more undulating areas, adding more trees and adding another stone wall.

Park District Enhancement Projects: Erickson spoke of the enhancement projects that are being proposed by Park District Staff, noting that they enhance the Riverwalk 2031 Master Plan. At last week’s meeting, Picco shared the projects proposed that included replacing turf with native vegetation in the Harmony Park area, similar to the Prairie Nature Garden; removing and replacing overgrown areas on the east side of the Dandelion Fountain area; and refreshing the landscape by Main Street and the Horse Trough Fountain. The Naperville Riverwalk Foundation has offered to provide funding for these projects.

Riverwalk Accessibility Assessment: The occupational therapy students from North Central College presented an accessibility assessment of the Naperville Riverwalk. Five recommendations were made to include more seating options, repairing uneven pathways, additional lighting on overhead signs, extending the railing or adding a bumper curb on the ramp near Main Street, and adding warning signs at entrance and exit areas.

The group also discussed the AccessNow mobile app.


City of Naperville Page 4 Printed on 12/6/2024

Riverwalk Commission Meeting Minutes November 13, 2024

Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, December 3, 2024, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center NEU, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Commission, December 11, 2024, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center NEU, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

**Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, December 31, 2024, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center NEU, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Commission, January 8, 2025, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center NEU, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Holzhauer and seconded by Sullivan. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 a.m. MOTION CARRIED
