
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DeKalb County Board of Health met Nov. 19

Webp 7

Tim Bagby, County Board Member | DeKalb County

Tim Bagby, County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Board of Health met Nov. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Derryl Block, RN, PhD

Rukisha Crawford

Karen Federici, MD

Mark Mattson, Vice President

Jill Olson

Michael Thornton, MD


Kellen Bosma, DMD

Lorraine Daly, Secretary

Carlos Dominguez, DVM

Kimberly Heinisch

Anita Zurbrugg, President


Lisa Gonzalez, MPH, Public Health Administrator

Melissa Edwards, MPH, Director of Health Promotion and Emergency Preparedness

Greg Maurice, LEHP, Director of Health Protection

Adriana Milan, MPA, Director of Administrative Services

Stacia, Runge, Director of Community Health and Prevention

Erin Frye, MPH, Administrative Support and Marketing Manager


The DeKalb County Board of Health meeting of November 19th, 2024 was called to order at 6:03pm by Mr. Mattson, Vice President.


On a motion by Dr. Block, seconded by Dr. Thornton, the Board of Health Meeting Agenda of November 19, 2024 was approved. Motion carried.


Full Board

On a motion by Ms. Crawford, seconded by Dr. Federici, the Board of Health Meeting Minutes for September 24, 2024 were approved. Motion carried.

Nominating Committee

On a motion by Dr. Block, seconded by Ms. Crawford, the Nominating Committee Meeting Minutes for November 6, 2024 were approved. Motion carried.


Nominating Committee to share under New Business.




1. Health Enrollment Assistance Program (HEAP)

Mrs. Edwards provided an overview of the Health Enrollment Assistance Program (HEAP), explaining that the program directly relates to the priority of Access to Care that was identified in the previous IPLAN cycle.

Mrs. Edwards shared the funding history of the HEAP program, noting it was established in 2013 with funding from the DeKalb County Mental Health Board which continued through August 2021. She shared the Health Department then obtained funding from the Federal Navigator grant from August 2021 through August 2024. She explained once the Federal Navigator grant ended, the Health Department became a sub-grantee of the Illinois Primary Health Care Association (IPHCA) to perform healthcare enrollment services from August 2024 through August 2025.

Mrs. Edwards shared common challenges within HEAP, including transitions of funding sources, staff turnover, and barriers to enrollment, such as lack of awareness, language barriers, transportation and complexity of the enrollment process.

Mrs. Edwards shared successes identified within HEAP, including ensuring Navigators are informed, providing personalized screenings, effective use of online tools, and having a Navigator who is bilingual English/Spanish.

Mrs. Edwards stated the program goals, as determined by the IPHCA, are to ensure 250 Qualified Health Plan (QHP) enrollments, 177 Illinois Medicaid enrollments, and 422 consumers reached through outreach events. She outlined the benefits of partnering with IPHCA, noting access to additional resources, weekly IPHCA webinars and bi-weekly GCI webinars.

Mrs. Edwards shared the training and licensing requirements for Navigators including a federal background check, Marketplace Learning Management System (MLMS) training, ongoing training and State Business and Navigator/Assister Licensing.

Mrs. Edwards shared the three ways individuals may obtain health insurance – (1) through their employer with job-based coverage, (2) purchasing a private insurance policy, or (3) using public coverage programs such as the individual Marketplace, Medicaid or Medicare.

Mrs. Edwards explained that Medicaid is a state program that provides healthcare coverage to low income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities who meet eligibility criteria. She shared Medicaid enrollment is open throughout the year and that individuals can apply at any time. She shared All Kids and Moms and Babies are programs offered under Medicaid that give pregnant women and children the care they need to keep their babies healthy, regardless of citizenship or immigration status.

Mrs. Edwards stated once an individual is approved for Medicaid, that person is required to select a Managed Care Organization (MCO). The three MCO’s available in DeKalb County are BCBS Community, Aetna and Molina. She explained Meridian will no longer be accepted as an MCO at Northwestern Medicine as of January 1, 2025.

Dr. Federici asked if clients were allowed to change MCO’s or if a qualifying event was needed? Mrs. Edwards clarified that Northwestern Medicine no longer accepting Meridian as of January 1, 2025 is a qualifying event and so individuals may change MCO’s at this time.

Mrs. Edwards explained Marketplace is a program established under the Affordable care act that helps people shop for, and enroll in, health insurance. She shared Illinois operates its marketplace through a program called "Get Covered Illinois (GCI)," which helps residents find coverage, understand their options, and access financial assistance if eligible.

Mrs. Edwards shared individuals can only apply through Marketplace during open enrollment (November 1st – January 15th) or during a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) which is 60 days before or after a qualifying life event such as aging off a parent’s plan, loss of student health insurance, or a death in the household.

Mrs. Edwards shared other resources for healthcare enrollment assistance in DeKalb County are the DHS Family Community Resource Center, or the healthcare.gov website.


The September/October Combined Report was included in the packet for the November Board of Health Meeting.


On a motion by Dr. Thornton, seconded by Ms. Crawford, the Financial Statement for the months of September and October 2024 was approved. Motion carried.

On a motion by Dr. Block, seconded by Dr. Thornton, the Check Dispersement for the month of October 2024 was approved. Motion carried.



1. Nominating Committee Report

Mrs. Gonzalez shared Kimberly Heinisch agreed to serve on the Board of Health in the Nurse position beginning January 1, 2025. Mrs. Gonzalez explained the Nominating Committee recommends Sandra Morales to serve in the Community Member position.

The Board of Health agreed to task the Public Health Administrator, County Board Chair and County Administrator to work together to select an individual to fill the County Board Representative position opening January 1, 2025.

On a motion by Ms. Crawford, seconded by Dr. Federici, the recommendation of the 2025 Board of Health appointments, as discussed, to the DeKalb County Board, was approved. Motion carried.

2. 2025 Meeting Dates and Times

On a motion by Dr. Thornton, seconded by Dr. Federici, the recommendation of the 2025 Meeting Dates and Times, as discussed, was approved. Motion carried.

3. 2025 Board of Health Training Schedule

Mrs. Gonzalez shared the proposed 2025 Board of Health training schedule to include Food Safety Code Enforcement, International Travel Immunizations, Community Lab Draw, Medical Cannabis Patient Registry and Animal Control.

4. Recognition of Retiring Board Members

Mrs. Gonzalez thanked retiring members Rukisha Crawford and Dr. Block for their years of service on the Board of Health.




On a motion by Ms. Olson, seconded by Ms. Crawford, the Board of Health adjourned at 6:41pm. Motion carried.
