
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Sandwich City Council met Dec. 2

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Bill Littlebrant - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

Bill Littlebrant - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

City of Sandwich City Council met Dec. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order: Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM

2. Roll Call

Present: Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton

Also present: City Attorney Gottschalk, City Administrator Penman, Police Chief Senne & EMA Director Eberle

Quorum established

3. Audience Comments:

Becky Nelson spoke on the truth-in-taxation hearing to be held during the current meeting, and also addressed the $60,000 plus expenditure being charged the City on the Latham Street project. She wanted to remind the Council of accountability for every cent spent.

Sandy Koehler addressed HLR’s request for a contract amendment that would increase costs due by the City. She felt the City should not pay the additional costs that was not addressed earlier in the project when the problem first became aware. She noted that using grant funds from another project to fund the problem is illegal, and should not be considered.

4. Truth in Taxation Public Hearing

A. Call public Hearing to Order on the City’s 2024 property tax levy (to be collected in 2025). Mayor Latham called the meeting to order; no motion was made.

B. Introduction of City Council / Comments: Mayor Latham noted that all aldermen were presented, and no comments were received regarding the proposed tax levy.

C. 2024 tax levy and proposed increase: Mayor Latham explained the tax amounts to be raised by the levy, by individual tax, totaling $738,650.00. The total levy request is $1,861,650.00 that is an increase of 4.68%, or $83,162.00 from the previous year.

D. Public levy testimony: None

E. Close Hearing: Motion made by Alderwoman Johnson, and seconded by Alderman Littlebrant, to close the truth-in-taxation public hearing. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.

5. Consent Agenda:

Motion to adopt the Consent Agenda as a whole. (All matters listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately).

A. Approval of Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2024

B. Approval of Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2024

C. Approval of Regular Council Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2024.

D. Approval of Financials & October Treasurer’s Report

Motion made by Alderwoman Johnson, and seconded by Alderman Fritsch, adopting the consent agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously on voice vote.

6. Mayor’s Report:

A. Shop Local Day was Saturday, November 30th. Mayor encouraged everyone to shop and support local businesses. He would like to see the Chamber of Commerce more involved next year.

7. Attorney’s Report: Attorney Gottschalk reported that the City was able to get an Order on the Johnson property and can now move forward with the demolition process. She noted the Electoral Board was held this past week. Regarding the solar agreement, no resolution has been reached and she has been having conversations with the company trying to come to an agreement. Lastly, there has been a large number of FOIA requests.

8. City Clerk Ii: No report

9. Treasurer’s Report: Vacancy

10. City Administrator: City Administrator Penman reported that on the City’s website in information on the upcoming Main Street project to be let for bidding in March. The City is hoping to hear something yet this money on the grant process for the downtown street lighting project. Interviews were conducting for the building official position and the waste water operator position.

11. City Department’s Reports: No report

12. Council Reports:

Alderman Fritsch inquired about the next step on the Sandy Bluff property. Attorney Gottschalk said IDNR (IL Department of Natural Resources) was inspecting the property last week. City cannot go on private property to inspect. The property owners have been issued letters and fined. The City Attorney has been in contact with their attorney.

Alderwoman Johnson raised concerns about the Johnson property now that the City has a court order to demolish. The Mayor explained the code enforcer has put up no trespassing signs, and there is an increased police presence. Bidding will be let for demolition.

Alderman Littlebrant commented that the Johnson property took awhile to finally obtain a Court Order but things are progressing. He expressed empathy for the neighbors on Sandy Bluff Road, and appreciates that neighbors have brought the matter to the City’s attention.

Alderman Robinson, mirroring Alderman’s Littlebrant’s sentiments, thought that citations had been issued. He thought the citations were imposed by the IDNR regarding the foot bridges, not the Kendall County. He would like to believe that the City is following it’s own ordinances.

13. Old Business:

A. HLR Construction Engineering Services Amendment: Discussion and possible action to authorize the Mayor to amend the existing agreement with HLR for additional Construction Engineering Services for the Latham Street project increasing the value of the contract from $256,532.00 to $319,097.00, not to exceed an additional $62,565.00. After continued discussions from previous meetings whereby Council felt no obligation to pay the overage requested, City Administrator Penman cautioned that the City’s actions may affect the eligibility of federal funds and engineering on the Main Street Project. His interpretation of the IDOT (IL Department of Transportation) contract was should a project exceed the 6-month period, additionally funds can be charged and requested of the City.

Alderman Whitecotton made a motion to remove the topic from the table for a vote. Motion was seconded by Alderman Robinson. Aye: Alderman Arnett, Erickson, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay: Aldermen Fritsch & Johnson Motion passed 5:2

Alderman Kreinbrink left the meeting at 8:32 pm prior to the motion / vote.

Alderman Whitecotton moved authorizing the Mayor to amend the existing agreement with HLR for additional engineering services on the Latham Street project not to exceed $62,565.00. Alderwoman Erickson seconded. Aye: Aldermen Fritsch & Johnson Nay: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton Motion failed 2:5

14. New Business:

A. Monthly Bills: Discussion and possible approval of monthly bills in the amount of $248,278.11 as recommended by the Finance Committee.

Motion made by Alderwoman Johnson moved to approve payment of monthly bills as presented. Alderwoman Erickson seconded. Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Littlebrant & Whitecotton Nay: Alderman Robinson Motion carried 6:1

B. Ordinance 2024-16 entitled “Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for 2024 to Pay the Debt Service on a Portion (Not to Exceed) of $3,500,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) of the City of Sandwich, DeKalb and Kendall Counties, IL” presented for passage. The general obligation bonds are for the public safety building reconstruction.

So moved, by Alderman Whitecotton, and seconded by Alterman Littlebrant. Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch. Johnson, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0

Alderman Kreinbrink returned to the meeting at 8:43 PM.

C. Ordinance 2024-17 entitled “City of Sandwich Annual Tax Levy Ordinance” presented for passage.

Motion made by Alderwoman Johnson to adopt Ordinance 2024-17 as present. Motion was seconded by Alderman Littlebrant. Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay: Alderman Fritsch Motion carried 7:1

D. Approval of Meeting Schedules FY 2025: Administrator Penman suggested that the meetings scheduled for Monday, January 20th be moved to Tuesday, January 21st noting that January 20th is a federal holiday observing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Council chose not to change the meeting schedule since the holiday is not a recognized holiday for city staff.

Alderman Littlebrant moved to accept the meeting schedules as initially presented. Alderwoman Johnson seconded. Motion passed unanimously on voice vote

E. Approval of City Holiday’s FY 2025 presented for passage.

So moved by Alderwoman Johnson, and seconded by Alderwoman Erickson. Motion passed unanimously on voice vote

15. Executive Session: None

16. Announcements:

A. Next Finance Committee Meeting will be held on December 16, 2024 at 6:30 PM

B. The next Committee-of-the-Whole Council Meeting will be held on Monday, December 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM

C. The next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Monday, December 16, 2024, immediately following the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting.

17. Adjournment: Motion made by Alderman Robinson to adjourn at 8:50 PM. Motion was seconded by Alderwoman Johnson. Motion passed unanimously on voice vote.
