
DeKalb Times

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Dec. 2

Webp 6

Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Dec. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order: Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:14 PM.

2. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Alderman Whitecotton

3. Roll Call

Present: Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton

Also present: City Administration Penman, Police Chief Senne & EMA Director Eberle Quorum established

4. Mayor’s Report:

A. DeKalb County Convention & Visitors Bureau Presentation: Katherine McLaughlin, Marketing Director, addressed the Council proposed a concept to encourage tourism for the city. The organization, which Sandwich is a contributing member, proposes a life size roadside attraction of a sandwich with financial aid from the Illinois Office of Tourism. Approximately $25,000 from a tourism grant would be requested from the grant, and remaining costs would be absorbed by the city. The grant application is due December 20th.

B. Pop-Up Holiday Parade: A pop-up parade has been proposed for Saturday, December 7th, to coincide with the annual Christmas tree lighting festivities. The parade would consist of approximately 30-40 vehicles. Interested parties should contact Chief Senne.

5. Attorney’s Report: Attorney Gottschalk reported she has received some documentation from HLR, and City Hall worked on information regarding the certified payroll.

6. City Clerk Ii: No report

7. Treasurer’s Report: Vacancy

8. City Administrator Penman reported that the IL Municipal Insurance Cooperative has a new claims adjuster. He also reported that the renewal on the city’s health insurance coverage was actually 3.5% insurance as opposed to the 7% previously quoted.

9. City Department’s Reports:

A. SEMA Report – Tony Eberle reported that December 3rd is the first Tuesday of the month, and SEMA will be conducting their monthly testing at 10:00 am of outdoor warning sirens. On Saturday, December 7th, SEMA will be supporting the tree lighting at Veterans Park

B. Police Chief Senne shared highlights of the police department since the last council meeting:

• Events attended include the Chief’s bi-monthly meeting, Sandwich Commerce, and Rural Health Day at Valley West Hospital

• Upcoming meeting with the Police Commission scheduled for December 4th providing information on who passed test and to start scheduling interviews

• Shift bids for next year are complete, and will take effect January 11, 2025

• Thanksgiving traffic enforcement campaign ended December 2nd. Results will be shared on Facebook. The Christmas / New Year’s campaign will start on December 13th through January 2nd. Police Department will have 105 hours of enforcement time to be focusing on speed, seatbelts, cell phone, and DUI.

• Cadet meeting dates are December 4th and December 7th

• Common scams have been placed on PD’s website under the resource page along with adding a link to YouTube channel for council meetings

• Christmas event will be held on December 13th starting at 5 pm. Additional information will be posted on Facebook later in the week. Santa will be present 5-7 pm

• Reminder to residents to keep track of delivery packages left on porches

• Generator is now operable

• Sgt. Whitecotton has started his last two weeks of staff and command

• Ofc. Lundsteen has three weeks left of Police Academy

• Reminder of website and community dashboard: www.sandwichilpolice.com and Sandwich PD Public Dashboard

C. EEI Engineer Dettmann: Absent

10. Council Reports:

Alderman Arnett reported that leaf collection was extended to an additional week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. He also reported that Sgt. Eisenberg has been in contact with Streets Supervisor, Nick Grube, regarding some traffic signs that need replacement.

Alderwoman Erickson advised that there is a flashing light sign near Derailed that is inoperable. Alderman Fritsch reported that the Opera House will be installing a buzzer system that will alert their staff when people are entering the premises during the day. He also distributed information relative to the job description of a city treasurer. He encouraged the Council review, and feels the duties might provide relief to the City Hall staff.

Alderwoman Johnson thanked SEMA Director Eberle for installing the streaming capabilities to the City’s audio system.

Alderman Kreinbrink will be finalizing a meetings schedule for the upcoming budget preparation. Alderman Whitecotton would like the topic on late charges be discussed in the upcoming meetings. 11. Old Business:

A. Discussion on proposed stop signs in Fairwinds Subdivision: The police department was directed to review intersections in Fairwinds Subdivision and make a recommendation of proposed stop signs. A map was distributed for review noting that traffic has increased upon the buildout of the subdivision. Fairwinds resident, Mike Mendoza, spoke on a blind stop on Briarwood, and recommended that parking be restricted to one side of the roadway. After Chief Senne reviews the recommendation, approval of the proposed traffic signs will be brought before the Council.

12. New Business: None

13. Announcements: None

14. Audience Comments:

Neighbors, Jim Ortega, Tristan Widloe and Amanda Widloe, spoke on a proposed wedding venue request that had been withdrawn from the Plan Commission a year ago, along with the issuance of a stop-work order for IDNR violations within the flood plain. Masonry work has continued on the building in violation, and this past weekend, there was a wedding held on the premises. The questions posed was if the property owner was still in violation, and if anyone is inspecting the property. It was felt that apart from the violation issues, there is a safety issue regarding a building that is not being properly inspected with ongoing construction. Mr. Ortega added that residents had bridges crossing to an island, and were notified by IDNR of violations that were addressed immediately. He asked what is the status of violations on the Schomer property when it is clearly in violations of IDNR and FEMA regulations.

Sandy Koehler addressed the continued disrespect, lack of integrity, and lack of knowledge that she has been witnessing. On finance matters, she asked why there are two separate cleaning companies instead of one for janitorial services, and also questioned by invoices, instead of budget line-item numbers, are not part of the financial reports. Ms. Koehler also spoke on a recent FOIA that she received on the due date but had come directly from the City Attorney, and not the FOIA officer. She addressed the public comments sheet that should, by ordinance, be a sign up list rather than individual sign up sheets.

Michael Mendoza, a Fairwinds subdivision homeowner, questioned status on previous conversation relative to assistance on pond maintenance within the subdivision. Homeowners feel it is not entirely their responsibility to maintain the several ponds. Mr. Mendoza, representing the homeowner’s association, has a paper trail of discussions should the administration change after the April 1st, 2025 election. Referencing the 2007 annexation agreement, Phase 4 of the subdivision will incur the expansion of the ponds that are fed from tiles located from the fairgrounds and property along Pratt Road. He asked that future developers are made aware of the impact of the ponds and field tiles, and along with the maintenance responsibility.

Colton Otto, mayoral candidate, addressed the Latham Street project centering on the definition of a French ditch. He felt a French ditch may the solution to the newly created drainage ditches along Latham Street, and encouraged the City to enlist a new engineering company. He questioned the execution of the proposed $40,000 “sandwich” statue addressed earlier in the meeting as a concept to encourage tourism.

15. Adjournment: Alderman Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 PM. Alderwoman Erickson seconded. Motion carried unanimously via voice vote.
