Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook
Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook
City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Jan. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order: Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
2. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sergeant Dan Whitecotton
3. Roll Call
Present: Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Johnson, Littlebrant & Whitecotton
Also present: City Administration Penman, Police Chief Senne & SEMA Director Eberle Absent: Aldermen Fritsch, Kreinbrink & Robinson
Mayor Latham requested a motion to move “12. New Business” to the top of the agenda due to time constraints with necessary parties involved, and at the request of City Economic Director, Don Alesky.
So moved by Alderwoman Johnson, and seconded by Alderman Littlebrant. Motion was unanimously via voice vote
12. New Business:
A. Development Agreement for Fairwinds Subdivision, Phase IV: City Administrator Penman and Economic Director Alesky explained there are 58 lots in Phase IV, Fairwinds, and the city is working on a development agreement with owners Matt Christiansen and Pat Winninger. Pat Winninger, who was present for questions, advised Ryan Homes will continue to be the builder in Phase IV. Currently, there are no streets and minimal infrastructure. Attorney Gottschalk explained the development agreement is a generic agreement and not ready for passage by the Council.
B. Pre-Annexation Agreement for 21 Gletty Road: Doug Arneson, owner of the former Heartland Bank building on Gletty Road, approached the City about an agreement allowing Fay’s BBQ to lease the property for a drive-thru food site. The drive-thru would be operational 2-3 days a week. The property is currently located outside the City’s boundaries, and DeKalb County will enter into an intergovernmental agreement giving the City jurisdiction over the property. The property will be formally annexed as the area continues to develop.
C. Residential Special Use 1208 Old Route 34: This matter went before the Plan Commission on January 14th requesting a special use zoning when it was learned that the property, zoned business, was being used as a single family residence. The Plan Commission did not vote in favor of granting the special use.
D. Proposed Sweepstakes Machine(s) Ban: Ordinance 2025-02 was presented for first reading that would ban “sweepstakes machines” within the city. Mayor Latham cited it was probably best to be proactive and get ahead of potential problems. Attorney Gottschalk had stated that there are pending lawsuits against the sweepstakes companies.
4. Mayor’s Report: Mayor Latham recognized today as Martin Luther King, Jr., and that Donald Trump was sworn in today as the 45th and 47th President. He noted that federal funding is oftentimes used as well as funding from US Representative Underwood, State Senator Resin, and State Representative Davis, adding that there is a change of power but that the City will continue to pursue opportunities as they exist and eligible.
5. Attorney’s Report: No report
6. City Clerk Ii explained that food vendor licenses expired December 31st, and the renewal process is about to begin. Noting this would be the time to amend the current ordinance, if desired by the Council, she would recommend that there is a restriction placed on the number of days a food truck can remain at a specific location. Mayor Latham concurred saying the intent was never to be a permanent site for the food truck vendors, nor does he want to “short change” the brick-and-mortar businesses who are who are paying taxes to the City. City Administrator Penman will investigate how other municipalities are handling their food truck vendors, and the discussion will continue at the February meeting.
7. Treasurer’s Report: Vacancy
8. City Administrator Penman:
A. Wastewater Treatment Plant Project: Steve Dennison , EEI (Engineering Enterprises Inc), provided an update on the wastewater treatment plant construction. The project is nearing completion at 1% over the estimated cost of $12.1 million. The treatment plant is operational meeting goals for phosphorous discharge limits with the exception for one oxidation ditch that is scheduled to be completed in 1-2 months.
9. City Department’s Reports:
A. SEMA Report – Tony Eberle: On January 12th, the SEMA team hosted their first Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. They celebrated accomplishments in 2024 and also had a 2024 weather recap that they conducted. The SEMA team would like to thank Harvest Chapel Church, and especially Pastor Feicht, for providing the venue and food for the event.
B. Police Chief Senne shared highlights of the police department since the last council meeting:
• Police Explores applications are now being accepted, and looking to conduct interviews the week of February 17. First meeting will be held on March 15th.
• Sgt. Eisenburg to has completed the first week of Staff & Command.
• Ofc. Lundsteen will be going to midnight shift starting January 25th with Sgt. Fasnacht.
• Police Commission has completed interviews; conducted one lateral interview and interviewed 16 new on the list. They have an initial list of 11 and have until January 28th to use preface points. There were 3 individuals (2 laterals and 1 initial) wo did not schedule an interview.
• Background check will commence on the lateral officer.
• Next Coffee With a Cop will be at Dearborn’s on January 29th at 8 AM. PD is looking to do Coffee/Pop With a Cop quarterly along with the Chief’s meetings. Sgts will be hosting the Coffee/Pop With a Cop.
• Reviewed Monthly Report with Council
• Yearly department meeting, including awards, will be on February 17th. Awards to include traffic stop officer of the year, DUI officer of the year, and employee of the year.
• At the February 3rd council meeting, Chief will be presenting the annual report, and the purchase of the second squad car as budgeted
• In conclusion, Chief thanked the officers for all the work they are doing
C. Police Department Staffing Study Presentation: Recent graduate, Sgt Dan Whitecotton, presented a staff study as part of the Northwestern School of Police Staff & Command program. His findings were Sandwich was slightly below the average for the number of sworn officers that should be raised from a current 15 full-time officers to 18 sworn officers. He noted that the Sandwich Police Department is no different than other departments nationally. Another recommendation would be adding a deputy police chief that could improve on the department’s operations and leadership.
10. Council Reports:
Alderman Arnett reported that the 410 was delivered to the Street Department, and the old vehicle picked up. The department is working on street signs and maintenance in the shop. Alderwoman Johnson explained that the Finance Committee has questioned the current attorney’s statement, and would like defined everything that is being reviewed by the city attorney, and perhaps unnecessarily. Questions have been raised why agendas must be previewed, and why every FOIA must be reviewed by the attorney. Attorney Gottschalk said oftentimes there is a lot of research that required, and added that their rates have not increased since 2013 when Foster & Buick started representing the city.
Alderman Whitecotton questioned the status of 724 N. Main Street. Attorney Gottschalk explained that the City has authority over the property, but do not own it. The City can now demolish the property, and City Administrator Penman is obtaining demolition quotes. Alderman Whitecotton stressed that the council and residents have been patient, and still does not appear to be any progress.
11. Old Business:
A. Discussion on City Administrator Ordinance: Mayor Latham explained that Geoff Penman has been in the position as City Administrator for some time, and feels it is proper that the Municipal Code is amended to further clarify his responsibilities. The Mayor will present at the next meeting some things for the Council to consider.
12. New Business, by motion and subsequent vote 5:0, “New Business” was moved to the top of the agenda
13. Announcements: None
14. Audience Comments:
Sandy Koehler explained the reason she files FOIA requests is because she cannot get the information any other way. She has requested, under FOIA, a simple request of a copy of a bill, and the request had to be reviewed by four people. She questioned why there is redaction on names and addresses when this information is provided in open meetings. She questioned why there are multiple phone calls daily to the city attorney when, she felt, an email should suffice. In a recent FOIA discovery, there were made 12 phone calls in one day by an employee, citing the recent attorney invoice is highly irregular. Ms. Koehler advised that she will be submitting three FOIA’s that are simple, and should not require an attorney review.
Becky Nelson said that during the Finance Committee Meeting, she echoed much of what Sandy Koehler had said. The City has a law firm, an accounting firm, and a city administrator; she said it is the people in those positions, rather the process. As an example, if there is a FOIA process and you have a FOIA officer, there is no need for the request to go to the City Attorney, and if a redaction is required, the FOIA officer should be educated to do so. She stressed it is the numbers that the Council might be made aware of, and to utilize elected and hired staff to do their jobs, thus taking the burden off the taxpayers.
After Audience Comments, Alderwoman Erickson stated she had an agenda that listed the named topics below under Old Business. Mayor Latham agreed to discuss each topic as follows: 11. Old Business (continued): B. Discussion of Airport Ordinance: The last thing that was reviewed was the height that required different angles. Economic Director Alesky has been speaking with the property owner and the airport. The question is how is the airport utilized today as opposed to 1979 when the restrictions were put into place, and should the City change its ordinance by either deleting the restrictions or making amendments to make the property more conducive and desirable. C. Discussion of Utility Late Fee: Alderman Whitecotton said he has been working with Alderman Fritsch with some ideas, and should have something by the next meeting. D. Discussion of Ordnance to Add Stop Signs at Fairwinds: Chief Senne will be re-evaluating proposed sites for the stop signs. An ordinance should be ready for review at the February 2nd meeting
15. Adjournment: Alderwoman Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 PM. Alderwoman Erickson seconded. Motion carried unanimously via voice vote.