
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County Board approves Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Initiative

Webp meetingroom05

DeKalb County Board met Jan. 18.

DeKalb County operates under the township form of County Government. The governing body is the County Board. As the legislative element, the County Board is responsible for adopting all Ordinances for the governance of DeKalb County, which laws are contained in the DeKalb County Code; establishing budget for several funds as well as levying taxes, promulgating policies, rules and regulations for the management of County operations.

Here is the agenda as provided by DeKalb County:



1. Roll Call 

2. Pledge to the Flag 

3. Approval of Minutes 

4. Approval of Agenda 

5. Communications and Referrals:

a. Employee Service Awards 

6. Persons to be Heard from the Floor – On topics that were not subject to a Public Hearing 

7. Proclamations - None 

8. Appointments for this Month:

a. Board of Health: Jill Tritt, JD, appointed to fill the unexpired term of Keith Foster, JD, until December 31, 2018. LeAnn Gruber, Celeste Latham, Mayuri Morker, and Christine Jones all reappointed for three year terms until December 31, 2019. Kevin Bunge appointed for a one year term until December 31, 2017.

b. DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center Operating Board: Ferald Bryan and Veronica Casella reappointed for two year terms until December 31, 2018.

c. Supportive Living Facility Board: Ferald Bryan and Veronica Casella reappointed for two year terms until December 31, 2018.

d. DeKalb County Convention & Visitors Bureau: Derek Hiland appointed to fill an unexpired term until June 30, 2017.

e. Ad Hoc Rules Committee: Marjorie Askins, Tim Bagby, Steve Faivre, John Frieders, Tracy Jones, Dianne Leifheit, Mark Pietrowski and Paul Stoddard all appointed immediately until November 30, 2018.

9. Reports from Standing Committees & Ad Hoc Committees


No Actionable Items


a. Resolution R2017-01: Resolution of Support to Benefit the Economy & the Citizens of Illinois through the Illinois Transportation Legislative Initiative. The DeKalb County Board hereby requests that the Governor, Legislators and IDOT Secretary adopts and implements the Illinois Transportation Legislative Initiative to benefit the economy and citizens of the State of Illinois and more specifically seek input to develop an Illinois Transportation Plan to immediately begin to address the needs of our Illinois Transportation System using the funding distribution of 80% Highways / 20% Transit with the Highway Funding sub split of 60% IDOT / 40% Local Roads, distributing the Local Road share through exiting MFT distribution formula; The County Board further requests for the Governor and General Assembly to adopt and ensure implementation of an Illinois Transportation Bill that requires the distribution of all highway user fees and additional transportation investment at the same funding distribution through the existing MFT distribution formula as identified above. Committee Action: A motion was made by Mr. Stoddard and seconded by Mr. Bunge to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval. Motion passed unanimously.


a. Resolution R2017-02: Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Initiative. The DeKalb County Board does concur with the recommendations of the Economic Development Committee and hereby approves (a) the continuation of an alliance with our community partners from the previous visioning process and that said partners serve as an overall Steering Committee, (b) the agreement with Northern Illinois University’s Center for Governmental Studies to guide and coordinate the process to complete a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, (c) accepts with thankfulness a $20,000 grant from the DeKalb County Community Foundation to be used towards the formulation of this Strategy, and (d) authorizes the Board of Directors of the DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation to serve as the Planning Committee that will gather input from public and private sectors throughout DeKalb County so that the completed Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy is reflective of the needs and wishes of all the various stakeholders as an economic development course is charted for the future. Committee Action: Moved by Mrs. Emmer, seconded by Mr. Brown and approved unanimously.

b. Resolution R2017-03: Selecting DeKalb County Convention & Visitors Bureau as the County’s Agency of Record for Tourism Promotions. The DeKalb County Board hereby selects the DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau as DeKalb County’s Agency of Record for Tourism Promotions for the Illinois Office of Tourism for the 2017 Fiscal Year (January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017). Committee Action: Moved by Mrs. Emmer, seconded by Mr. Osland and approved unanimously.


No Actionable Items


No Actionable Items


a. Claims to be Paid in December 2016: Move to approve the payment of claims for last month, and the off cycle claims paid during the previous month, in the amount of $6,419,035.35.

b. Claims to be Paid in January 2017: Move to approve the payment of claims for this month, and the off cycle claims paid during the previous month, in the amount of $8,713,323.86.

f. Reports of County Officials: Move to accept and place on file the following Reports of County Officials:

1. Cash & Investments in County Banks – November & December 2016 

2. Public Defender’s Report – November & December 2016 

3. Adult & Juvenile Monthly Reports – November & December 2016 

4. Pretrial Report – November & December 2016

 5. Sheriff’s Jail Report – November & December 2016 

6. Planning & Zoning Building Permits & Construction Reports -

November & December 2016


No Actionable Items

10. Old Business

11. New Business

12. Adjournment