City of Genoa City Council met Oct. 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Vicary called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Aldermen Carroll, Stevenson, Cravatta, Brust and Lang were present. Aldermen Wesner, Winter and Di Guido were absent.
Mayor Vicary led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guest Speaker – None
Motion made by Alderman Lang to approve the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of September 18, 2018, seconded by Alderman Stevenson. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.
Motion made by Alderman Brust to approve payment of the accounts payables for the second half of September 2018 in the amount of $139,371.51, seconded by Alderman Lang. Alderman Carroll questioned item #26 to Napa. She asked if we are doing our own service on the Public Works equipment. Director Gentile responded, as much as possible. Alderman Carroll also expressed that she was glad to see the City supporting local businesses. Alderman Brust inquired about item #13 to DeKalb County Dispatch. He asked if there has been any progress made. Consultant Ganek responded that a letter from Mayor Vicary was sent to the DeKalb County and we have received no response. He indicated that staff is currently working on additional correspondence to send the County referencing the fact that we should be paying considerably less for dispatch services. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Brust, Lang, Carroll, Stevenson and Cravatta voted yes. Motion carried.
ACCEPTANCE OF THE FY 2017-2018 AUDIT REPORT: Motion made by Alderman Stevenson to approve the acceptance of the FY 2017-2018 Audit Report, seconded by Alderman Cravatta. Brian LeFevre, a partner of Sikich, LLP was in attendance to present a summary regarding the report results from the audit for fiscal year ending April 30, 2018. The City of Genoa has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 12th consecutive year. Mr. LeFevre stated that the audit went very smoothly and was completed on a timely basis. Alderman Lang asked Mr. LeFevre how being “fully collateralized” is determined, meaning, is it something that is monitored annually, monthly, etc. Mr. LeFevre responded that he believes the City monitors it throughout the year, but they (the auditors) monitor it annually from the City’s balance sheet at the fiscal year end on April 30th each year. He also stated that he has never seen a time when the City of Genoa has not been fully collateralized. Alderman Lang also asked Mr. LeFevre to describe what a weighted return is. He responded that a weighted return would take in consideration the flow of funds and weights out the money that is in the plan across the entire year, instead of determining investment earnings by looking at the investments at the beginning of the year versus the end of the year. Alderman Brust questioned the Police Retirement and Pension Funds. He stated that the City contributed approximately $353,000 to the Police Pension Fund and approximately $63,000 for the Police Retirement Fund, for fiscal year ending April 30, 2018. He asked if as the percentage of funding increases, would the Police Pension Fund contributions decrease. Mr. LeFevre responded that the Police Pension Fund is a fairly new plan. The Police officers were previously enrolled in IMRF, but once the City of Genoa’s population grew to over 5,000, we were required by law to start a Police Pension Plan. When this happened, funds did not roll over into the Police Pension plan, but the liabilities did. Mr. LeFevre stated that it may take approximately 25 to 30 years for the Police Pension Plan to be fully funded. Mr. LeFevre indicated that an Actuary is required to calculate a number that would get us to 100% by the year 2040. He stated that in the Actuary’s report, it should show some different trends and suggested having the Actuary do a presentation for the Council. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Stevenson, Cravatta, Brust, Lang and Carroll voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE USE OF MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF A CONTRACTED ROAD SALT PURCHASE IN THE AMOUNT OF $18,000: Motion made by Alderman Lang to approve a Resolution requesting the use of motor fuel tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets under the Illinois Highway Code, seconded by Alderman Carroll. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Lang, Carroll, Stevenson, Cravatta and Brust voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON HILL STREET AND EMMETT STREET: Motion made by Alderman Lang to approve water main work on Hill Street and Emmett Street, in an amount not to exceed $11,000, seconded by Alderman Stevenson. Alderman Lang asked if surge protector apparatus’s are something we have throughout the City or if they are new. Director Gentile responded they are new; they help with aging water mains when there are different elevations; they assist in absorbing the shocks. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Lang, Carroll, Stevenson, Cravatta and Brust voted yes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A NEW SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT ON A CDAP LOAN WITH LLOYD’S LANDSCAPING: Motion made by Alderman Lang to approve a Resolution authorizing a new Subordination Agreement of a CDAP Loan with Lloyd’s Landscaping, seconded by Alderman Brust. Alderman Carroll asked for confirmation that if Lloyd’s Landscaping defaults on their CDAP loan, the Bank would receive their money before the City. Consultant Ganek confirmed yes, that is correct. He indicated that the Lloyd’s are asking the Bank for an additional loan to begin doing design work for improvements and to build the Banquet Hall Facility. The Bank wants clarification that the City would remain in the secondary position. Alderman Lang stated that she believes that the reason we take the position that we do is to encourage the economic health of business enterprises in the City. Alderman Carroll also expressed that a banquet hall would be phenomenal for Genoa. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Lang, Carroll, Stevenson, Cravatta and Brust voted yes. Motion carried.
Administrative Report – City Consultant, Bill Ganek reported that staff will continue to work on getting a response regarding from DeKalb County regarding the dispatch issues. The Plan Commission meeting scheduled for October 11, 2018 will be cancelled, but there will most likely be a meeting in November. At the last Plan Commission meeting on September 20, 2018, the PUD amendment for the River Bend subdivision was reviewed. It was recommended by the Plan Commission to approve the PUD amendment, but due to some of the properties still being in litigation with the Bank and the FDIC, the project will not be presented to City Council for approval yet. Alderman Carroll asked if Dunkin Donuts has pulled out from coming to Genoa. Consultant Ganek stated that he has not heard that, but the owner of the property indicated that they negotiated a letter of intent with Dunkin Donuts, but the Corporate Owner of Dunkin Donuts has not approved the letter of intent; which is not a contract. A letter of intent just takes the property off the market until terms are worked out. When the process began, the City was told that they had a letter of intent, but the Representative that had it, did not have authorization in this jurisdiction.
Public Works – Director Gentile reported that he has hired a full time employee in Public Works who will be starting October 8th. Alderman Stevenson asked if there has been any update from IDOT regarding Route 72 repairs. Mr. Gentile responded that he will follow up with IDOT and provide an update at the next City Council meeting.
Police Department – Chief Smith reported that he received the report from the speed trailer on Derby Line Road. It has been there for 26 days. In that 26 days, over 58,000 cars drove on that road. The highest speed reported was 86 mph. The higher speeds occurred mostly between the hours of 2 pm and 8 pm and 85% of the drivers averaged a speed of 44 mph. Chief Smith also indicated that the speed trailer was placed on Hadsall Street, but reports showed that most people were going under 25 mph. The route for the homecoming parade will be changed for next year due to some minor issues. Both Custom Aluminum and Sycamore Precision workers were done with work when the parade was starting, which caused some congestion. Chief Smith also reported that October 11th will be the ribbon cutting for Genoa Motors, as well as presenting the dedication bench to Joe Misurelli.
Mayor’s Report – Mayor Vicary reported that packets are available for the April 2019 Election. He also stated that he was made aware of issues with our sound system, so we are looking into updating the equipment.
Announcements– None
Motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the City Council was made by Alderman Lang, seconded by Alderman Stevenson. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.