
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Dekalb Regular City Council met June 10

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City of Dekalb Regular City Council met June 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of DeKalb, Illinois held a Regular City Council meeting in the City Council Chambers of the DeKalb Municipal Building, 200 South Fourth Street, DeKalb, Illinois.


Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

City Clerk Lynn Fazekas called the roll, and the following members of City Council were present: Alderman Carolyn Morris, Alderman Bill Finucane, Alderman Tracy Smith, Alderman Pat Fagan, Alderman Scott McAdams, Alderman Tony Faivre, and Mayor Jerry Smith.

Alderman Mike Verbic was absent.

Staff present included: City Manager Bill Nicklas, Assistant City Manager Ray Munch, Interim Police Chief John Petragallo, Fire Chief Jeff McMaster, Airport Manager Tom Cleveland, and Principal Planner Dan Olson.

A recording of “America the Beautiful” was played to commemorate the seasonal opening of the DeKalb Municipal Band.


Alderman Morris led the Pledge.


Mayor Smith asked if there were any additions or deletions to the agenda. 


Alderman Finucane moved to delete May 28 meeting minutes from the consent agenda. Alderman Fagan seconded.

City Clerk Fazekas explained she needed to review the audio of public comment and would re-submit the minutes for approval at the next regular meeting.


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Finucane, Smith, McAdams, Faivre, Morris, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the agenda approved as amended.


There was no public participation at this point in the meeting.


1. Safe Passage FY2019 Human Services Funding Report by Director of Communication and Prevention Services Lynnea Laskowski.

Ms. Laskowski reported on services provided to clients of Safe Passage.


There were none.


1. Approval of Executive Session Minutes.

2. Accounts Payable and Payroll through June 10, 2019, in the Amount of $2,092,420.35.

3. Resolution 2019-089 Authorizing the Execution of a Workers’ Compensation Lump Sum Petition and Order in the Amount of $158,674.

Mayor Smith read each remaining item of the consent agenda, reminding Council and the audience that the May 28 Regular Meeting minutes had been removed.


Alderman Morris moved to approve the consent agenda. Alderman Faivre seconded.


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Smith, Fagan, McAdams, Faivre, Morris, Finucane, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the consent agenda approved as read.


1. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan (One Year Use of Funds) for Program Year 26 (April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020).

Mayor Smith opened the public hearing at 6:14 p.m. He read the hearing item by title and asked if anyone wanted to speak to it.

Resident Steve Kapitan, Third Ward, noted that the city in the past had used CDBG to assist first time home buyers, and he would like to see that again.

After ascertaining no one else wished to speak to this topic, Mayor Smith closed the hearing at 6:17 p.m.


1. Consideration of a Request by Barb City Manor to Extend the Current Lease with the City of DeKalb.

Resident Ron Klein shared some history of Barb City Manor (BCM), including personal history and experiences there. He said BCM fills a need in the community, and said the proposal submitted by the BCM board makes sense.

Tarryn Thaden spoke as current president of board of BCM. She said a lot of the maintenance on the building would not have been possible without tax increment financing (TIF) funding, said the board has been good stewards of the money, and would like Council to consider the 10-year proposal so that residents and potential clients can remain confident BCM can keep its commitments.

Ellen Tyne identified herself as a former staff member of BCM through 2014, including holding the positions of assistant director and director. She said TIF funds have enhanced safety, energy efficiency, and appearance of the building, and that the relationship between City and BCM helps keep it affordable.

Maureen Gerrity, current administrator of BCM, thanked City and council for the 40-year relationship. She supports the proposal of the 10-year lease, saying the landlord-tenant relationship is an appropriate one for the facility.

Helen Maurer, BCM board member, spoke to the value of BCM not only as a home for low- and middle-income seniors, but also for the atmosphere of acceptance and the social support.

Resident Steve Kapitan called BCM a DeKalb institution, and said he wants to ensure its long-term viability in the transition.

City Manager Nicklas observed that the City’s current lease with BCM expires at the end of the month, and carryover of annual TIF funding comes to $248,000 but a capital source has not been identified for this. He said Council could include this discussion during its late summer workshop meeting of capital spending priorities.

Council members brought out the following options:

• A 5-year lease agreement with a diminishing annual contribution to BCM.

• A 10-year lease agreement with $50,000 annual contribution.

• A 5-year lease with option for another 5 years.

• A 10-year lease with diminishing contribution after the first 5 years.

• A 5-year lease with transfer of ownership to BCM at the end.

There was also brief discussion of potential revenue sources.

Following the discussion, Mayor Smith noted a consensus for a 5-year lease with annual contribution of $50,000, and a to-be-determined plan for the following 5 years.


1. Resolution 2019-090 Approving the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan (One Year Use of Funds) for Program Year 26 (April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020).

Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.


Alderman Finucane moved to pass the resolution. Alderman Faivre seconded. 


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Fagan, McAdams, Faivre, Morris, Finucane, Smith, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.

2. Resolution 2019-091 Authorizing the Award of a Bid with D. Ryan Tree & Landscaping, LLC for Tree Removal, Trimming, and Emergency Storm Cleanup from July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2022.

Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.


Alderman Faivre moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Smith seconded. Mayor Smith noted that Alderman Fagan was recusing himself from the vote.

City Manager Nicklas noted D. Ryan submitted the only response in the bid process.


Motion carried 6-0-2 on roll call vote. Aye: McAdams, Faivre, Morris, Finucane, Smith, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Fagan (recusal), Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.

3. Resolution 2019-092 Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for Public Transit Funding from the Illinois Downstate Operating Assistance Program from July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, in an Amount Not to Exceed $5,711,600.

Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only. 


Alderman Finucane moved to pass the resolution. Alderman McAdams seconded.

Mayor Smith noted that Alderman Smith was recusing himself from the vote.


Motion carried 6-0-2 on roll call vote. Aye: Faivre, Morris, Finucane, Fagan, McAdams, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Smith (recusal), Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.

4. Resolution 2019-093 Authorizing a Special Event Agreement with DeKalb Corn Fest Inc. for the 2019 Corn Fest.

Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only. 


Alderman McAdams moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Morris seconded.

Mayor Smith noted that Alderman Fagan was recusing himself from the vote.


Motion carried 6-0-2 on roll call vote. Aye: Morris, Finucane, Smith, McAdams, Faivre, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Fagan (recusal), Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.

5. Resolution 2019-094 Initiating the Establishment of an Estimated Completion Date for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District 1.

Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.


Alderman Faivre moved to pass the resolution. Alderman Fagan seconded.

Steve Kapitan said it would be responsible to evaluate the viability of renovating the existing city hall before closing the TIF.

City Manager Nicklas observed that the TIF Joint Review Board had taken up the question and the resolution is Council’s formalized concurrence with its opinion.


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Finucane, Smith, Fagan, McAdams, Faivre, Morris, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.

6. Resolution 2019-095 Budgeting a Preliminary Development Tax Increment Financing Incentive for the Redevelopment of the Former Mooney Properties at 204 N. Fourth Street and 420 Oak Street for Commercial and Residential Uses Subject to a Final Redevelopment Agreement.

Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only. 


Alderman Finucane moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Faivre seconded.

Fourth Ward resident Dwayne Brown said he is glad the developer has changed his plan, that it could attract NIU staff and benefit downtown, and he would like Council approval and City assistance for this project.

Steve Kapitan, Third Ward, said the plan looks like a quality project, but the purchase price of the property shouldn’t be involved in the calculation of the City’s participation in subsidizing the project, as it puts the City at the level of investor in the project. He said an additional story should be allowed if it makes the project more viable.

City Manager Nicklas observed that the developer changed concept plan from two buildings to one, and planning parking spaces are now in excess of city requirements.


Motion carried 5-1-2 on roll call vote. Aye: Smith, Faivre, Morris, Finucane, Mayor Smith. Nay: McAdams. Absent: Fagan (recusal), Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.

7. Resolution 2019-096 Authorizing a Special Event Agreement with FunME Events for the 2019 Balloons, Brews, and Blues Event.

Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only. 


Alderman Finucane moved to approve the resolution. Alderman McAdams seconded.


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Morris, Finucane, Smith, Fagan, McAdams, Faivre, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.

8. Resolution 2019-097 Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the DeKalb Township Road District for Maintenance on Rich Road and Coltonville Road.

Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only. 


Alderman Faivre moved to approve the resolution. Alderman McAdams seconded.


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Finucane, Smith, Fagan, McAdams, Faivre, Morris, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.

9. Resolution 2019-098 Authorizing an Amendment to Resolution 2014-038 and Initiating a Six-Month Extension to the Agreement with Northern Illinois University for Safety Services Including Fire Protection and Ambulance Service through December 31, 2019.

Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.


Alderman Faivre moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Smith seconded. 


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Smith, Fagan, McAdams, Faivre, Morris, Finucane, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.


There were none.


1. Ordinance 2019-044 Amending the Fiscal Year End December 31, 2018 Budget.

Mayor Smith read the ordinance by title only.


Alderman McAdams moved to pass first reading. Alderman Smith seconded.

City Manager Nicklas said there was more spending than anticipated because of receipt of grant funding. He requested waiver of second reading due to the upcoming audit.


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Fagan, McAdams, Faivre, Morris, Finucane, Smith, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.


Alderman Finucane moved to waive second reading and approve the ordinance. Alderman Fagan seconded.


Motion carried 6-1-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Faivre, Morris, Finucane, Smith, Fagan, Mayor Smith. Nay: McAdams. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the ordinance passed.

2. Ordinance 2019-045 Prohibiting the Use of Groundwater as a Potable Water Supply by the Installation or Use of Potable Water Supply Wells or by Any Other Method at 125 N. Annie Glidden Road.

Mayor Smith read the ordinance by title only.


Alderman Smith moved to approve first reading. Alderman Faivre seconded. 


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Morris, Finucane, Smith, Fagan, McAdams, Faivre, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.


Alderman Finucane moved to waive second reading and approve the ordinance. Alderman Fagan seconded.


Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Finucane, Smith, Fagan, McAdams, Faivre, Morris, Mayor Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Verbic. Mayor Smith declared the ordinance passed.


1. Council Member Reports

Alderman Finucane congratulated the Sycamore Girls Class 3 softball team victory.

Alderman McAdams reported on the continuing cleanup of the Protano’s property.

Alderman Faivre announced the upcoming Music at the Mansion event.

Mayor Smith reported on meetings with state and national legislators on the City’s behalf.

2. City Clerk Report

City Clerk Fazekas presented no report.

3. City Manager Report

City Manager Nicklas presented no report.


No executive session was called during this meeting.



Alderman Faivre moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Alderman Fagan seconded.


Motion carried on majority voice vote. Mayor Smith declared the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
