
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met June 3

Webp meeting 06

Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met June 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order - Village President Block called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and asked for a roll call.

II. Roll call - Members answering present as follows: Trustee Boettger, Trustee Ford, Trustee Chambers. Trustee DeVlieger, Trustee Fruit and Trustee Ziegler

III. Pledge of Allegiance - President Block asked Officer Saladino to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Comments from the Audience - None

Approval of Minutes - President Block asked for a motion to approve the Budget Hearing Meeting Minutes and Regular Board Meeting Minutes for Monday April 29, 2019. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to approve the Budget Hearing Meeting Minutes and Regular Board Meetings for Monday April 29, 2019 with a 2nd by Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit, Ziegler and Boettger voted yes. Motion carried.

VI. Approval of Warrant - President Block asked for a motion to approve the Warrant in the amount of $52,290.18 Trustee Boettger made a motion to approve the Warrant in the amount of $52,290.18 with a 2" by Trustee Ford. On a roll call vote Trustees Chambers, Fruit, Ziegler, Boettger and Ford voted yes, Trustee DeVlieger abstained, Motion carried.

VII. Reports

A. Financial Report - Nothing to report

Police Report - Chief Davenport reported that the Department had 179 reportable calls for the month of May 2019. The department received the new radios and they should be in use by the 4th of July. Have had numerous complaints of stop sign violations so KPD will have stationary patrol throughout the village. The Kirkland Police Department conducted a 2nd ALICE Drill on 5-26-2019. Chief Davenport would like to continue discussion on having the National Weather Service and/or NOAA setting of our tornado alert system. Chief Davenport has been in multiple meetings regarding preparation for the 4" of July, if there are any concerns please take them to him. Sometime after the 4th of July Chief Davenport will be assembling a meeting for Continuity of Operations / Emergency Plan for the Village. Public Works - Public Works Department are still cleaning up along Bull Run Creek through Behnke Park as weather permits. Public Works removed brush and trees that were on our list, which included the large ash that hung over a resident's garage on South Street. They intend to continue to remove standing dead trees as time and weather permits. Our mowing crew . has spent a great deal of time trying to keep up with mowing and weed trimming our right-of way and alleys. Plans are to get more aggressive on forcing compliance on people and companies that choose to not maintain their property. Public Works have graded the alleys several times and placed new gravel down and removed some debris. Public Works is working on getting the new salt building up, as well as cleaning up at the Sewer plant and working on repairing the manhole on Hortense at the end of 3r Street. Kirkland Community Center - Dan Chambers gave an update on the Architect progress. Linda Fett, Jean Klock and Nicole Patterson attended a dinner and received a $10,000.00 grant from DCCF. Linda asked where to put the money and the decision was for President Block, Linda Fett and Dan Chambers be on an account for the Community Center at Resource Bank to allow all invoices be paid out of that account. Planning & Zoning - No update Economic Development -No update Committee Report

Police Committee - Nothing 2. Ordinance Committee - Nothing 3. Finance Committee - Had a Committee Meeting at 6:00 P.M. June 3, 2019 to review bills 4. Water & Sewer - Nothing 5. Streets & Alley & Parks Committee - Nothing 6. Economic Development Committee - Nothing

VIII. Guest Speaker - Jason Stoll and Jeff Jacobson from Fehr-Graham. Jason Stoll informed the board that

Chad Clauson has taken a job in Dixon and was no longer with Fehr-Graham. Jason then intruded Jeff Jacobson as our new representative that will be taking Chad's place.

IX. Unfinished Business

X. New Business -

A. Approval of Ordinance No 2019-09/Ordinance amending Title III, Chapter 30 to Amend Section 30.33 to the Village of Kirkland Municipal Code regarding "Committees of the Board". President Block asked for a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2019-09/ Ordinance amending Title III, Chapter 30 to Amend Section 30.33 to the Village of Kirkland Municipal Code regarding "Committees of the Board". Trustee Ford made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2019-09/ Ordinance amending Title III, Chapter 30 to Amend Section 30.33 to the Village of Kirkland Municipal Code regarding "Committees of the Board" with a 2" by Trustee Chambers. On a roll call vote Trustees Boettger, Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Motion carried Approval of Fiscal Year 2018/19 Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code and BLR 05520 Forms - President Block asked for a motion for the approval of FY 2018/19 Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code and BLR 05520 Form. Trustee Chambers made a motion for the approval of FY 2018/19 Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code and BLR 05520 Form with a 2nd by Trustee Ziegler. On a roll call vote Trustees Ford, Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit, Ziegler and Boettger voted yes. Motion carried Approval of Fiscal Year 2019/20 Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Cost, Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code and BLR 05520 Forms - President Block asked for a motion for the approval of FY 2019/20 Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Cost, Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code and BLR 05520 Forms. Trustee Chambers made a motion for the approval of FY 2019/20 Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Cost, Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code and BLR 05520 Forms, 2 by Trustee Boettger. On a roll call vote Trustees Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit, Ziegler, Boettger and Ford voted yes. Motion carried. Approval to Obtain bids for 2019 Kirkland Street Project- President Block asked for a motion for the approval to obtain bids for the Kirkland Street Project. Trustee DeVlieger made a motion for the approval to obtain bids for the Kirkland Street Project with a 21° By Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees De Vlieger, Fruit, Ziegler, Boettger, Ford and Chambers voted yes. Motion carried Approval to obtain bids for Village of Kirkland well 1 Closure and Water Main Project - President Block asked for a motion for the Approval to obtain bids for Village of Kirkland Well 1 Closure and Water Main Project. Trustee Ziegler made a motion for the Approval to obtain bids for Village of Kirkland Well 1 Closure and Water Main Project with a 21° by Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees Fruit, Ziegler, Boettger, Ford, Chambers and De Vlieger voted yes. Motion carried Discussion of Maintenance for Village of Kirkland Sidewalks - President Block explained to the new Trustees that some of the sidewalks that are really in bad shape. So the thought was to maybe only have sidewalks on one side of the street and determine what side of the street we leave and what side do we remove. If we remove one side however we need to make sure we have sidewalks that leads to places of importance and prevent having to cross back and forth. President Block asked to have this taken to committee and come up with a map as to what sidewalks we would keep. Approval of TIF Reimbursement Request from Red Brick Inn Bar & Grill - President Block explained to the new Trustees the steps for the TIF Reimbursement. Trustee Boettger made a motion to for the reimbursement of $8775.04 to the Red Brick Inn Bar & Grill with a 2nd by

Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees Boettger, Ford, Chambers, De Vlieger, Fruit and Ziegler voted yes. Motion carried IML and Open Meeting Act Training update/discussion -IML Registration opens on June 3, 2019. The IML Conference will be in September 19th to the 21". New Trustees need to have their Open Meeting Act training by the end of July and a copy of the certificate turned into the Village Clerk. Approval of Kirkland Police Department Expenditures -- Chief Davenport requested approval to purchase a Class A uniform for Office Saladino. Chief gave update for vehicle maintenance and getting some approval on looking into the State lease program for our car fleet. Recommendation is to have this taken to committee. Approval of Kirkland Public Works Expenditures for June 2019 - President Block asked for a motion for approval of Kirkland Public Works Expenditures for June 2019. Trustee Ford made a motion to approve Kirkland Public Works Expenditures for June 2019 not to exceed $42,000.00 with a 2nd by Trustee Fruit. On a roll call vote Trustees Fruit, Ziegler, Boettger, Ford and Chambers voted yes, Trustee DeVlieger voted no. Motion carried.

XI. Motion to adjourn to Executive Session - President Block asked for a motion to adjourn to Executive

Session at 8:43 P.M. for Appointment, Compensation, Discipline, Discharge and/or Performance of Specific Employees and Litigation. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session for Appointment, Compensation, Discipline, Discharge and/or Performance of Specific Employees and Litigation with a 2" by Trustee DeVlieger. On a roll call vote Trustees Fruit, Ziegler, Boettger, Ford, Chambers and DeVlieger voted yes. Motion carried. The Board returned to Regular Session at 9:35 P.M. and President Block asked for a roll call. Members answering present as follows: Trustee Boettger, Trustee Chambers, Trustee DeVlieger, Trustee Fruit and Trustee Ziegler. Trustee Ford is absent.

XII. Action from Executive Session -

A. Approval of uniform for Officer Saladino. President Block asked for a motion for the approval of a Class A uniform for Officer Saladino. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to approve the purchase of a Class A uniform for Officer Saladino not to exceed $325.00 and Trustee De Vlieger 21° the motion. On a roll call vote Trustees Chambers, DeVlieger, Fruit, Ziegler and Boettger voted yes. Trustee Ford is absent. Motion carried. President Block asked for a motion to authorize Chief Davenport to hire and send to the Academy two prospective Officers, pay the cost of the academy at $1800.00 per individual and hire them as part-time employees at $17.00 per hour, all subject to Village Attorney finalizing a written employee agreement. Trustee Ziegler made the motion to authorize Chief Davenport to hire and send to the Academy two prospective Officers, pay the cost of the academy at $1800.00 per individual and hire them as part time employees at $17.00 per hour, all subject to Village Attorney finalizing a written employee agreement with a 2" by Trustee Chambers. On a roll call vote Trustees DeVlieger, Fruit, Ziegler, Boettger and Chambers voted yes. Trustee Ford is absent. Motion carried.

XIII. Adjournment - At 9:38 P.M. President Block asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Ziegler made a motion to adjourn with a 2nd by Trustee Boettger. On a voice call vote all in favor. Meeting adjourned.
