
DeKalb Times

Saturday, November 23, 2024

West Aurora School District 129 Board of Education met November 4

Meeting 02

West Aurora School District 129 Board of Education met Nov. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Board Members Present:

Robert Gonzalez, Valerie Brown Dykstra, Ira Lathan, Melody Saperston, Richard Kerns, Christopher Sparks, and Thomas St. Jules.

Board Members Absent:


Board Secretary:

Joy Engfer

Administration present:

Dr. Jeff Craig – Superintendent, Dr. Brent Raby – Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Angie Smith – Assistant Superintendent of Operations, and Dr. Michael Smith – Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: 1.1 Call to Order

Robert Gonzalez, Board President, called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to call the roll.

Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call

the roll call, all members of the Board were present.

Procedural: 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance

Robert Gonzalez, Board President, led the pledge of allegiance.

2. Recognitions

Recognition: 2.1 Recognition of Visitors

The following members of the audience wished to have their presence recognized: Goodwin Elementary, Greenman Elementary, Hall Elementary, Herget Middle School, Jefferson Middle School, Washington Middle School, and AEA-W.

Procedural: 2.2 Public Comment: Identification of Audience wishing to address the Board

No members of the audience wished to address the Board.

Information, Recognition: 2.3 Those Who Make a Difference

Anna Gonzalez, Director of Community Affairs, introduced Those Who Make a Difference. Bob Halverson and Jeff Hetrick, Principal and Assistant Principal of Goodwin, chose to focus tonight's community spotlight on the Goodwin PTO Executive Board. Through the support of the PTO board and members, they have raised over $12,000 for the school that will go towards playground improvements at Goodwin. Principal Halverson introduced the members of the PTO Board that were at the meeting and thanked them for all of their dedications. The Board then broke for pictures.

3. Consent Agenda

Action (Consent): 3.1 Approval of the Consent Agenda for November 4, 2019

Mrs. Melody Saperston motioned, second by Mr. Ira Lathan that the Board of Education approve the items contained in the consent agenda for November 4, 2019.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (7-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Ira Lathan, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks, Mrs. Melody Saperston, and Mr. Thomas St. Jules

Note: All items approved within the consent agenda are listed below.

Action (Consent), Minutes: 3.2 Approval of Minutes from the October 21, 2019 Open and Closed Board Meetings

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the minutes from the October 21, 2019 open and closed board meetings.

Action (Consent): 3.3 Approval Of The Bill Listing for November 4, 2019

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the bill listing for November 4, 2019.

Action (Consent): 3.4 Approval of the Personnel Report for November 4, 2019

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the Personnel Report for November 4, 2019

Action (Consent): 3.5 Approval of SRO Agreement

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the revised agreement concerning police school resource officer program and crossing guard program at District 129, as presented.

4. Information

Information: 4.1 School Improvement Plan - Goodwin Elementary

Bob Halverson and Jeff Hetrick, Principal and Vice Principal of Goodwin Elementary, addressed the podium to present their School Improvement Plan for 2019-2020. This year, the challenge was to think differently about this school improvement process. They needed to think about what it really was that they wanted to prepare the students for and remain focused on process not product. They worked towards a Goodwin student success statement with the staff that addressed what they wanted to see for their students. Principal Halverson then touched on the new math curriculum, Investigations, which would be used to teach the concept of balanced numeracy this year. Assistant Principal Hetrick then talked about a non-evaluative reflection opportunity that is being used by staff. This reflection is used as a non-judgmental way to give staff feedback on how they are teaching. He then talked about how they are holding their building leadership team accountable for this school improvement planning and believes that this is making the process more meaningful for everyone. He then talked about PLC meetings and connectedness. A meeting cadence was created for the entire year so that PLCs and meetings are focused and conversations are more balanced. They then showed a video of their students that represented Goodwin. Principal Halverson then opened for questions. The entire presentation can be found on BoardDocs.

Information: 4.2 ESSA Plans & Challenging Learning Updates

Dr. Brent Raby, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, presented the ESSA Plans and Challenging Learning update. The school state designations just came out last Wednesday. Three of the four buildings that were under-performing last year, have moved up to commendable. All of these have brought the District to Challenging Learning. If you are designated as an under-performing school, the state gives you money and expects you to partner with a company to improve schools. Our District chose a company that has not worked yet with a district in the United States. When choosing this group, Dr. Raby met with members of the company and mentioned that they vetted the District to make sure that what we believe goes along with the philosophy of the company. Dr. Raby then outlined some of the complex concepts that come along with Challenging Learning. He outlined the process of what is going on in the first four buildings that were chosen to participate in Challenging Learning. The process always begins with baseline visits, continues with various workshops, puts Challenging Learning in action, and then hold parent sessions. He talked about the thorough baseline visits that were done and how the members of the company looked at what was going on in the classroom through the lens of the students. From there, customized workshops were built. The company also does model classrooms where they come into buildings and model the techniques for the teachers to see. Dr. Raby then talked about the opportunity that our District team had to go on a study tour. Two study groups were taken to the United Kingdom to visit schools that are in the Challenging Learning journey. They were able to see schools that were still in the process and a school that is in the end product. The biggest take away is that culture matters. Dr. Raby then circled back to what the process should look like here at West Aurora and what we are trying to do with our own learning. The portrait of a graduate should all revolve around the "ASK" model which is attitude, skills, and knowledge. He also outlined what our culture should demonstrate. He stressed that we need to stay focused on these cultures and commitments. We are going to focus all of these things through that lens. A video was shown that allowed principals that attended the study tour to talk about their experiences. He then talked about the next buildings that will be starting their Challenging Learning journey. He outlined upcoming dates and invited the Board to come out to any workshops that they could attend. Dr. Raby then opened for questions. The entire presentation can be found on BoardDocs.

Information: 4.3 Board Policy Update – Policy 4.020

Angie Smith, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, presented the proposed update to the fund balance policy. This update is a result of many years of hard work on our fund balances. The proposed change was highlighted and states that the operating funds equal to at least 25 percent in aggregate of the budgeted operating expenditures for the current fiscal year. The Board did not have any questions on this item.

Information: 4.4 2019 Tax Levy – Step 1

Ryan Abrahamson, Director of Finance, presented the 2019 tax levy. He began with the timeline. The tentative levy needs to be approved twenty days prior to the approval of the final levy. This has to be filed with the county by December 24, 2019. He highlighted some of the important terms that are used in regards to tax levy. The tax levy that is requested is always more than what we actually receive. There are two levies, Operating Levy and Debt Service Levy. Our District has properties in 4 townships and each has a township assessor that assesses property values. He then outlined the assessment and tax extension process. Ryan then worked on calculating the estimated tax extension and why taxes differ between homeowners. He gave an example to show how taxes differ among homeowners. He then stated the levy considerations for this fiscal year. We always ask for more than what we can get so that we don't leave money on the table. We are asking for about $85 million and we expect to receive about $83 million. The Board did not have questions on this.

Information: 4.5 Tax Levy Year 2019 Abatement of Taxes - Step 1

Ryan Abrahamson, Director of Finance, then presented the tax levy year 2019 abatement of taxes. The District is able to abate some of our taxes. We will be abating almost $1.7 million in taxes that the US government pays and then our tax payers would not need to pay. This is all due to our Q Bonds. This item will be brought back on November 18 for further discussion.

Information: 4.6 Community Affairs Update to the Board

Anna Gonzales, Director of Community Affairs, presented the Board with an update on the events going on throughout the District. One highlight was the West Aurora High School Veterans Day assembly on Friday and the middle school assemblies all next week. Dr. Craig will also be taping his second pod cast of the year and will feature Pete Baker, Dean of Students at West High. The entire update can be found on BoardDocs.

5. Discussion

Discussion: 5.1 Capital Projects Update

Pat Callahan, Studio GC, presented the capital projects update. The format that was presented is new and now is broken down into project categories, which were outlined. The concept is to identify priorities within the categories and identify expenditures at that point. The priorities were then ranked based on discussions. Angie Smith then also weighed in on the project list. District funding will come from the 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 budgeted money. Some of the projects will also receive grant funding, raised funds by PTOs, and other areas. The next step for this is to take the master list of all facility needs and then put it in a five year plan. Dr. Craig reminded the Board that as part of the referendum process, a number of projects had been identified as needing work to be done. Angie highlighted the Field of Dreams item and mentioned that there will be a more in depth discussion at the next meeting. Pat then showed the chart of the proposed bid schedule. Part of the strategy is to get your bids out early and also do a strategy of multiple prime contracts. Not everything would be under one general contractor. These strategies, he believes, will get the District the best pricing and put us ahead in the line.

6. Action

Action: 6.1 Approval of 2019 Tentative Tax Levy

Mr. Ira Lathan motioned, second by Mr. Christopher Sparks that the Board of Education approve the 2019 tentative tax levy, as presented, and hold a vote on the final adoption at the December 10, 2019 Regular Board of Education meeting.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (7-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Ira Lathan, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks, Mrs. Melody Saperston, Mr. Thomas St Jules

Action: 6.2 Approval of the Resolution Authorizing Conveyance of Real Property and Amended Joint Agreement

Mr. Thomas St. Jules motioned, second by Mr. Richard Kerns that the Board of Education approve the Resolution regarding authorizing conveyance of real property to the Aurora Public Library and approving the amended Branch Library/Washington Middle School Learning Center/Technology Center Joint Agreement, as previously presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (7-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Ira Lathan, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks, Mrs. Melody Saperston, Mr. Thomas St Jules


Procedural: 7.1 Public Comments: Audience Members Wishing to Speak to the Board Regarding a Non-Agenda Item

No members of the audience wished to address the Board.

Information: 7.2 Superintendent Comments

Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, acknowledged that we are heading into the height of activities and lots of exciting things happening in the buildings. There is a lot of great work being done in all of the buildings.

Information: 7.3 Student Board Member Comments

Luis Lopez, Student Board Member, began with mentioning the power outages that occurred last week. He also mentioned the HOSSA week and fundraising event that they hosted. He also gave a technology update from a student's perspective, with one to one devices. He believes it's much easier for students to keep up on homework and assignments. It's easy to bring home and also catch up on assignments, if they are absent.

Information: 7.4 Board Member Comments & Dates to Remember

The Board congratulated athletes for their fall playoff runs. Board members also are looking forward to Veterans Day assemblies coming up. One member also mentioned Anna Gonzales being entered into the Sports Hall of Fame this year. The next regular meeting will be held on November 18, 2019.

8. Adjournment

Action, Procedural: 4.1 Adjourn

Mr. Christopher Sparks motioned, second by Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra to adjourn.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (7-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Ira Lathan, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks, Mrs. Melody Saperston, and Mr. Thomas St. Jules.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.
