City of Dekalb Citizens’ Environmental Commission met January 2.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
Roll Call
A. Approval of Agenda
B. Public Comment
C. Approval of Minutes
1. Regular Monthly Meeting December 5, 2019
E. Commission Reports:
1. DeKalb County Health Department- Veronica Polvi
2. DeKalb Park District: Amy Doll
3. Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District: Mike Holland
4. Northern Illinois University: vacant
5. City Staff Liaison: Jason Blumenthal
F. New Business:
1. Resignation of Christine Lagatolla, NIU ex-officio member
2. CEC public forums
G. Old Business:
1. Sustainability Plan Updates
2. PRIDE Awards
3. End of year report
4. Goals for 2020
5. Coyote awareness
6. Updates on previously discussed items
H. Announcements
1. New announcements
2. Next Meeting: February 6, 4:00 pm.
I. Adjournment