Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education met April 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Call to Order
Board President, Kristen Andrews will call the Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424
Board of Education Digital meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
Physically Present, Board Members, David Cleveland, Mary Hintzsche, John Shipley, and Jake Wesner.
Also Physically Present, Superintendent, Brent O’Daniell, and Assistant Superintendent, Brad Shortridge.
Digitally Present, Board President, Kristen Andrews and Board Members, Julie Ratliff and Kristin Brynteson
Absent: none.
Pledge of Allegiance
Superintendent, Brent O'Daniell led the guests and members of the Board of Education in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mission Statement
Board Member, Jake Wesner read the Mission Statement "Preparing students to excel and contribute to their community."
Public hearings petitions questions and comments from guests and visitors
There were no public hearings, petitions, questions and/or comments from guests and visitors.
Consent Agenda
Payrolls, Accounts Payable, Minutes
Mr. Cleveland asked about the Country Inn and Suites expenditures.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on the recent Cognia accreditation visit and hotel stay requirements.
A motion was made by Mr. Cleveland, and seconded by Dr. Brynteson, to approve the March 20, 2020 payroll in the amount of $588,605.55, the April 9, 2020 payroll in the amount of $562,040.50, the April 24, 2020 payroll in the amount of $613,092.23, the April 2020 Payable Board Report in the amount of $308,619.67, the March 17, 2020 Board of Education Meeting Minutes, the March 31, 2020 Special Board of Education Meeting Minutes, the April, 14, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes, the April 20, 2020 Policy Committee Meeting Minutes, the March 17, 2020 Closed Session Meeting Minutes, the March 31, 2020 Closed Session Meeting Minutes. The approval of the closed session minutes does not constitute disclosure or dissemination until the Board has authorized the dissemination or disclosure of these minutes.
Ayes: Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
Treasurer's Report
Mrs. Krabbe shared the March Treasurer’s Report in detail with the Board.
Mrs. Krabbe commented on the district’s investments and significant drop in interest rates due to COVID-19. Other report highlights were athletic gate, unpaid registration fees, local revenues, E-Rate money and EBF. The district was in a usual position for this time of the year, although the State of Illinois is in the rears $278K.
Mr. Cleveland asked about the balance owed by the State of Illinois and future payments.
Dr. Shortridge commented on the future of Evidence Based Funding and Categorical payments.
Mrs. Krabbe commented on the district receiving the April EBF payment, however; the state is in the rears for December and March.
Mr. O’Daniell stated the district should receive all EBF payments, however; there may be a shortfall in categorical payments. He also commented on potential delays in reimbursements for nutritional programs.
Mr. Shipley asked about Camelot and KEC.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on Camelot and KEC continuing to educate students Dr. Brynteson asked about EBF and funding cuts for lower tiers.
Mr. O’Daniell stated the district was in Tier 1 and should receive all EBF funding.
A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and seconded by Mr. Cleveland, to approve the March Treasurer's Report as presented.
Ayes: Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Brynteson, Andrews.
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
Old Business
Approval of School Counselor Title Change
Mr. O’Daniell commented on recent board discussions regarding a title change from Guidance Counselor to School Counselor to better represent the position.
A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and seconded by Dr. Hintzsche, to approve a title change of Guidance Counselor to School Counselor as presented.
Ayes: Hintzsche, Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
Approval of KES HVAC Bid
Dr. Shortridge commented on the recent KES HVAC Bid results and previous board conversations and recommended accepting the bid from Windy City (Aaon) due to Windy City (Aaon) winning the bid.
A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and seconded by Mr. Cleveland, to approve Windy City (Aaon) bid for the KES HVAC and roofing project due to Windy City (Aaon) winning the bid.
Ayes: Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
Approval of the GKEA MOU
Dr. Shortridge commented on the GKEA MOU.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on meeting with the GKEA to discuss a potential rewrite of retirement language. Both parties did not agree and the current contract language remains. Legal counsel advised although nothing changed the MOU would finish discussions on this item.
The board held a lengthy discussion regarding the MOU and current retirement language and future contracts.
A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and seconded by Andrews, to accept the MOU with the GKEA as presented.
Ayes: Wesner, Brynteson, Ratliff, Andrews
Nays: Shipley, Cleveland, Hintzsche Motion Carried.
Approval of District Health Insurance Renewal
Dr. Shortridge commented on recent board discussions and the recommendation for approval of PPO-2 and stated the district was committed to finding out why they are at the top tier with an increase of 10.9% compared to 7.9% last year. He recommended the board approve the district health insurance renewal recommendation at the PPO-2 level as in the past.
The board held a lengthy discussion regarding the district health insurance renewal questioning the increase as well as the impact it would have on the district and staff.
Dr. Shortridge commented on the current contract allowing for single-80% and family-70% coverages as well as the options requested by the union for a wider range of programs in a marketplace. He also stated the marketplace allows many more cost effective options.
Dr. Hintzsche shared concerns over the additional cost to the district.
The board discussed the difference between PPO-2 and PPO-3.
GEKA President, Tom Rucker commented on the increase and support of PPO-3 having an adverse effect on every insured employee.
Mr. O’Daniell asked the board to consider a middle of the road cost solution while working on a solution to reduce future costs.
The board was in favor of a compromise and splitting the increase.
A motion was made by Mr. Shipley, and seconded by Dr. Hintzsche, to accept as the renewal rate total that the board will fund a 5.3% percent increase to PPO and HDHP and HMO plans as presented.
Ayes: Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Shipley, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
Approval of District/Building/Athletic Extracurricular Handbooks
Mr. Wesner shared the policy committee’s review and recommendations regarding all district, building, and athletic extracurricular handbooks.
Mr. Wesner recommended approval of the KES and GES handbooks as well as the GKMS building and athletic handbook and GKHS building handbooks. Mr. Wesner commented on the high school Chrome books sign off and expectations.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on a future review of the middle school and high school Chrome book sign off and expectations.
Mr. Wesner commented on Board Policy 6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities and consistency in the high school athletic handbook. Mr. Wesner shared concerns regarding the high
school athletic handbook stating D’s do not count against eligibility and that it would take two F’s for a student to become ineligible for extracurricular activities. He also asked why the middle school handbook was different from the high school.
Mr. O’Daniell asked Athletic Director, Mr. Jerbi and Middle School Assistant Principal, Mr. Uili to elaborate on the topic.
Mr. Jerbi commented on the IHSA eligibility guidelines as well as moving from quarterly eligibility to semester eligibility for more student academic accountability. He also commented on a weekly review of all eligibility.
Mr. Uili commented on the importance of academics over athletics. He also commented on middle school grade expectations for extracurricular eligibility.
Mr. Jerbi commented on the IHSA and the BNC as well as surrounding schools eligibility practices stating GK is one of a few with more stringent eligibility policies.
Mr. Cleveland commented on sports being a privilege.
Mr. Wesner asked for board input prior to approving the high school athletic handbook.
Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Andrews and Dr. Brynteson were in favor of approving the high school athletic handbook.
Mrs. Andrews recommended an end of the year sports eligibility report.
Mr. Wesner was in favor of moving forward with approving all handbooks in one motion.
A motion was made by Mr. Cleveland, and seconded by Mr. Ratliff, to approve the 2020-21 District, Building and Athletic Extracurricular Handbooks as presented.
Ayes: Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
Summer Building and Grounds Follow Up
Mr. O’Daniell and Mr. Ratliff shared a follow up for summer 2020 building and grounds work.
Dr. Shortridge shared changes made to the summer building and grounds work list due to the recent building closures and COVID-19 allowing for work completed with minimal summer hires at a cost savings to the district. The minimal hire request would be to substitute two part-time night custodians with 3 summer helpers and hire two people to mow as needed.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on a project over $12,500 to fix divots in the transportation parking lot. He asked the board to approve cutting and filling in strips with the most appropriate material to reduce costs and further incidents this winter over a complete repaving of the transportation parking lot.
Dr. Hintzsche asked about work already completed and projects removed to mitigate cost measures.
Dr. Shortridge commented on projects completed in an order to ensure the buildings look their best right before the start of school. He also commented on an athletic field drain tile project dropped due to cost savings measures, however; shared concerns over the future of the project due to the retirement of the City of Genoa’s Public Works Director understanding the project and the needs of the district.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on numerous annual projects such as; mulching, sealcoating as well as the concerns over the softball fields.
Mrs. Andrews recommended the May 12 Committee of the Whole Meeting be changed to a Special Board of Education Meeting for approval of building and grounds items previously discussed; summer hires, drain tile project and transportation parking lot project.
Superintendent Evaluation
Dr. Brynteson stated the Superintendent Evaluation was complete, however; due to COVID-19 and social distancing and virtual meetings asked the Board how they would want to share the results with the Superintendent to complete the evaluation process for the year.
Mrs. Andrews recommended the board share the results in person.
Mr. Shipley recommended the Board President share the results in person with the Superintendent on behalf of the Board.
Mr. Cleveland recommended the president and vice president choose a date to share the results in person with the Superintendent.
New Business
Policy Committee Update
Mr. Wesner shared a policy committee update regarding the review of PRESS Policy Updates #103. He also shared the PRESS memo and policies update worksheet provided by Mr. O’Daniell for board review.
Mr. O’Daniell reviewed the policy updates worksheet with the board and questions that required answers. He also commented on Board Policy 6:300 Graduation Requirements to align with what we are currently doing. He also commented on Board Policy 7:90 allowing students be excused from school to vote.
Mr. Wesner stated the policy committee recommended all PRESS Policy Updates #103 and Policy 6:300 placed on 30-day public display with formal board approval on May 26.
Mrs. Andrews thanked the policy committee for their work with this update.
Acceptance of Donations
A motion was made by Mr. Cleveland, and seconded by Dr. Hintzsche, to accept with gratitude these generous donations; two checks in the amount of $24 each for a total of $48 to GES on behalf of an
AT&T employee.
Ayes: Hintzsche, Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
FOIA Request
Mr. O’Daniell stated there was one FOIA to report from Smart Procure for purchasing records.
Board Discussion
Nikki Gudall Volunteer Appreciation Award
Mr. Wesner commented on the Nikki Gudall Volunteer Appreciation Awards to distribute to the recipients.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on letters sent to all recipients in lieu of an awards ceremony due to COVID-19.
Mr. Cleveland commented on recent discussions with Dr. Shortridge and PMA representative, Bob. Lewis to update the discussed Bond plans with current numbers as well as a timeline to complete the restructuring of the Bond. Mr. Cleveland stated doing nothing was not an option and asked the board for input regarding the amount borrowed for future capital projects.
Mr. O’Daniell shared a review of the 10-year maintenance plan for discussion purposes and future planning.
Mr. Cleveland asked about the middle school HVAC updates and request for a generator.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on a recent power outage concern at the middle school and the need for a backup generator.
Mr. Cleveland shared concerns regarding justifying the purchase of a generator for the middle school. He also shared concerns over district expenses and ways to increase revenue.
Dr. Brynteson commented on considering COVID-19 and the impact on the current market, district revenue stream and funds from the federal government when holding future discussions regarding restructuring the current Bond.
Mr. Shipley was in favor of restructuring for a shorter term. He was also not in favor of a generator at the middle school.
Dr. Shortridge reiterated Mr. Lewis stating longer terms recommended over shorter terms.
Mrs. Andrews recommended a review of the 10-year maintenance plan at the May 12 Special Board of Education Meeting.
Dr. Brynteson shared information from a recent ISBE webinar regarding the financial impact of COVID-19 and items the board should be thinking about.
Administrative Reports
The Board reviewed all administrative reports.
Dr. Brynteson publicly congratulated the administrative and teaching teams for their work educating and engaging students during COVID-19.
Mr. Wesner and Mrs. Andrews also shared their appreciation to the administrators and teaching teams.
Mr. Lekkas commented on a recent webinar providing guidance from the state regarding high school graduation. He also commented on the potential changes to the graduation board policy to address a novel pandemic. He stated there would be no final exams and teachers will be working with seniors to earn a P or passing grade. Mr. Lekkas stated there would not be an in person graduation due to the extension of the stay at home order through May. Genoa-Kingston will be holding a virtual graduation and work towards a future formal graduation as requested by the board.
Dr. Hintzsche asked about SAT and ACT exams.
Mr. Lekkas stated GK is in a good position for testing with testing dates next fall and spring.
Mr. O’Daniell publicly thanked all school counselors for their work to ensure the students are successful.
8th grade promotion
Mr. Butcher commented on holding a virtual 8th grade slide show promotion with a potential cook out and dance in the fall.
Superintendent/Board Communication
LEA Determination
Mr. O’Daniell publicly congratulated Mrs. Simmons and the Special Education Department on their LEA determination and score of 4.0.
Teacher Appreciation Week May 4-8
Mr. O’Daniell commented on teacher appreciation week May 4-8 and recommended sending teachers emails or messages to show appreciation.
Future Problem Solvers
Mr. O’Daniell was pleased to announce that the G-K team of Ella Hensley, Isabelle Chamberlain, Keion Miracle, and Bryanna Sonntag (all GKHS students) took 2nd place in the Senior Division at FPS State. This competition was virtual so there were some challenges to overcome. Internationals will also be a virtual.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on working with Mr. Herrig to meet the technical infrastructure needs for the students to compete internationally. He also commented on Mrs. Pennington leaving the program and thanked her for her years of service to the program.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on a recent energy rebate of approximately $2K.
Mr. O’Daniell shared information regarding staffing needs for the 2020-21 school year by building. GKHS; ESP, GKMS no staffing needs, GES; replace 3rd grade music teacher and potential new 4th grade teacher, KES; potential new 2nd grade teacher and new kindergarten teacher if the kindergarten numbers increase to 120. He also stated Mrs. Peterson was due to retire June 30 and agreed to work part time in district office until her position was filled. He asked for board input to move forward with the staffing needs.
The board was in favor of moving forward with the future staffing needs of the district.
Future Agenda Items
Special Board of Education Meeting May 12 - 6:30 pm
Discussion of 2020-21 Board Meeting Dates
Potential Approval of a High School Assistant Principal Review of the 10-Year Maintenance Plan
Approval of Building and Grounds Transportation Project Approval of Summer hires
Approval of Drain Tile Project
Bond Discussion
Budget Discussion
Board of Education Meeting May 26 - 7:00 pm
Approval of 2020-21 Board Meeting Dates Approval PRESS Policies Update #103 Approval of Second Accounts Payable Run Approval of Treasurers Bond
Closed session for discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)
A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and seconded by Dr. Hintzsche, to convene to closed session for discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120 /2/(c)(1) at 9:55 pm.
Ayes: Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
The Board of Education reconvened to open session at 10:59 pm.
A motion was made by Jake Wesner, and seconded by Kristen Brynteson, to adjourn the Board of Education Meeting at 11:00 pm.
Voice Vote: All
Ayes: Ratliff, Brynteson, Andrews, Shipley, Wesner, Hintzsche
Nays: David Cleveland
Motion Carried.