
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met June 8

Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met June 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

CALL BOARD MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Village President Nancy Nelson at 7:51 PM. Roll call was taken showing the following:

Present: Trustees Chuck Riforgiate, Lou Manivong, and Mike Constant. Quorum Established. Absent: Trustees Clark, Roop and Rainford.

Also Present: Village Clerk Elizabeth Losiniecki, Chief Gettemy, Attorney Josef Kurlinkus, and Members of the Public.

PUBLIC COMMENT on Agenda Items Scheduled for Action Only



Agenda item for Discussion/Approval: Committee of the Whole meeting minutes from 05/26/20 Trustee Constant moved to approve the minutes from 05/26/20 and Trustee Manivong seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Riforgiate-Abstain, Manivong-Aye, Constant-Aye, Nelson-Aye. Motion failed. This item will carry over to the next meeting agenda.

GUEST PRESENTATION – Arnie Schramel, Progressive Energy

This item was moved to the Regular Board Meeting agenda, per Village President’s request.


° Personnel

Discussion regarding Employee Health Insurance

Village President Nelson stated that she is in the process of reviewing the renewal information and will report findings at next meeting.

° Finance & Economic Development

Discussion and Recommendation regarding Cell Tower Land Lease Contract Renewal

Trustee Constant stated that he has been waiting for Attorney Kurlinkus to contact him regarding this item. To date there has been no contact, therefore no update is available.

° Public Safety

Discussion related to Property Violations

Chief Gettemy stated that he has not been able to reach the appropriate people in Sugar Grove to discuss the Intergovernmental Agreement. Gettemy will provide the Sugar Grove contact information to Attorney Kurlinkus. Discussion followed regarding tall grass violations and how best to remedy. There was also a discussion about vacant/abandoned properties. Attorney Kurlinkus provided an overview of what legal process is required for the Village to seize abandoned properties. Trustee Manivong asked Kurlinkus to send a written summary of the process to the Board of Trustees.

° Streets & Alleys

Discussion and Recommendation regarding Sidewalk Repair Program

No committee or department head available to discuss this item. It will carry over to the next meeting agenda.

Discussion and Recommendation regarding 435 Clark Street

Village President Nelson stated that the public works department had Cam Vac come out to televise the storm drains and large root balls were discovered. EEI had done a survey of that section of storm drain in 2016. For now, it will be repaired but this will need to be addressed in the future. Nelson also reported that the skid steer needs service.

° Buildings, Grounds & Parks

Discussion and Recommendation regarding Potential Donation to the Village of property located at 142 W. Lincoln Avenue (Marwaha Building) by Dr. Vijay Marwaha

President Nelson stated that she and Attorney Kurlinkus are meeting with Dr. Marwaha next week and will tour the facility. She will report findings at the next meeting and invited any available Trustees to join the tour.

Discussion and Recommendation regarding Mulch for Parks

Village President Nelson stated that she has received some complaints regarding weeds in the parks. Even though the playground equipment is not to be used right now, she would like the Board to consider the purchase of mulch in order to help control the weeds. She reminded Trustees of how bad the weeds got last year. Trustees Manivong and Constant stated that they were having difficulty opening the meeting packet document associated with this agenda item. Nelson stated that she will have actual quotes for the next meeting and this item will carry over to the next meeting agenda.

° Water & Sewer

Discussion and Recommendation regarding Invoice Cloud e-payment System

Trustee Roop not present. Topic will carry over to next meeting agenda.






Motion: Trustee Manivong moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm. Trustee Riforgiate seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All members voted yes. Motion carried.

The next Regular Meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for June 22, 2020. The meeting will be held via teleconference pursuant to gubernatorial executive order 2020-07.
