
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education Policy Committee Met August 19

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Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education Policy Committee met Aug. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

Board Member, Mr. Jake Wesner called the Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424 Policy Committee Meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Roll Call

Physically Present: Jake Wesner, Julie Ratliff, Brent O’Daniell, Matt Cascio, Rhonda Andrews, and Kristie Mulso.

Absent: None

Public hearings, petitions, questions and comments from guests and visitors


Mr. O’Daniell asked to review the high school tardiness expectations prior to the review of PRESS

Policy Updates.

Review of the High School Tardiness Expectations

Mr. Cascio commented on the percentages of students that will be attending remotely and in person this fall due to COVID as well as the high school returning to a block schedule for consistency in learning. Mr. Cascio shared the updated High School Tardiness Expectations with the committee for review. He stated the updated expectations were needed for student accountability, and will be added to the high school handbook.

A discussion was held regarding the tardiness expectations update including hall monitors, expectations of students for passing periods and restroom breaks.

Mr. Wesner and Mrs. Ratliff were in favor of the changes.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on changing the districts standard temperature to send a student home from 100.0 to 100.4 to align with epidemiology as well as the DCHD and IDPH. He also stated the temperature change was not in board policy and did not require board approval. He also commented on the Sycamore School District changing from hybrid to full remote.

Mr. Cascio and Ms. Andrews left the room at 9:21 am

Review of PRESS Policies #104 and #105

Mr. O’Daniell shared a review of the PRESS Policies #104 and #105 updates with recommended changes that will require legal advice, board approval and questions to be answered. He also stated the administrative procedures and exhibits do not require board action.

The Board will review all PRESS Policy updates on August 25, 2020 with a recommendation for approval of 30-day public display.

Mr. O’Daniell recently visited each building to review social distancing practices and procedures.

Mr. Wesner asked about future board meetings and amount of time for public comments to be heard.


A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and seconded by Mrs. Ratliff, to adjourn the Policy Committee Meeting at 10:05 am.

Roll Call:

Ayes: 2

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.
