
DeKalb Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Dekalb County Public Building Commission met August 4

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Dekalb County Public Building Commission met Aug. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

Due to COVID-19, this Meeting was held as a Virtual Public Meeting

The Board of Commissioners of the DeKalb County Public Building Commission (hereinafter “Commission”) met virtually in regular session through a cloud-based, peer-to-peer software platform called Zoom at 8:30 a.m. pursuant to written notice to each Commissioner as required by the By-Laws.


Chairman Swanson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and requested the Secretary to call the roll. Those Commissioners virtually present were Vice-Chairman Larry Lundgren, Ms. Cheryl Nicholson, Mr. Mike Larson, Mr. Chuck Shepard, and Chairman Matt Swanson. A quorum was established with all five Commissioners present.

Others present via Zoom included: Commission Treasurer Gary Hanson, Mr. John Heimbach with Larson & Darby Group, Ms. Megan Simon with Ringland-Johnson Construction, County Facilities Management Office Director Jim Scheffers, Vice President of Management Performance Associates Scott Gima, Rehab & Nursing Center Maintenance Supervisor Steve O’Bryan, DCRNC Operating Board Chairman and County Board Member Jeff Whelan, County Board Member Steve Faivre, Deputy County Administrator Derek Hiland, and County Finance Director Pete Stefan. Commission Secretary Tasha Sims was absent.


Mr. Larson moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Shepherd seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously by roll call vote.


Ms. Nicholson moved to approve the minutes of the Tuesday, July 7, 2020 meeting. Mr. Larson seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously by roll call vote.


There were no public comments.


Project Update

Ms. Megan Simon, Project Manager from Ringland-Johnson Construction, reported on items currently being worked on including the areas of lighting, fire alarm wiring, flooring in the bathrooms, door hardware, courtyard sidewalk, and service kitchens. and shared construction photos from various locations throughout the building. She also shared photos of the various construction areas.

Change Order Request

The Commissioners were provided with the updated Change Order Proposal Log. Items in white are ongoing issues that are under review, the gray are items that have been previously discussed and approved, and items up for discussion currently are yellow.

The Commissioners were requested to approve the following Potential Change Order (PCO) requests:

PCO #84 (Item#80) Finishes to Storage Room 749 for $6,919.32

Commissioners stipulated that the change order log be amended to reflect that this be moved from a client request to a design development request.

PCO #85 (Item#103) Dining Room 219 & 496 Ceiling Credit for credit of ($6,000)

Commissioners put this item on hold until the next meeting.


PCO #93 (Item#59) Demo of Boiler Room Renovations for $16,045.03

Commissioners stipulated that the $1,200 for balancing and fees be removed via a future reconciliation change order and that the change order log be amended to reflect that this be moved from a client request to a design development request.

PCO #94 (Item#115) Half Column at the Entrance for credit of ($642.28)

Commissioners stipulated that the change order log be amended to reflect that this be moved from a client request to a design development request.

PCO #95 (Item#125) Lobby Signage Infill for $891.86

PCO #96 (Item#109) SW Serving Kitchen Walkway for $8,137.17

Commissioners changed this to a time and material basis with an amount not to exceed $5,000.

PCO #97 (Item#123) Dehumidification & Air Conditioning for July for $3,712.00

A complete description of each item is on “Change Order Flash Update 15” dated August 4, 2020 and attached to, and made a part of, these minutes. In addition, also made part of these minutes is the attachment labeled “DeKalb County Nursing Home Renovation Additions; Change Order Proposal Log” dated July 30, 2020.

Ms. Nicholson moved to approve all of the above listed PCOs, except as noted in italics immediately below specific items. Mr. Shepherd seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously by roll call vote.


Mr. Heimbach noted that they are in the process of reviewing pricing on the following items:

Item #59 Demolition of Existing Finishes on the Boiler Room Walls

Item #88 Elimination of Renovation Work in Building B South Wing

Item #101 Heating Hot Water Controls

A complete description of each item is on “Change Order Flash Update 15” dated August 4, 2020 and attached to, and made a part of, these minutes.


Mr. Hanson informed the Commissioners that the County would be receiving their bond rating from Moody’s Investor Services on Friday, August 7th. Once that rating is released, then all the pieces should be in place to move forward with the sale of bonds, currently scheduled for Thursday, August 20th. The County will sell $13,000,000 to finance the Rehab & Nursing Center Expansion Project. Mr. Shepherd requested that the Commissioners be provided an update when the rating is received and when the bonds are sold.


Mr. Hanson informed the Commissioners that the annual audit for the Commission has been released by the auditing firm of Sikich of Naperville, IL. The audit is for the 12 months ending December 31, 2019. The audit is available on the County’s website for the general public and the Commissioner requested that a hard copy of the report be mailed to each of them.


Steve O’Bryan brought up the matter of excess dirt from the construction site that is being stockpiled on Nursing Home grounds. He noted that the City and Township were working on adding dirt to the ditches along Dresser Road for an eventual bike path and Mr. O’Bryan thought this may be a way to divest of our dirt pile and save money for the other entities by not hauling dirt so far. Mr. Shepard suggested that the Commission act on this quickly before dirt is hauled in from other locations. All the Commissioners agreed and they asked Mr. Hanson to make the necessary contacts to see if this could be accomplished.


The next Public Building Commission Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. The location is to be determined on whether it will be held virtually or in-person at this point.


A motion was made at 10:04am by Mr. Larson, and seconded by Mr. Shepherd, to go into closed session for purposes of litigation. A roll call vote was made and the motion passed unanimously.

The Commission returned to open session at 11:07am.


A motion to adjourn by Ms. Nicholson, seconded by Mr. Shepherd and approved unanimously by a roll call vote.
