
DeKalb Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education Met November 10

Webp meeting 10

Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education met Nov. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 met in regular session in the commons at Sycamore Middle School, 150 Maplewood Drive, Sycamore, Illinois. This meeting was also live-streamed through Spartan TV.

Members present

James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

Others Present

Steve Wilder, Superintendent; Nick Reineck, Asst. Supt. for HR and Educational Programs; Kathy Sloniker, Admin. Assist. to Supt./Board of Education

Administrators Present

T. Carlson, J. Cleven, M. Ekstrom, T. Franks

Audience Members Present D. Olson, R. Thompson, H. Tucker, A. Zibrun, Michele Zibrun, Mike Zibrun, L. Zuker

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

1. Call To Order

1.01 Call To Order

President Dombek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1.02 Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

1.03 Roll Call/Adoption of Agenda

Motion by Jeff A Jacobson, second by Eric N Jones, to approve the agenda as printed.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

2. Consent Agenda

2.01 Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting October 27, 2020*

2.02 Approval of Minutes of Executive Session October 27, 2020*

2.03 Disposal of Equipment*

Motion by Steve M Nelson, second by James M Chyllo, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

3. Audience to Visitors

3.01 Audience Participation

Michelle Zibrm felt parking passes at the High School are no longer necessary since school is not in session. She questioned how surrounding schools are successfully having in-person learning and yet the Sycamore School District's middle school and high school students have yet to enter the school for in-person learning. She noted that all students need to be in school. She asked how long it will take for students to gain the knowledge that has been lost this past year. She also asked if this year's seniors will have a chance at college.

Regan Thompson voiced concern that students are not in school because the teachers are afraid of getting COVID. She stated that the circumstances of this past week clearly show that the students are not the cause of COVID. She would like to have live-streamed classes every day. She noted that her students currently get two classes a week that are live-streamed. She commented that it is important for High School students to be class as well.

Mike Zibrim commented that the School District is failing its most basic duty to educate children. He asked for complete transparency from the District's leadership.

Aiden Zbrim, a Senior at Sycamore High School, addressed the Board regarding his struggle with remote learning and his drop in grades. He asked for the School District to give him the choice to return to school or not.

Lee Zucker, at teacher as Sycamore High School, addressed the Board to remind everyone of the power of their words. She stated that the teachers of this District are not against the parents. She asked parents to sit with their kids and watch the videos and go to their live sessions. She invited the Board members to come to her classroom to see what the teachers are doing. She stated that the teachers are here, they are struggling, and they are tired, but they are teaching. She asked for the parents, the Board, and the community to give them grace.

4. Communications/Correspondence/Informational Items

4.01 Various Letters/Newsletters

President Dombek stated that these items have been placed in the Board packet for the Board's information.

4.02 FOIA Requests

No FOIA requests had been received since the last meeting.

4.03 Committee Reports

Davey reported from the Old North Grove School meeting last Tuesday. She stated that they applied for a $25,000 grant from the DeKalb County Community Foundation, and they received a grant for $12,500 to do repairs, mainly the windows. She stated that Old North Grove School is doing a fundraiser to obtain the rest of the money needed to make these repairs. Davey distributed flyers regarding the Old North Grove School fundraiser to the Board members.

4.04 IASB Resolutions

Nelson asked if any of the Board members had any questions or concerns about the resolutions. He stated that the virtual delegate assembly will be held this Saturday.

5. Superintendent's Report

5.01 Board Member Appreciation

Mr. Wilder reviewed the District's Mission, Vision, Core Values and PLC Questions with the Board.

Mr. Wilder stated that tonight we are celebrating Board Member Appreciation Day. He noted that he has worked with several Boards of Education over the years, and he recognizes the amount of work, time and effort that Board members put into their position. He noted that the pandemic that we are currently living through is a perfect example of just how difficult the job can be. Mr. Wilder reviewed some statistics about Board members in the State of Illinois. He pointed out that just under half of the Board members have served for 5 years or less; 20% have served for 10 or more years, and only 4% have served for 20 years or more. He stated that Sycamore has a Board member that has served for over 20 years, which he believes shows a commitment to becoming knowledgeable about the District. He also pointed out that Board members are strictly volunteer and receive no pay for their time. Mr. Wilder, on behalf of the administrative team, the members of the school district, and the community, thanked the Board for all of they do for the District.

5.02 North School Presentation

Mr. Franks, Principal, gave the Board a report on current happenings at North Elementary School. He began by thanking the Board, on behalf of the principals in the District, for all their time and support. Mr. Franks reviewed the transition week with the Board, noting that last week was the first time the students were back in the building. He noted that there were some adjustments to the new schedule, self certification, wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands multiple times a day, etc. He stated that the goal of the parallel model is for the class to become one class whether the students are home or in school on that particular day. Mr. Franks noted that they have implemented their STAR Squad, Battle of the Books, Music Programs and book fairs, in an effort to bring some "normalcy" to the school experience. Mr. Franks explained that making this happen has taken everyone, and he thanked Mark Ekstrom and the custodial staff; the communication team, the technology department, special education, related services and interventions; support staff, teaching staff, food service, transportation and administration.

The Board asked questions regarding the parallel model, quarantining, substitute teachers, etc.

President Dombek thanked everyone on Mr. Frank' list, on behalf of the Board of Education, as well as the principals and administrators, for all of their time and efforts in implementing the parallel plan.

5.03 Return to Learning Update

Mr. Wilder gave the Board an update on the Return to Learning Plan. He reviewed attendance at the various schools with the Board. He reported that attendance varies between 84-99% at the elementary schools; student engagement at the middle school has been good and 16 additional special education students began in-person learning yesterday; and attendance at the High School is down a little at 88% (normally 95-96%). He reported that closing the High School last week was the result of growing COVID cases in both staff and students. Mr. Wilder also reviewed the number of new COVID cases and the number of test positivity cases in the County and City with the Board.

Mr. Reineck reviewed the COVID-19 Dashboard with the Board. He stated that the information included on the dashboard is the number of current positive cases for staff and students; the number of staff and students quarantined due to close contact; and the number of staff and students currently quarantined. He stated that a graph showing weekly running totals is also a part of the dashboard information as well as the number of staff and students quarantined by building. He noted that this will be placed on the website for transparency, hopefully by the end of the week. In an attempt to answer the question of how surrounding districts are able to have in-person learning, Mr. Reineck reviewed data from five (5) surrounding school districts that are larger than District 427 and noted that their numbers of COVID cases are lower than Sycamore's.

Mr. Wilder explained that one of the requirements to implement our parallel plan safely is having the necessary staff available in all departments. He noted that the school district is a sample of the community and everyone needs to work together and follow safety protocols to keep the schools open.

Nelson stated that he liked the dashboard and suggested adding the number of positive cases by building. He also stated that he would like to have the dashboard pop up as soon as someone goes to the District website.

The Board held a lengthy discussion regarding cleaning protocols, quarantines, school closings, etc.

5.04 Sycamore Education Foundation (SEF) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - 2nd Reading*

Mr. Wilder stated that the revised Sycamore Education Foundation Memorandum of Understanding was included in the Board's packet and it has been placed on the agenda tonight for a second reading and Board approval.

Motion by Steve M Nelson, second by Julenne Davey, to approve the Sycamore Education Foundation (SEF) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

5.05 2021-2022 District Calendar - 1st Reading*

Mr. Wilder presented the 2021-2022 District Calendar to the Board for a first reading. He noted that this calendar as been reviewed by the SEA and recommended that the Board approve the 2021-2022 District Calendar as presented.

President Dombek suggested that the calendar be made available to the public until the Board's November 24, 2020, meeting, at which time the Board will take action on the 2021-2022 District Calendar.

6. Open Discussion and Future Agenda Items

6.01 Open Discussion, Issues, Observations, Questions

Jacobson recommended that people get a flu shot.

6.02 Future Agenda Items

Nelson stated that he would like to see one item on the agenda each month that is future-focused. Mr. Wilder told Board members to let him know if they have some suggestions.

7. Executive Session

7.01 Executive Session for the Consideration of Matters Related to the Appointment or Employment of Personnel, Matters Related to Individual Students, and Imminent Litigation*

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by Jeff A Jacobson, that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session for the consideration of matters related to the appointment or employment of personnel, matters related to individual students, and imminent litigation.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

In at 9:33 p.m. and Out at 9:35 p.m.

8. Action Items from Executive Session

8.01 Approval of the Personnel Report; Employment, Resignations*

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by James M Chyllo, to approve the personnel report as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek

9. Adjournment

9.01 Adjournment

Motion by Jeff A Jacobson, second by Eric N Jones, to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 p.m.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: James M Chyllo, Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn, Jim J Dombek
