
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met October 26

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Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met Oct. 26

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

CALL BOARD MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by President Nelson at 7:41 PM. Roll call was taken showing the following:

Present: Trustees Walter Rainford, Daniel Roop and Mike Constant. Quorum Established. Absent: Trustee Lou Manivong.

Also Present: Village Clerk Elizabeth Losiniecki, Chief Gettemy, Dale Youngers, Chris Ott, Attorney Tait Lundgren, and Members of the Public.

PUBLIC COMMENT on Agenda Items Scheduled for Action Only



Agenda item for Discussion/Approval: Committee of the Whole meeting minutes from 10/12/20 Trustee Constant moved to approve the minutes from 10/12/20 and Trustee Roop seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Rainford-Aye, Constant-Aye, Roop-Aye, Nelson-Abstain. Motion carried (per Attorney Lundgren).


Agenda item for Discussion and Recommendation regarding American Tower Land Lease Agreement President Nelson stated that she had received a letter from American Tower regarding the Board’s decision to reject any changes to the existing contract. She stated that the letter details additions that American Tower would like written into the existing agreement. Constant stated that he needs guidance from someone with expertise in this area and asked for attorney input. Attorney Lundgren stated that he was not prepared to discuss this tonight as he thought the Board had already rendered a decision on this topic. Constant suggested that Lundgren discuss this with Derek Hiland (DeKalb County Community Development Department) as Derek has experience in this area. Roop suggested looking at the existing agreement to compare for changes and asked is the Board is still opposed to a lump sum buy out. Lundgren suggested weighing the odds of a long-term lease with a buyout, based on current available information. Constant asked about a cancellation clause and Lundgren stated that there is one for the lessee, not the Village. Constant asked Lundgren to also look at the section that restricts access to the tower (for other service providers). Losiniecki will send the current land lease agreement to the attorneys for review and comparison. Nelson will call the American Tower to provide a status update.

Agenda item for Discussion and Recommendation regarding Capital Growth Buchalter request to Purchase Village of Hinckley property identified as PIN 15-15-327-004

Village President Nelson stated that she had received an inquiry from Capital Growth Buchalter, representing Dollar General, regarding the potential purchase of a section of Pioneer Park. Discussion followed regarding the request and the challenges presented with the location. Trustee Roop stated that he is not interested in pursuing the discussion unless Dollar General would be willing to pay off all water and sewer debts for the Village. He stated that Pioneer Park is the only large park that the Village has for community gatherings. Trustee Rainford pointed out that the “road” in the park is also used by the school for drop off and pick up and traffic congestion could be a problem. Nelson stated that the park restrooms would have to be removed or relocated. Trustee Constant questioned the location of the proposed building site. He suggested that if the price were right, the road and restrooms could be re-routed/re-located. Nelson stated that the increase in tax revenue would be good for the village. Roop pointed out that the property is probably worth more to the Village than the (potential) buyer. Nelson asked Trustees to send any questions or comments to her via email so that she can send them to Capital Growth Buchalter. Constant suggested asking them what their offer is and what other land they’d be seeking. Trustee Rainford agreed with Constant. Nelson stated that this will be on the next Committee of the Whole meeting agenda for further discussion.


° Personnel

No report.

° Finance & Economic Development

Trustee Constant stated that the Planning Commission has been discussing cannabis legalization and what to do as it relates to the Village. He stated that they would like to include a short survey in an upcoming utility bill to see what the residents want. There is not currently any location within the Village limits that would meet the State guidelines for location. Attorney Lundgren concurred and stated that based on the map provided at a recent Planning Commission meeting, there are no appropriate locations available. Constant stated that if the Village approved the sale of medical or recreational cannabis within the Village, it could open the opportunity for locations adjacent to the Village limits that could later be annexed. However, this is currently meaningless (due to lack of available locations within the existing Village boundaries), even if the residents are in favor. Roop agreed that residents should be surveyed for future reference. Constant cautioned that surveying now may serve to upset resident unduly at this time. Rainford agreed with Roop. Chief Gettemy stated that there is nothing that meets the State guidelines right now but that it is good to be prepared for the future and felt that the survey would be good. Constant stated that he initially though a survey would be a good tool, as well, but upon further consideration feels that it would be prudent to wait until more settles out at the State level. If the State makes changes to the regulations, the Village may also have to change to comply with State. Consensus agreement to table the discussion until some time in the future.

° Public Safety

No report.

° Streets & Alleys

No report.

° Buildings, Grounds & Parks

No report.

° Water & Sewer

No report.






Motion: Trustee Roop moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 pm. Trustee Rainford seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Rainford-Aye, Constant-Aye, Roop-Aye, Nelson-Aye. Motion carried. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2020, immediately following the Regular Board Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Village Hall.
