Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees Met April 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Comments from Audience
V. Approval of Minutes
VI. Approval of Warrant
VII. Guest Speaker
VIII. Reports
1. Police Report
2. Public Works
3. Committee Reports
a. Police Committee
b. Ordinance Committee
c. Finance Committee
d. Water & Sewer Committee
e. Streets, Alley & Parks Committee
f. Economic Development Committee
IX. Unfinished Business
1. Discussion of Mailbox Replacement for Village of Kirkland
X. New Business
1. Discussion of Property Request on Ault Road for Subdivision of property and allowance of “Hooved Animals”
2. Discussion and Approval for Booking and Processing Fee for Kirkland Police Department 3. Approval for Destruction/Disposal and Accountability for Inventory Change on Listed Items:
a. Chief's Office Desktop Computer Hewlett Packard - Serial # 2JA0481P1P
b. Monadnock Expandable Baton - Serial # MP 198094
c. Panasonic Toughbook - Serial # CF-29CQKGJKMBKB
d. HP Elitebook Laptop - Serial # 2CE0131728
e. One Streamlight Flashlight - No serial #
f. Three Verizon Jetpacks - Serial # 4A516CN800588, 4A516CN30062C and 4A516CN8004C3 g. Minolta Camera - No Serial #
4. Approval for purchase of Officer Ballistic Safety Helmets
5. Approval of amended increase of $258.00 for three (3) optics approved in March’s meeting
6. Approval of Village of Kirkland Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
7. Approval of Village of Kirkland Meeting Dates for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
8. Update on new Kirkland Public Services Installation Property
9. Approval of Expenditures for Kirkland Public Works for April 2021
10. Discussion of Village of Kirkland FY2021/2022 Budget
XI. Executive Session
XII. Adjournment