
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Genoa City Council met March 2

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City of Genoa City Council met March 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Vicary called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Aldermen Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Brust and Lang were present. Aldermen Wesner was absent. Motion made by Alderman Brust to allow Alderman Cravatta to attend the meeting remotely due to a work related absence, seconded by Alderman Winter. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Brust, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta and Lang voted yes. Quorum present.

Mayor Vicary announced that a boy scout was attending the meeting via zoom. Mayor Vicary led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Vicary presented Susie Smith, Administrative Assistant for the Genoa Police Department, a proclamation for her retirement. Susie worked for the Genoa Police Department for 17 years. Mayor Vicary thanked her for her service and dedication.

Guest Speaker – Krissy Johnson, Executive Director of the Genoa Area Chamber of Commerce addressed Council. She introduced Kelly Kuschel, the part-time assistant for the Chamber. Krissy thanked the City of Genoa Staff and Aldermen for their continued support and sponsorship to the Chamber of Commerce. Krissy stated that the Chamber of Commerce Annual meeting will be virtual this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. The meeting will be on 3/25/21 at 11:00 a.m. She then presented the City with an Ambassador Award as well as an Anniversary Award to celebrate the City being established 85 years ago.

Motion made by Alderman Stevenson to approve the minutes of the February 16, 2021 City Council meeting, seconded by Alderman Winter. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Alderman Carroll to approve payment of the accounts payables for the second half of February 2021in the amount of $134,177.35, seconded by Alderman Lang. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Brust and Lang voted yes. Motion carried.

ITEMS FROM INDIVIDUALS IN ATTENDANCE – Mike Cretsinger, owner of Genoa Motors addressed Council. He indicated that he has had a business in Genoa for 15 years and has sold roughly 4,000 cars, bringing in approximately ½ million dollars of revenue. Mr. Cretsinger informed Council that his business is struggling and asked if the City could provide some financial assistance, such as a business loan. Mayor Vicary responded that he would discuss the situation with the Aldermen and City Staff to determine if there would be any financial assistance options available to him.



CONSIDER THE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FOR AN INTERNATIONAL TRUCK: Motion made by Alderman Lang to approve the purchase of a plow wing and calcium chloride tank, not to exceed $16,310, seconded by Alderman Stevenson. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Lang, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta and Brust voted yes. Motion carried.


∙ Motion made by Alderman Cravatta to approve an Ordinance amending Title 3, Chapter 3, Liquor Control of the Municipal Code, seconded by Alderman Lang. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson and Winter voted yes. Motion carried.

∙ Motion made by Alderman Cravatta to approve a Resolution authorizing the extension and reduction of liquor license fees in 2021 due to COVID-19, seconded by Alderman Brust. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson and Winter voted yes. Motion carried.

CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE REDUCING PERMIT FEES FOR NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION: Motion made by Alderman Brust to approve an Ordinance providing a one year extension of the limited temporary reduction in certain fees as an incentive for new home construction, seconded by Alderman Winter. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Brust, Lang, Carroll, Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter and Cravatta voted yes. Motion carried.

CONSIDER ENGINEERING FOR A WATER MAIN: Motion made by Alderman Stevenson to approve an Engineering Services Agreement with Baxter and Woodman, not to exceed $9,400, seconded by Alderman Di Guido. There was no discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Brust, Lang, Carroll and Di Guido voted yes. Motion carried.

RECESS INTO CLOSED SESSION: Motion made by Alderman Di Guido to go into closed session for the purpose of approving the minutes of the previous closed session; for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, dismissal, compensation, discipline and/or performance of specific employees as provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) and for the purpose of discussing imminent litigation as provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2 (c), seconded by Alderman Lang. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Di Guido, Stevenson, Winter, Cravatta, Brust, Lang and Carroll voted yes. Motion carried.

RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION: Motion made by Alderman Di Guido to reconvene into the regular session, seconded by Alderman Lang. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.

In Closed Session, the minutes of the December 15, 2020 closed session were accepted. 


Administrative Report – Administrative Director Seguss reported that a letter was sent to the Genoa Township regarding Genoa Woods. She indicated that the City would like a mutual agreement for maintenance funding for things such as plowing, seal coating and hot patching, with the Township, as Genoa Woods is not within City limits, but the City has been servicing that area for many years. Director Seguss then reported that a letter has been drafted to Branott Land Group, LLC, who owns a property on Stone Creek Circle. The City has been maintaining this property, although it is not owned by the City. The letter to Branott Land Group, LLC informed them of their options going forward; they begin maintaining the property immediately, the City maintains the property and in turn bills them for the services provided, or they allow the City to obtain ownership of the property. Director Seguss then reported that Aldermen Brust, Stevenson and Di Guido have been involved in the negotiations for the new Waste Management contract coming up. She indicated that she believes the City is not getting a sufficient deal and suggested extending the contract for 6 months, while the City looks for other provider options. Lastly, Director Seguss reported that the City received a ComEd Openlands Grant and is considering putting in a park in the Riverbend subdivision by the intersection of Preserve Drive and Stearn Drive.

Finance Report – Finance Office Manager & Treasurer, Jan Tures reported that the final draft of the new Budget is almost complete. She indicated that the deadline would be this week for any input, as she needs to get the numbers finalized for the presentation at the March 16th City Council meeting.

Public Works – Streets, Sewer and Forestry Supervisor, Janice Melton reported that the salt shipment has been received, but hopefully it won’t be needed any more this season. Supervisor Melton indicated that they have noticed an increase of flow over the last few days, due to all of the snow melting due to the warmer weather.

Police Department – Chief Smith reported that with Susie Smith’s retirement, the Police Department is working on filling the gap. Part Time Clerk, Becky Taft will be helping out with the mandatory reporting and filling in when she can; approximately 12 to 16 hours per week. He indicated that he, Deputy Chief Edwards and Sergeant Hathcoat will be assisting with the other duties, such as FOIA requests and subpoena’s from attorneys. Chief Smith went over a few highlights of the procedures/laws included in the new criminal justice reform bill. He indicated that body cameras must be worn by all officers by the year 2025; footage cannot be reviewed until the report is written; whenever there is a complaint against an officer, the complainant must sign a sworn affidavit; all complaints stay in officer’s file regardless of whether the complaint is founded or not, and no cash bail will go into effect in January 2023.

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Vicary announced that City Attorney, Jack Slingerland has tendered his resignation, effective April 30, 2021. Mayor Vicary thanked Attorney Slingerland for his years of service to the City.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Alderman Di Guido stated that he took advantage of early registration for MetroNet and he received a call that they are now scheduling installation.

Motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the City Council was made by Alderman Lang, seconded by Alderman Di Guido. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
