
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education met June 22

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Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education met June 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

President, Mr. Krueger called the Genoa-Kingston Board of Education meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Roll Call: Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Northrup, Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Krueger.

Present: Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Krueger Absent: Mrs. Northrup

Pledge of Allegiance

Superintendent, Mr. O'Daniell led the guests and members of the Board of Education in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mission Statement

Ms. Havener read the Mission Statement, "Preparing students to excel and contribute to their community."

Presentation - High School Coach Recognition

Mr. Jerbi presented Mr. Chad Wilmarth with a "Promote Positive" award to recognize his passion, dedication and accomplishments at GKHS including the Football and Wrestling programs.

Public hearings petitions questions and comments from guests and visitors

There were no Google comments or Public hearings petitions questions and comments from guests and visitors

Consent Agenda

Payrolls, Accounts Payable, Minutes

Mr. O’Daniell asked the board to discuss an additional employment consideration in closed session later in the meeting.

A motion was made by Mrs. Ratliff, and seconded by Ms. Havener, to approve the June 10, 2021 payroll in the amount of $776,913.60, the June 2021 Payable Board Report in the amount of $778,228.96 the May 25, 2021 Board of Education Meeting Minutes, The June 8, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes, and the June 8, 2021 Closed Session Meeting Minutes. The approval of the closed session minutes does not constitute disclosure or dissemination until the Board has authorized the dissemination or disclosure of these minutes.

Ayes: Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Employment Action

Contracts, Resignations, Employment, Coaches, Summer School

A motion was made by Ms. Havener, and seconded by Mrs. Ratliff, to approve The Nurse Contract for Kristen Quinn for the 2021-2022 School Year. The Athletic Trainer Contract for Amanda Pollnow for the 2021-2022 School Year.

The following resignations:

Maddi Bodine - Teacher - Effective at the end of 20-21 School Year

Jacob Carlson - Teacher - Effective at the end of the 20-21 School Year Erin Territo - ESP - Effective at the end of 20-21 School Year

Christian Ordlock - Custodian - Effective June 10, 2021

The following employment considerations:

Samantha Coates - Instructional Coach - Effective for the 21-22 School Year Ashley Boyer - Interventionist - Effective for the 21-22 School Year

Connie Rich - Interventionist - Effective for the 21-22 School Year

Jackie Anderson- Speech/Language Therapist - Effective for the 21-22 School Year Hok To Lam - Summer School Teacher - Effective July 19, 2021 to August 5, 2021 Carli Fellows - Teacher - Effective for the 21-22 School Year

Alissa Magoch - Teacher - Effective for the 21-22 School Year

Griffin McNeal - Teacher - Effective for the 21-22 School Year

Sheila Wagner - Teacher - Effective for the 21-22 School Year

Rebecca Cleveland - ESP - Effective for the 21-22 School Year

The following coaches:

Danielle D'Amato - Varsity Cheerleading Coach - Effective for the 21-22 School Year Cameron Davekos - Head Varsity Football Coach - Effective for the 21-22 School Year

The following assistant coaches:

Griffin McNeal - Assistant High School Football Coach - Effective for the 21-22 School Year The summer school personnel for summer school 2021 as presented.

Ayes: Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried

Treasurer's Report

Mrs. Krabbe shared a detailed May treasurer’s report with the board.

A motion was made by Dr. Hintzsche, and seconded by Mr. Leahy, to approve the May Treasurers Report as presented.

Ayes: Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Mr. Kruger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Old Business

Approval of Treasurer's Bond

A motion was made by Mrs. Ratliff, and seconded by Mr. Leahy, to approve the Treasurer's Bond in the amount of $4,534,723 for the 2021-2022 School Year as presented.

Ayes: Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Approval of the District Consolidated Plan

A motion was made by Ms. Havener, and seconded by Mrs. Dalton, to approve the District Consolidated Plan as presented.

Ayes: Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Approval of Contract Nurse Services

Dr. Hintzsche shared concerns over the board approving additional nursing services without a salary range.

Mr. O’Daniell stated the board is approving adding the additional position. Once the position is filled a formal contract including salary will be presented to the board for formal approval.

A motion was made by Mr. Leahy, and seconded by Mrs. Dalton, to approve contracting additional nurse services as presented.

Ayes: Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Approval of Access Control Phase II Upgrade of Hardware and Software for the High School

A motion was made by Ms. Havener, and seconded by Mrs. Dalton, to approve the Access Control Phase II Upgrade to Hardware and Software for the High School as presented.

Ayes: Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Approval of Middle School Sidewalk Accessible Ramp Bid Results

A motion was made by Ms. Havener, and seconded by Mr. Leahy, to accept the bid from Irving in DeKalb for the Middle School Sidewalk Accessible Ramp project due to Irving in DeKalb winning the bid.

Ayes: Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Approval of Revised IGA for Park District after School Care

A motion was made by Mrs. Ratliff, and seconded by Mrs. Dalton, to approve the revised IGA for the Park District After School Program as presented.

Ayes: Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Mr. Kruger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Approval of NIA Ballot

A motion was made by Ms. Havener, and seconded by Mrs. Dalton, for the Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424 Board of Education to approve one vote for Crystal Swan-Gravatt, District #430 and one vote for Steve Fiorentino, District #300 to the Executive Board of the Northwestern Illinois Association, Subregion 1 as presented.

Ayes: Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Contact Tracing/Fall Covid Protocol and Mask Mandate

Mr. Krueger asked to discuss; Contact Tracing, the email from Mr. Schwichtenberg, and Fall Covid Protocols and Mask Mandates.

Ms. Havener asked Mr. O’Daniell for an update regarding guidance from ISBE.

Mr. O’Daniell stated that he was still waiting for guidance from ISBE and anticipates changes but the extent was unknown.

Mr. Krueger commented on a recent FOIA regarding concerns over contact tracing. He was in favor of creating a new policy, process and procedure to help alleviate future contact tracing misconceptions and asked for board input to address Mr. Schwichtenberg’s concerns.

Dr. Hintzsche reminded board members of the potential to change a committee of the whole meeting to a special board of education meeting for further discussions and necessary approvals if needed.

Ms. Havener asked about the process in which to create a new policy.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on policy work to include small adaptions and changes with guidance from the attorney. He also stated Attorney, Scott Nemanich recommended waiting for guidance from the state prior to creating a policy.

Mr. Krueger commented on several emails from community members sharing concerns over students wearing masks in the fall. Mr. Krueger expressed concerns over the timeline waiting for guidance from the state and the start of the school year. Mr. Krueger commented on districts with optional mask policies and was in favor of masks being optional for GK.

Dr. Hintzsche asked for clarification over which of the three attorneys to choose from for guidance.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on Mr. Krueger’s recommendation to use Attorneys, Scott Nemanich and Mallory Milluzzi.

Mrs. Ratliff questioned whether this was policy work or a standard operating procedure (SOP). She also commented on SOP’s developed by administrators and the difference between board work and administrative work. Mrs. Ratliff commented on the potential repercussions to the district if guidance from all entities not followed.

Dr. Hintzsche was not in favor of the board writing policy and asked Mr. Krueger for clarification for his recommendation. She also asked what prompted community emails prior to the board meeting and if masks were the only concern to include in an SOP or policy. Dr. Hintzsche commented on her experience with Covid as a medical professional and encouraged the vaccine. She was in favor of waiting for guidance from the state. She shared concerns over transportation, lunch and staff regarding an optional mask policy.

Mr. Leahy was in favor of eliminating required masks due to children at low risk of getting the virus. He asked the board for input on whether to wait for guidance from the state or create a parallel path to form a process prior to the start of school.

Mr. O’Daniell expressed concerns over the number of emails not representing the voice of the entire community as well as not following the guidance of the recently recommended and approved Attorney, Mr. Nemanich.

Dr. Shortridge commented on 25 emails representing only 2% of the community.

Mr. Krueger asked for board input to respond to Mr. Schwichtenberg’s concerns and FOIA. He also asked the board for input regarding establishing a contact tracing policy, flow chart, questions and next steps.

Mr. O’Daniell stated the Union has not provided an official statement regarding masks. He also commented on sending staff and parent surveys important for feedback as well as to allow administrators time to plan for fall. He also commented on an additional meeting in July to address another matter and without guidance from the state adding Covid Protocols to the agenda showing support for starting a process to address mask concerns with input from the school attorney.

Board members held discussions regarding a mask policy. Board members shared concerns regarding enforcement, transportation, lunch and athletics.

Mr. Jerbi also commented on IHSA guidance, continued changes and potential repercussions if guidance not followed.

Mr. Krueger recommended drafting a mask and contact tracing protocol with guidance from the additional nurse with a deadline of the July 27 Board of Education Meeting.

Board members Hintzsche and Ratliff asked about paying current nurses a per diem rate over the summer to share input to the new nurse. They also asked about the use of ESSER II and III funds.

Dr. Shortridge cautioned requesting nurses to come in over summer.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the allocation of ESSER funds.

Mr. Leahy stated the board was committed to putting in additional steps to alleviate future concerns. Mrs. Ratliff commented on the reason for the quarantine.

Mr. Krueger commented on Mrs. Kline and Mr. Schwichtenberg’s concerns brought before the board at a previous meeting and stated that there would not be an email response to the FOIA, however apologized for the recent events and asked to move forward.

July 27, 2021 Board Meeting Reminder

Mr. O’Daniell shared a reminder that there is only one meeting in the month of July. Tuesday, July 27, 2021 @ 7:00 pm but likely we are going to have two meeting in July.

New Business

Home School Student Participation in School Activities

Mr. Krueger commented on a recent parent concern regarding home school students participating in school activities. He asked the board to consider changing Board Policy 7:40 to include the following language; to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Ms. Havener asked for clarification for the change in Board Policy.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on athletics and eligibility requirements.

Athletic Director, Mr. Jerbi commented on the IHSA bylaws.

Dr. Shortridge commented on the district’s all-inclusive registration fees. He stated home schooled students would need to pay something to participate in any and all activities.

Dr. Hintzsche commented on a recent review of board policies aligning with the athletic eligibility and IHSA guidelines. She was not in favor of allowing homeschoolers to participate in district athletics.

Mr. Krueger expressed his appreciation for the input form the board regarding Board Policy 7:40 and stated the policy would stand as is.

Discussion of Kishwaukee College Dual Credit Classes

Mr. O’Daniell commented on High School Principal, Mr. Cascio working with Kishwaukee College on the annual partnership to offer high school students 4 sections of dual credit courses, 2 in the fall, and 2 in the spring, for a potential of 12 college credits at a cost of approximately $8K. Mr. O’Daniell commented on encouraging GK teachers to obtain their masters in this subject matter to teach dual credit courses at a cost savings to the district.

Mr. Leahy and Dr. Hintzsche expressed their full support of the dual credit courses as well as the EMSA program offered through Kishwaukee College.

Potential approval of the Kishwaukee Dual Credit Classes for Fall will take place on July 27, 2021. Tentative Budget Discussion

Dr. Shortridge commented on the dates for the necessary approvals for the public display and potential hearing of the FY-22 Tentative Budget. He also commented on keeping the board updated on potential changes to the FY-22 Tentative Budget prior to formal board approving of the final FY-22 Budget in September.

FOIA Report

No FOIA to report.


A motion was made by Ms. Havener, and seconded by Mrs. Dalton, to approve these generous donations; $3.20 to KES from Casey's General Store, $600 to GKHS from Custom Aluminum, and $4,423.35 in the form of Mini Grants from the Genoa Kingston Education Foundation to the Genoa Kingston School District.

Ayes: Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Board Discussion


Dr. Hintzsche asked for a follow up to the transportation concerns. Dr. Hintzsche commented on the district having to provide transportation to students that live at least 1.5 miles from their school. She also recommended the district consider hiring a third party service

Dr. Shortridge shared concerns over finding transportation drivers due to drivers finding jobs that are more lucrative. Dr. Shortridge stated the transportation department communicates with families on an annual basis for transportation needs. He also commented on the importance of following the union contract.

Mr. Krueger and Mr. Leahy commented on creative ways to resolve the driver shortage. Open Coaching Positions

Mr. Krueger shared concerns over not only the shortage of transportation drivers as well as coaching positions open.


Dr. Hintzsche requested a report of Bond expenditures.

Dr. Shortridge commented on working with Mrs. Krabbe to provide a report of Bond expenditures as well as a follow up to completed projects.

Superintendent/Board Communication

Administrative Reports

Mr. O’Daniell reminded the Board that there are no Administrative Reports in the months of June and July.

Board Member Resignation - Northrup

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the recent resignation of Board Member, Mrs. Stephanie Northrup. Mr. O’Daniell expressed his appreciation for Mrs. Northrup’s work and time on the board and wished her well. He also commented on going in to closed session to discuss the board vacancy later in the meeting.

Future Agenda Items

July 27, 2021 BOE Meeting – 7:00 pm

Approval of FY-22 Tentative Budget Display/Hearing

Discussion/Approval of the Pay to Shuttle Program

Approval of the Genoa-Kingston/Kishwaukee College MOU for Fall Dual Credit Courses Acceptance & Preliminary Approval of Resignations and Hiring's

Contact Tracing/Fall Covid Protocol and Mask Mandate Follow Up

Discussion/Review of Superintendent Evaluation Tool

Ms. Havener asked about Davenport Elementary School being struck by lightning during the recent storm.

Mr. O’Daniell stated the power was back on at Davenport Elementary School and Camelot School was continuing to operate as usual. He also stated that an insurance claim may be filed.

Closed Session for the purpose of discussion relating to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) and the selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined in the Open Meetings Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance, or the discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office, when the public body is given power to remove the occupant under law or ordinance. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(3)

A motion was made by Mr. Leahy, and seconded by Ms. Havener, to convene to Closed session for the purpose of discussion relating to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) and the selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined in the Open Meetings Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance, or the discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office, when the public body is given power to remove the occupant under law or ordinance. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(3) at 9:08 pm.

Ayes: Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Motion Carried.


The Board of Education Meeting reconvened to open session at 10:25 pm.

Personnel Action

A motion was made by Mr. Leahy, and seconded by Mrs. Ratliff, to approve Ashton Brown for the 2021-2022 school year as

1. Teacher

2. Head HS Wrestling Coach

3. and Assistant HS Football Coach

*Pending the completion of the appropriate employment procedures.

Ayes: Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Krueger Nays: 0

Non Union Classified Contracts

A motion was made by Mrs. Ratliff, and seconded by Mr. Leahy, to approve to adjust the contracts of those non-union classified employees who currently are offered only single insurance to include the optional benefit of family insurance, Board paid at 70% of the PPO-2 level for SY 2021-22.

Ayes: Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Mr. Krueger Nays:

Motion Carried.

Acceptance of Board Member Resignation:

A motion was made by Mrs. Ratliff, and seconded by Mr. Leahy, to accept the resignation of Genoa Kingston Board of Education Member, Stephanie Northrup, effective Friday, June 18, 2021 as presented.

Ayes: Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Havener, Dr. Hintzsche, Mr. Krueger Nays:0

Motion carries


A motion was made by Mrs. Ratliff, and second by Mr. Leahy, to adjourn the Board of Education Meeting at 10:28 pm.
