
DeKalb Times

Monday, November 25, 2024

City of Sycamore City Council Met July 6

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City of Sycamore City Council Met July 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Braser called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and City Clerk Mary Kalk called the roll. Those Alderpersons present were: Jeff Fischer, Josh Huseman, Pete Paulsen, David Stouffer, Alan Bauer, and Nancy Copple. Virginia Sherrod and Chuck Stowe were absent. City Attorney Keith Foster was also present.



Mayor Braser amended the agenda to add a Closed Session to discuss the Sale of Property and Personnel.


Alderperson Stouffer motioned to approve the agenda as amended and Alderperson Copple seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.



A. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of June 21, 2021.

B. Payment of the Bills for July 6, 2021 in the amount of $365,292.54.


Alderperson Bauer motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Fischer, Huseman, Paulsen, Stouffer, Bauer, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.


A. Appointment of Samantha Dailey to Fire and Police Commission.


Alderperson Paulsen motioned to approve the appointment and Alderperson Fischer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.



Acting City Manager – Maggie Peck said they hosted a Joint Review Board meeting on June 29th for which all the taxing bodies were present. They discussed Project TIF #1 as well as the proposed Project TIF #2. There will be a Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Monday, July 12th which will be the final meeting to discuss the Comprehensive Plan before bringing it to the Council for approval. She reported that they are still on course for the auditors to come next week for the full field review. She should have the final report in August.

Deputy Police Chief – Steve Cook said that in reference to the Body Cam program, that they received a $15,900 grant from the State that is being used to offset the cost of the body cams. He updated that they ordered two vehicles in FY21 and have received them both. The 2021 Dodge Ram pick-up has been fully outfitted and is in the rotation. The 2021 Explorer is still being outfitted. He also announced that they received a grant from the Bayer Fund that they used to purchase a special-use golf cart which can be used for Special Events and park patrols. They are putting lights and graphics on it and then it will be ready to go.

Fire Chief – Pete Polarek showed a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus that was put into service last week. It is on the Emergency Response Apparatus and each firefighter is issued a face piece and regulator that connects in. He recalled the FEMA grant for $ 218,000 that they received late last year. The project was about $338,000. They have a 10 year life span and the current ones are just at the 10 year mark. He noted that they had to make modifications to update the breathing air compressor and the cascade system to upgrade to higher pressures than the old ones. He said for the city’s obligation of $120,000, it was a bargain to get these for another 10 years.

Director of Community Development John Sauter said that they’re at 25 single family permits as of the end of June. Last year at this time, they were at 15 and in 2019 they were at 24, so they’re still seeing some pretty good activity. Weaver Construction began tuck pointing the Community Development building last week and has made a lot of progress. He expects them to finish by the end of this week and continue with painting and the finishing touches.

City Engineer Mark Bushnell said the Microsurface Project is currently out to bid and they hope to have good results at the next meeting. They will also have cracksealing and a sanitary sewer rehab project out to bid soon as. He reported that the City’s MFT project will kick off next week on North Cross and the plan is still to complete all the work by the end of September. City crews have been busy downtown painting street lights and staining the decorative bricks. Last week they completed the replacement or a large diameter culvert on Lindgren Road. Lastly, he reported that the light at Mt. Hunger and IL Route 23 is up and running. There may be some delays as IDOT fine tunes the timing of each phase of the signal.


Finance – Alan Bauer said no report.

Public Safety – Pete Paulsen said no report.

Public Works – Chuck Stowe said no report.




A. RESOLUTION 879—A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Development Agreement with Worthington Homes, LLC, for Certain Public Improvements in the North Grove Crossings Subdivision in the City of Sycamore, Illinois.

Acting City Manager Maggie Peck said owner of Worthington Homes, LLC George Caravelli, who is present, intends to buy eight lots in the North Grove Crossings Phase II Subdivision. The previous owner failed to fulfill obligations for which the City has previously recorded a Notice of Violation of Annexation Agreement. In the agreement, Worthington Homes LLC acknowledges their responsibility to install public sidewalks, all necessary water and sewer service lines connecting buildings to the city mains, perform all storm water management maintenance, soil and erosion requirements per the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and pay all impact and development related fees at the time of permit issuance.

Alderperson Copple asked if these would be single family homes.

George Caravelli, who made the correction that it is Worthington Homes, “Limited”, 460 Briargate Drive, Suite 500, South Elgin, said that he is taking over the townhome portion which is eight lots for 33 more townhomes. He said half or 16 of them are end unit locations so they feel they can bring in some first-floor masters expanding the offering and appealing to a wider demographic. They also feel they can compete a little better in the market in doing so. He said that they want to fit in and complete it. He said he appreciates the support and hopes to move forward.


Alderperson Paulsen motioned to approve Resolution 879 and Alderperson Copple seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Fischer, Huseman, Paulsen, Stouffer, Bauer, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.


A. Consideration of a Public Works Recommendation to Purchase a 2022 Ford F250 4x4 Pickup Truck and Plow from Currie Motors Fleet of Frankfort, Illinois in the Amount of $33,165.00.

Acting City Manager Maggie Peck said that this is for a 4x4 F250 Pickup Truck that will be purchased through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative. It will have a plow and tow package and will replace an older vehicle that doesn’t have same capacity. This vehicle will be split between the sewer and water fund and when the older vehicle is sold, the proceeds will go back into the sewer and water funds. The vehicle is on backorder for up to nine months but the deadline for the prices are set to expire at the end of the month, so they believe it is the best time to purchase this vehicle.


Alderperson Bauer motioned to approve the consideration for $33,165 to Currie Motors and Alderperson Fischer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Fischer, Huseman, Paulsen, Stouffer, Bauer, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

B. Consideration of a Fire Department Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of $40,726.00 to Garaventa Lift of East Peoria, Illinois for the Partial Replacement of the Garaventa Wheelchair Lift at Station 1.

Acting City Manager Maggie Peck said there have been operational issues with the wheelchair lift at Station 1. Although it is not used daily, it is required to pass annual inspections. It has passed so far due to repairs being done. Due to the age of the lift and inability to obtain replacement parts, it has complicated the repairs over the last few years. They sought quotes for partial and full replacement:

• Partial Replacement: $40,726.00

• Full Replacement: $60,184.00

Given the lift’s age and demand on its use, it is the Fire Department’s recommendation to go with the partial replacement ($40,726). They believe this is the most reasonable and cost-effective approach.

Alderperson Copple asked why the partial is most cost-effective instead of replacing the whole thing. Maggie Peck said that they would be spending additional money for a lift that is not used very often.

Chief Polarek added that it would really be $85,000 to replace it outright versus $40,000. He said that quite frankly, for the partial replacement, it replaces everything but the tubes. The reality is that short of the tubes, we would be getting everything new. He said that in this particular context, the $40,000 is a bargain. He also added that in the 11 years in Sycamore, they have use it a half a dozen times, but it’s an ADA (Americans with Disabilities) tool and we have to have it because it is a public building.


Alderperson Paulsen motioned to approve the consideration for $40,726 to Garaventa and Alderperson Fischer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Fischer, Huseman, Paulsen, Stouffer, Bauer, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

C. Consideration of a Recommendation from the Public Works Department to Enter into Professional Services Agreement with Dixon Engineering Inc. for Final Engineering Documents and to Complete Construction Inspection Services for the Proposed Water Tower 1 Improvements Project.

Acting City Manager Maggie Peck said Water Tower 1 was constructed in 1962 and was last painted in 1987. Staff has been evaluating options including painting and construction of the tower per the recommendations of the 2019 Water Master Plan. Based on current and predicted water usage and needs, the most fiscally responsible action is to complete the improvements and repaint the existing tower. It would be painted to match the tower on the north side of town and include a mixer and chlorine injection system. The City sought statements of qualifications and proposals from firms specializing in the design and inspection

and with structural recoating and expertise. Dixon Engineering, Inc. has unanimously met those needs. They will complete design phase services ($7,800) and construction phase services ($48,000) allowing the city to get bids later this year for construction to begin in 2022. The city administration will oversee the bidding reducing costs significantly. Only after selection of the contractor will the city execute the inspection portion of Dixon’s contract which included testing by certified inspectors. Proposed project fee is $55,800 with design and construction services.

Alderman Huseman asked if Dixon is also completing work for $48,000 in the construction phase or if it is more designs.

City Engineer Mark Bushnell said it is for construction engineering. They have technicians who are certified in coating to come out and do required testing in order to have the warranty on the painting. They also do testing to make sure that the contractor is completing the work according to the specs and not getting any particulates spreading around town. It is based on how many times they visit, so they are only paying for when they come out.


Alderperson Huseman motioned to approve the consideration and Alderperson Stouffer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Fischer, Huseman, Paulsen, Stouffer, Bauer, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

D. Consideration of an Administration Department Recommendation to Enter into a Contract in the Amount of $29,000 for Professional Services with PGAV Planners, LLC of St. Louis, Missouri for Proposed Redevelopment Project Area No. 2.

Acting City Manager Maggie Peck said as the city sets out to close TIF Area Project #1 a few years before its expiration, the city has had increased interest in business growth and revitalization on the north side of town. The city has a long and positive relationship with PGAV Planners, who partnered with the city in the creation and administration of TIF Project #1 and so would like to begin to conduct a feasibility study for a possible creation of a new TIF district. This potential future TIF would encompass properties along portions of North Cross Street, Lucas Street to North Avenue, and one block over Main to Page Street. PGAV will prepare a Redevelopment Plan for the proposed Project Area as per the agenda. They had a Joint Review Board meeting on June 29 with all the taxing bodies to discuss the potential of creating TIF Project #2 where Adam Stroud, PGAV Planners was present. She pointed out that Mr. Stroud commended the city for their prudent efforts for completing so many noteworthy projects and stated that closing a TIF early is not historically heard of. She noted that if this is approved, that PGAV Planners will be out here in the next week or two to meet with them and begin the process.

Alderperson Copple asked how many businesses are within this area.

Maggie Peck said there are several businesses as it includes the entire Sycamore Industrial Park which was recently purchased by Innovative Growers and there are many others. She said that although it’s not included in the map, they are also looking to include down Page Street where the city had the Water Division. Their thinking is that they may partner with the Park District over the next 20 years to do something with the Great Western Trail.

Alderman Huseman asked what the next steps look like in terms of the other taxing authorities after the feasibility study.

Maggie Peck said the next steps are that we would receive a recommendation from PGAV Planners on how we would move forward. The first thing would be to notify the taxing bodies by letter and have another Joint Review Board meeting where they would vote on that to bring forward to council.

Alderman Bauer asked about what she said about the trail and being with the TIF as it is not on the tax rolls now so there would be no increment. He thought the projects were to improve the EAV and doesn’t see how the trail would do that.

Maggie Peck said correct that it would just be projects and said that we do have some infrastructure needs under the roadway there that City Engineer Mark Bushnell could discuss.

City Engineer Mark Bushnell said that the Park District received a grant for the continuation of the trail from where it ends now up to Old Mill so there can be improvements up along the side of the trail. The plan is to continue along Page Street and continue toward the open parcel on North Avenue.

Alderman Stouffer referenced Section 5, E, F, and G of the contract noting the preparation of different documents that are required and said it sounds like it is out of the scope of what the council is approving. He is curious how much more that would be and if they should be wrapping that all up in one vote now.

Maggie Peck said what they have currently done with PGAV Planners is paid them a fee 21 years ago and none of those things actually needed to occur. So at the time when Adam Stroud put this together, these are the things that would be outside of the scope and that he doesn’t potentially see happening. She said that they recently approved the closing of TIF Project #1 through PGAV Planners and it’s a minimal charge for those. Typically, they get about $200 an hour to do those processes so it would be on an hourly basis and she would bring that forward at that time if it was significant.

Alderman Stouffer also asked if there is a start date for TIF Project #2 or if the plan that PGAV Planners put together expire at a certain point.

Maggie Peck said it will just be a timing thing but said it would be her best guestimate that she would be able to bring something forward early this fall. If approved, they would be able to get started as soon as possible.

Alderperson Copple asked who will serve at the point of contact.

Maggie Peck said for TIF Project #2 that it would be her.

Alderperson Copple asked if it would be Maggie Peck as the HR Director or if the City Manager would take over when hired.

Maggie Peck said if that is what the council would prefer but stated that under her other title as Director of Human and Administrative Resources, these are items that she was intimately involved in with TIF #1 so at this point she would still like to be that contact unless another decision is made. She added that she has had a relationship with Adam Stroud and PGAV for about two years.

Alderman Paulsen asked if PGAV Planners would look into including what used to be Duplex Products and Jensen.

Maggie Peck said no that it is on the other side of the street and would not be doing that as this point. When they looked at it, it was too large of an area to encompass at one time.


Alderperson Paulsen motioned to approve the consideration for $29,000 and Alderperson Fischer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Fischer, Huseman, Paulsen, Stouffer, Bauer, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

E. Consideration of a Mayoral request for a Closed Session to discuss the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of a Specific Employee or Legal Counsel for the Public Body and the Sale of Property.


Alderperson Paulsen motioned to enter into Closed Session at 7:35 p.m. and Alderperson Huseman seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.


Alderperson Huseman motioned to enter back into Open Session at 8:32 p.m. and Alderperson Stouffer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.




Alderperson Paulsen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m. and Alderperson Bauer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.
