City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole Council met Sept. 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Mayor’s Report: Todd Latham
1. Starr Design Construction – Discussion on property development
2. Outdoor Dining Discussion
3. Taste of Sandwich Discussion
4. American Rescue Plan Act Relief Use Plan
5. Solar Power / Fields
6. Technology Audit
7. Water infrastructure mapping, water rate study
8. Safe Routes to School grant program participation
Attorney’s Report: Attorney Jess Harrill / Foster, Buick, Conklin & Lundgren Law Group
City Clerk’s Report: Denise Ii
Treasurer’s Report: Pete Dell
City Department’s Reports:
EMA Tom Ciciora
Chief Jim Bianchi
Aldermen Reports
Alderman Bill Fritsch
Alderman Brent Holcomb
Alderwoman Rebecca Johnson
Alderwoman Cara Killey
Alderman Fred Kreinbrink
Alderman Bill Littlebrant
Alderman Rich Robinson
Alderman Rick Whitecotton
Audience Comments: