
DeKalb Times

Friday, November 29, 2024

City of Dekalb City Council met June 28

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City of Dekalb City Council met June 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of DeKalb, Illinois held a Regular City Council meeting in the Yusunas Meeting Room of the DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak Street, DeKalb, Illinois.

A. Call to order and roll

Mayor Barnes called the meeting to order, in attendance were Aldermans Morris, Larson, Perkins, Smith, McAdams, Faivre, Mayor Barnes, City Clerk Cohen

Absent, Ald Verbic

B. Pledge of Allegiance

Ald. Faivre led the pledge

C. Approval of the agenda

Moved by Ald. Morris, seconded by Ald. Faivre

Passed roll call 7-0

D. Public Participation

Mary Hess, Township supervisor spoke to thank Mr. Cox of the city, who assisted them in establishing a bus stop on South 4th St.

E. Presentations

Mayor Barnes read a proclamation declaring June Pride Month in DeKalb

Mayor Barnes read a proclamation declaring June 27-July4 Stage Coach Players week in DeKalb

F. Appointments


G. Consent Agenda

1. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of June 14, 2021.

2. Accounts Payable and Payroll through June 28, 2021, in the Amount of $2,134,568.25.

3. Investment and Bank Balance Summary through April 2021.

4. Year-to-Date Revenues and Expenditures through April 2021.

5. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report – May 2021.

6. Authorization of Northern Illinois University Masters of Public Administration (MPA) Internship Annual Agreement.

Moved by Ald. Perkins, Seconded by Ald. Morris

Passed on roll call vote 7-0

H. Public Hearings


I. Considerations

1. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Presentation

CM Nicklas reported that we are tonight celebrating the completion of our annual audit, the largest component of which is the CAFR. Also included is the TIF report, as well as various other auditors reports.

We have received good results, and the reporting is done well and fairly. Our accounts are in order, services are properly funded, and the city is in a good financial position including pension funding which is on track to meet statutory requirements Brian LeFevre from Sikiich provided additional detail to council

Ald. Faivre thanked the CM, ACM and city finance team for their excellent work, as did Mayor Barnes, who additionally thanked the audit team for their work in taking the time to do a proper audit, ensuring everything is done well.

2. Report on the American Rescue Plan as it Pertains to the City of DeKalb.

CM Nicklas walked the council through considerations relating to the utilization of the ARP, noting that it will provide an aggressive amount of aid to governmental units. Where the CAREs act primarily served to refill coffers due to extended spending during the pandemic, the majority of the ARP is forward looking, towards recovery and growth, though there is additional consideration for revenue loss.

There is also funding to aid marginalized people, as well as towards infrastructure.

The City of DeKalb is potentially eligible for $10,422,954. On May 19, the City received a US Treasury transfer of $5,211,477. After consultation with the City’s auditors (Sikich, LLC), the money was placed in escrow and a new Fund 110 was established in the City’s financial software to provide the shell for tracking future revenues and expenditures under the ARP program.

There will be routine reporting on expenditures made both to council and to the US Treasury, including a quarterly and annual report to the treasury.

In background to the council there is a brief explanation of potential uses for the funds.

3. Commemoration of the Juneteenth National Holiday in DeKalb

CM Nicklas shared that there was a wonderful event on blackhawk to celebrate, and wished to share something about the importance of the day. Particularly due to recent developments and strides made towards honoring the diversity of our community. After approval in the Senate in April 1864, the House of Representatives had finally voted in favor of the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution on January 31, 1865 and proposed the amendment to the states on February 1, 1865. However, at the close of general hostilities in April 1865 the requisite three-fourths of the states had not ratified the enactment to enshrine it in the Constitution. This was not accomplished until January 15, 1866, when Georgia became the 27th state out of the then-total 36 states of the Union to ratify. Major General Granger, appointed by General Grant as the commander of the Headquarters District of Texas, was determined to bring greater urgency regarding the news of liberation to people in his district. On June 19, 1865, he issued General Order No. 3 which informed the people of Texas that all slaves were free, meaning “an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves.”

The City Manager will bring the Council action steps for the full recognition of Juneteenth in the City of DeKalb as a paid holiday for celebration and reflection over what unites us, and how we can collectively promote racial understanding and healing. Mayor Barnes noted that he attended and was very impressed by the event

J. Ordinances Second Reading

1. Ordinance 2021-019 Amending the FY2020 City Budget to Conform to Audited Findings.

Mayor Barnes recused himself from this discussion, and passed the gavel to Ald. Faivre.

Acting Chair Faivre said he would entertain a motion to bring this to the floor, moved by Ald. McAdams, Seconded by Ald. Morris

CM Nicklas said that this was discussed at the last meeting extensively, and he urges approval.

Motion passes roll call 6-0, with Mayor Barnes recused

K. Resolutions

1. Resolution 2021-047 Receiving and Filing the FY2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), Audit Report and Management Letter.

Moved by Ald. Smith, Seconded by Ald. McAdams

With the approval of the ordinance, the details of which will be added to the final audit documents, the CM urges acceptance of this so it may be filed

Motion passes 6-0, with Mayor Barnes recused

Mayor Barnes took back the gavel

2. Resolution 2021-048 Authorizing the Waiver of Competitive Bidding and Payment to Foster & Foster, Inc. in the Amount of $20,467 for Fiscal Year 2020 Actuarial Services.

Ald. Morris moved, seconded by Ald. McAdams

CM Nicklas explained that the actuary presents yearly reports, which we pay for each year. The cities fire and police pension funds do reimburse the city for their portion. This exceeds the CM spending authority by $467

Motion carried 6-0-1 (abstention by Smith)

3. Resolution 2021-049 Authorizing a Law Enforcement Embedded Social Worker Agreement with Northwestern Medicine Ben Gordon Center.

Moved by Ald. McAdams seconded by Ald. Smith

The setup of this has taken a year, including a pilot program of this, which has been largely successful, the one year agreement has expired, which was formerly funded by the county mental health department. Now council approval is sought to continue this successful program.

There are individuals who utilize the PD rather extensively, who are in need of mental health services, and the addition of a social worker to connect them with resources has proven beneficial.

The CM strongly recommends approval.

Ald Morris asked a clarifying question: we have had 1 social worker working how many hours per day? Answer is approximately 40 a week, 8 hours a day. She continued discussion by highlighting the great results, and suggested they could be even better with a second

Chief Byrd added that reduced response times can be very beneficial to getting people to accept assistance. He highlighted that full coverage will benefit immensely, particularly since many calls occur in the later hours.

Ald Morris wondered if there was tracking of subsequent results oriented statistics to track outcomes. Chief Byrd responded that he has spoken to the individual, who is tracking it but hard numbers are not yet available.

CM Nicklas also noted that the social worker has done crisis management training not only with DPD but with other LE agencies within the county.

Ald Perkins asked a point of clarity that this was budgeted for? CM Nicklas noted yes, but the third will require a budget amendment.

Ald Morris noted that outcomes related to recidivism should also be tracked Motion carries 7-0

4. Resolution 2021-050 Adopting the Upper South Branch of the Kishwaukee River Watershed Improvement Plan.

Moved by Ald. Faivre seconded by Ald. Morris

CM Nicklas explained that we are on the edge of one of the most phenomenal water recharge areas in the US, and that we must be careful and work hard to protect it, particularly the upper south branch of the Kishwaukee River.

It was thought useful to establish a plan

Ald. Larson said that being from a farm background, she knows well that these tributaries are very important to farmers, and that it’s important for everyone to be on the same page

Motion carries 7-0

5. Resolution 2021-051 Authorizing an Architectural Improvement Program (AIP) Economic Incentive for Hickey’s Corner Store, Located at 218 W. Lincoln Highway in the Amount of $1,185.

Mayor Barnes recused, due to TIF conflicts, passed gavel to Ald. Faivre

Moved by Ald. Perkins, seconded by Ald. Morris

We have a long standing family owned corner store at 218 W. Lincoln, which is making a substantial improvement to their asphalt lot, which is appreciated. The program will approve up to 10% reimbursement, which $1,185 is. The AIP program is basically a forgivable loan, based on the recipient remaining in Dekalb for 5 years.

Motion carries 6-0, with Mayor Barnes recused

Mayor Barnes resumed the chair position

L. Ordinances First Reading

1. Ordinance 2021-021 Amending Chapter 51 “Traffic”, Schedule A “One Way Traffic”, as it Pertains to Establishing One Way Traffic for a Segment of N. 6th Street.

Moved by Ald. Smith seconded by Ald. Faivre.

This first reading will give time before a subsequent council meeting for public comment from property owners and businesses.

This particular change was suggested by the county housing authority, and this segment of N. 6th St will create opportunities for street parking. We have a one way section already from Lincoln to Locust. The concern we had heard was about one lane traffic vs two lane.

There are multiple options, including passing the proposal, making it all one way to pine, and choosing to make no change.

Ald. Larson asked about the lots north and south of the old farm bureau, to make sure they were in fact private lots. The CM explained that yes they are

Ald. Smith noted he’d spoken with city engineer Gill, and had concerns about it being rather confusing turning onto 6th street, and he believes it would be beneficial if the entire street was one way rather than a mixed segmented approach. He asked if signs could be placed towards businesses so that patrons could know where businesses are.

Ald. Smith verified that the residents were supportive of this. All 3 on the relevant block responded in the affirmative.

Further discussion ensued regarding resident and business desires.

If the council is of the opinion that it should be one way all the way to Pine then the CM can bring it forward

There was a discussion of what should be done,

Roll call vote: 0-7 motion fails

2. Ordinance 2021-022 Approving the Final Development Plan for the Property Located at 217 Franklin Street (Safe Passage).

Moved by Ald. Morris seconded by Ald. Smith.

Safe passage has worked to find a final development plan for the property over some time now,

Motion carries 7-0

Ald. Morris moved to waive 2nd reading and approve, seconded by Ald. Perkins Motion carries 7-0

M. Reports and communications

Council member reports


There is an AGN neighborhood meeting, Tuesday at 5:30 at Westminster Presbyterian Larson Neighborhood news, intakes are getting full, please get out and clean. Perkins

No report


Thanks to all who attended the ward meeting, it was a good meeting.


No report


No report

Mayor Barnes

Mayor Barnes was at the Juneteenth celebration, noted the food was amazing, and vendors were wonderful, and he looks forward to seeing it again.

Thanks to all the individuals who have met with him, including commission chairs and council members.

Thanks to Ald Smith and Fire Chief McMaster for hosting the ward meeting Also, thanks to the trash squirrels, but also a plea to the community, please take your trash to a garbage can.

N. Executive Session

1. Approval to Hold an Executive Session to Discuss Personnel as Provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

Moved by Ald. Faivre, seconded by Ald. Mcadams

Motion carries 7-0

The Clerk was participating remotely via zoom, and was required to disconnect for the Executive Session.

7:28 council recessed to executive session.

O. Adjournment
