DeKalb County Committee of the Whole met Aug. 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Committee of the Whole of the DeKalb County Board met in the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium. Chairman John Frieders called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Those Members present were Mr. Tim Bagby, Mr. Scott Campbell, Ms. Mary Cozad, Ms. Rukisha Crawford, Mr. Bill Cummings, Mr. Patrick Deutsch, Mrs. Laurie Emmer, Mr. Steve Faivre, Ms. Kiara Jones, Mrs. Kathy Lampkins, Ms. Dianne Leifheit, Ms. Terri Mann Lamb, Mr. Neill Mohammad, Mr. Craig Roman, Vice-Chair Suzanne Willis, and Chairman John Frieders. Those absent were Mrs. Karen Cribben, Mr. Tim Hughes, Ms. Maureen Little, Mr. Jim Luebke, Mr. Jerry Osland, Mr. Roy Plote, Ms. Linda Slabon, and Mr. Larry West. A quorum was established with sixteen Members present and eight absent.
It was moved by Mr. Faivre, seconded by Ms. Mann-Lamb and it was carried unanimously by voice vote to approve the agenda as presented.
It was moved by Ms. Cozad, seconded by Mrs. Emmer and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting.
Mr. Roy Plote arrived. There were now seventeen Members present and seven absent.
Ms. Katherine Andraski, Franklin Township, addressed the Board regarding taking DeKalb County’s prime farmland and turning it into an industrial electric generating plant by installing solar farms. Ms. Andraski requested the Board to seriously consider limiting the number of acres slated for industrial electric generating plants in DeKalb County.
Mr. Jamie Walter, 5th generation farmer in DeKalb, Illinois, shared that he has land in the proposed Red Maple solar project. He addressed the Board on how DeKalb County has always been known for its agricultural innovations. He also described how he sees corn on his farm as nothing more than a biological solar panel. Corn captures the sun, stores it in the form of energy until it can be processed, and is released for use in cars (ethanol). He questioned what the difference was between a solar panel module and a biological corn plant. They both are converting the sun into energy and a solar panel module does it about 15-times more efficiently. He lastly described how the land these proposed solar projects would be on would be leased and how they would be protected by the panels and returned back to farmland after the life of the projects.
Mr. Larry Forsberg, South Grove Township, shared he recently communicated with Max Armstrong (an American agriculture broadcaster from Chicago, Illinois). He shared that Max said, “I personally think it’s a scourge when they (solar panels) are improperly placed. To locate them on some of the most productive farmland on the planet is a terrible misuse of our natural resources. Now I am an outsider, and I have no vested interest. I fully understand that some people would salivate over the rates that are being offered versus the farmland cash rental rates that they can get. But as a member of society, Larry, I absolutely feel that these systems should be confined to land that has little agricultural productivity. Instead, they seem to be placing them where it is easiest to tie into the electrical grid.” Mr. Forsberg continued to share that he believes that the County’s Elected Officials and Hearing Officer need to continue to do their research on solar so they can make the most educated, scientific, and economic decisions for all of the County.
Mr. Kevin Adelman, Leeward, addressed the Board regarding the potential County-Wide acreage limitation for Solar Energy Systems. He shared that based on the electrical infrastructure, there is already a natural limit on the number of solar projects that there can be in one area.
Chairman Frieders announced that with the unanimous support of the Republican Precinct Committeepersons, he will be recommending the appointment of Andrew Sullivan as DeKalb County Sheriff to fill the unexpired term of Roger Scott until November 30, 2022.
Reports from Committee Chairs
Mr. Faivre, Chair of the Planning & Zoning Committee, reported that the Committee forwarded an Ordinance to the full Board recommending the approval of a Zoning Map Amendment for Arneson Oil in Sandwich.
Mr. Plote, Chair of the County Highway Committee, shared that the Committee recommended approval of six Resolutions. He briefly reviewed each of the action items. There were a few Local Agency Agreements with the State, purchase of some new equipment, and the establishment of two Class II Truck Routes.
Mrs. Emmer, Chair of the Economic Development Committee shared that Chief County Assessment Officer Bridget Nodurft came to the Committee requesting an incremental increase in the fee that is collected to product a Commercial Data Report. Unfortunately, the Committee could not come to an agreement on how to incrementally come to the desired $100.00 fee, so the item was tabled until next meeting. Ms. Nodurft also provided the Committee with her 2020 Annual Report.
Ms. Crawford, Chair of Health & Human Services Committee shared that the Committee unanimously forwarded a Resolution to the full Board recommending the approval of a Pass Through Agreement with the Voluntary Action Center. This is an agreement that has been in place for many years but is now being formalized for the State.
Ms. Leifheit, Chair of the Law & Justice Committee, shared that the Committee did not meet this month.
Note: These minutes are not official until approved by the
Committee of the Whole at a subsequent meeting. Please refer to the meeting minutes when these minutes are approved to obtain any changes to these minutes.
Mr. Bagby, Chairman of the Finance Committee, shared that the Committee reviewed and recommended the approval of a one-year Auditing Services Proposal from Sikich LLP. They also forwarded a Resolution establishing an Audit Selection and Rotation Policy for the County. Sikich was present and presented the Audit for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2020.
Mr. Roman, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Operations Committee, shared that the Committee met at the Chief Shabbona Forest Preserve where they received a report from the Shabbona Pathway Committee. The Committee additionally forwarded a Resolution that was needed in order to accept a $10,000 donation from ComEd’s Green Region Grant Program. The donation is for the partnership for the Riverwood Forest Preserve Prairie Restoration Project.
County Administrator’s Report
County Administrator Brian Gregory shared a few additional comments about the County’s FY 2020 Audit that was presented at the Finance Committee earlier in the month.
Mr. Gregory shared that he is currently in the midst of the FY 2022 Budget Process. Staff begins to get together their budget requests and Administration puts that into the form of a draft to present to the Board. Each of the Committees will have an opportunity throughout the month of late-September and October to review their respective Departments’ budget requests and ask any questions they may have to better understand the budget as a whole. Mr. Gregory additionally reviewed with the Board some efficiencies that he has implemented in this budget process and how the overall look and feel brings more transparency and user-friendliness to the finished product.
Census data is anticipated to begin being released next week. From what has been said, Mr. Gregory thought that very raw data will be released around the 16th of August and the numbers will be formalized by the end of the month. This will begin the process of County Board Redistricting is anticipated to take place in a couple months.
Chairman Frieders added that Public Health Administrator Lisa Gonzalez will be attending the August County Board Meeting to provide a situational update on the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was moved by Mr. Roman, seconded by Mrs. Emmer, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m.