
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Sycamore City Council met Feb. 21

City of Sycamore City Council met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Braser called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and City Clerk Mary Kalk called the roll. Those Alderpersons present were: Jeff Fischer, Josh Huseman, Pete Paulsen, Virginia Sherrod, David Stouffer, Chuck Stowe, Alan Bauer, and Nancy Copple. City Attorney Keith Foster was also present.

INVOCATION Led by Alderperson Nancy Copple

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by City Manager Michael Hall



Alderperson Stouffer motioned to approve the agenda and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.



A. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of February 7, 2022.

B. Payment of the Bills for February 21, 2022 in the amount of $739,971.47.


Alderperson Bauer motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and Alderperson Stowe seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Fischer, Huseman, Paulsen, Sherrod, Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.


A. Presentation by Rose Treml of the Sycamore Chamber of Commerce Regarding their Mission and Impact within the City of Sycamore.

Rose Treml, Executive Director Sycamore Chamber, 519 W. State Street, introduced Membership and Finance Manager, Jamie Marcinkowski and Discover Director of Events and Marketing, Shelby Crackel. Rose reported, from the Google analytics report that in 2021, the Discover Sycamore website had 41,000 event page views, 34,000 home page views, 18,000 restaurant and eateries page views, and about 16,000 views on shopping pages all of which 70% came to their website outside from DeKalb County. The Discover Sycamore Facebook page had a reach of nearly 99,000. More highlights were covered and are attached here within.

B. Presentation by City Manager Michael Hall of City Manager Goals - outlined here within.


City Manager – Michael Hall introduced Finance Director Brien Martin, who will now be attending the meetings to report and answer any questions.

Brien Martin reported that they are almost done with the audit and they are working on getting caught up. He appreciates everyone’s patience.

Police Chief – Jim Winters thanked our Sycamore officers, as well as officers from DeKalb Police Department and the Sheriff’s Office who responded to the armed robbery in progress at Walgreens a little over a week ago. It was a very serious

incident and the officers and deputies were able to apprehend the fleeing suspects, tend to the victims, and bring a safe conclusion to the incident. The investigation remains active but nonetheless, it was nice work by those responding officers.

Fire Chief – Pete Polarek said the Fire Department held a ceremony on Friday, February 18th for the changeover of old engine #4 to new engine #4. He said they transferred water from the old to the new and then the engine was wet down. The active and retirees, along with the alderpersons, mayor, clerk, and city manager all helped wipe it down as part of the ritual. The active and retirees helped push the truck in the station into its rightful spot. Pictures and videos are on their Facebook page.


Finance – Alan Bauer said no report

Public Safety – Pete Paulsen said no report.

Public Works – Chuck Stowe said no report

Nancy Copple, Sycamore Library Board reported;

• As of February 1st, the library returned to in person programming. They will continue to offer a hybrid of programs to serve the needs of the community.

• The library is honoring Black History Month with the Free Library of Philadelphia’s Culinary Literacy Center who has invited Sycamore patrons to learn how to cook and get a taste of the African Heritage from the comfort of their homes. Classes began on Saturday, February 5th and will continue to run until March 12th from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. Sycamore patrons will just need to register for the free program through the Sycamore Library’s Eventbrite to receive the link and recipes.

• The Spring Book Sale, hosted by Friends of the Sycamore Library, is April 8th and 9th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. All are invited to shop!

• Anyone interested in joining Friends of the Sycamore Library are encouraged to attend their next meeting on Tuesday, March 1st at 5:30 pm.

• The library is looking into adding license plate renewals to their list of services for the community. More information will be forthcoming.



A. Ordinance No. 2021.30 – An Ordinance Authorizing the City of Sycamore, DeKalb County, Illinois to Borrow Funds from the Public Water Supply Loan Program.

City Manager Michael Hall said, in recapping the narrative, that this is a two-part process. The first part is to get an approval from IEPA (Illinois Environmental Protection Agency) to borrow money and the second part is getting the terms of the loan which say that it is a forgivable loan. If the terms come back that way, it will come before council for approval and then be authorization to move forward on the loan.

City Engineer Mark Bushnell added that it’s modifying the existing 100% forgivable loan to the maximum which is now $4 Million. The IEPA’s fiscal year starts July 1st, so they are planning for another $4 Million which will be combined into one.


Alderperson Stowe motioned to waive First Reading of Ordinance 2021.30 and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 9-0. Alderman Josh Huseman asked for more clarification as this is substantial.

City Engineer Mark Bushnell further explained that at the time they applied, it was a $1 Million maximum. The IEPA keeps upping that from $1.7 Million to now they are allowing us to modify it to the current cap of $4 Million which is at 100% forgiveness. They are applying for another loan after July 1st with the new cap of $4 Million bringing the total to $8 Million. If we know the current loan is 100% debt forgiveness, all indications are that the second loan will also be 100% debt forgiveness.

If it turns out that it is not, they are under no obligation to incur any debt. He said they have $5.5 Million dollars of work on the books this year for water improvements and that could go up by $4 Million.


Alderperson Stowe motioned to adopt Ordinance 2021.30 and Alderperson Bauer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Fischer, Huseman, Paulsen, Sherrod, Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, and Mayor Braser voted aye. Motion carried 9-0.


A. Resolution No. 906 – A Resolution Appointing City Manager Michael Hall as the City’s Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Authorized Agent.

City Manager Michael Hall said that this is clean-up work for an authorized agent which they require to be done by resolution.


Alderperson Bauer motioned to approve Resolution 906 and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.


A. Consideration of a Recommendation to Approve a Grant of Easement from Nighthawk Video. City Manager Michael Hall said that this is for an easement for this 36,000 storage unit building.

Community Development John Sauter said that this is similar to what they did for Nicor in that it’s a dedicated easement for maintenance purposes.


Alderperson Huseman motioned to approve the Consideration and Alderperson Fischer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Fischer, Huseman, Paulsen, Sherrod, Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.

B. Consideration of an Administration Request for Closed Session in Accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) to Discuss the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees.


Alderperson Stouffer motioned to enter into Closed Session at 7:30 p.m. and Alderperson Huseman seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.


Alderperson Stowe motioned to return to Open Session at 8:56 p.m. and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.





Alderperson Stowe motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m. and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.
