
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole Council met Nov. 7

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole Council met Nov. 7

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Call to Order 

Roll Call 

Audience Comments: 

Mayor’s Report: Todd Latham

1. SCADA Presentation – Timothy Smith TRI-R Communications, Steven Dennison Engineering Enterprises Inc. Inc.

2. Project Updates: 2022 Capital Projects update – Curt Dettmann, EEI 

3. Tax Levy Discussion – Wes Levy, Lauderbach & Amen

4. Property Tax Appeal Board (PTAB)

5. PTAB Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)

6. Adjudication Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)

7. Ordinance on Historical Demolition

8. Ordinance on Historical Building, Monuments, Markers

9. Ordinance on Trees/Shrubs in Parkway

10. Salary/Rate of pay Comparatives Survey

Attorney’s Report: Attorney Cassandra A. Gottschalk / Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group

1. Ordinance to define City Administrator Duties, Authority and Responsibilities. City Clerk’s Report: Denise Ii

Treasurer’s Report: Colanne Schwemlein

CD Rate update

City Administrator’s Report: Geoff Penman

1. Fee Increases: Plumbing – Rate increase Discussion

2. Fee Increases: Water/Sewer Late Charge – Rate Increase Discussion

City Department’s Reports: 

EMA Tom Ciciora

Police Department Chief Jim Bianchi

1. Update on move in schedule for New Police Station


Aldermen Reports 

Alderwoman Karsta Erickson

Alderman Bill Fritsch

Alderwoman Rebecca Johnson Alderwoman Cara Killey

Alderman Fred Kreinbrink

Alderman Bill Littlebrant

Alderman Rich Robinson

Alderman Rick Whitecotton


Audience Comments: 

