
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DeKalb County Mental Health Board Executive Committee met Dec. 6

DeKalb County Mental Health Board Executive Committee met Dec. 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Committee Members Present: Jane Smith, Marilyn Stromborg

Committee Members Not Present: Meghan Cook

Staff Present: Deanna Cada, Heaven Allen

Other Persons Present:

1. Call to Order

Ms. Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

2. Agenda

Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously. 

3. Approval of Minutes

Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the minutes of the 09/06/22 meeting, seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously.

4. Office Report

Ms. Cada reported that the new grant writer for Northwestern Medicine (NM) asked for a Letter of Support for a Health and Human Services Capital Grant through the Illinois Department of Human Services. Ms. Cada announced that she was able to complete the LOS.

Ms. Cada announced that she was appointed to region 1 for the CESSA Committee. CESSA will go into effect in July 2023.

Ms. Cada reported that she spoke with Paul Callahan from the DCEDC. They are looking to collaborate to discuss Mental Health in trade workplaces. Ms. Cada shared that she might be a possible presenter for them.

Ms. Cada shared that Ms. Allen and herself attended the Winter ACHMAI Meeting in Chicago. Ms. Cada shared that the meeting focused on Child Mental Health, specifically Systems of Care, which she stated we hope to bring to Dekalb County.

Ms. Allen Discussed her attendance at the Leadership institute for intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Ms. Cada announced that she would be out of the office from Dec. 21st – Jan 4th

5. Public Comment

There was no public comment.

6. Old Business

A. Strategic Planning: Next Steps – Ms. Cada announced that NIU CGS met with 4 Community Focus groups. She stated that the groups went well. There were about 40 participants altogether. Ms. Cada announced that the interview with the Executive Committee and Executive Director on Dec.15th

B. Executive Director & Administrative Assistance Performance Reviews – Tabled to Finance Committee

7. New Business

A. Finance Committee Appointments–

Ms. Smith moved to appoint Perry Maier as an interim member of the Executive Committee. Ms. Smith moved to Appoint Meghan Cook as Interim Chair of the Finance Committee and Mr. Maier as an interim member of the Finance Committee.

B. Stakeholder Psychiatry Conversation – Ms. Cada discussed needing a level set for Psychiatric needs within the community. Ms. Cada announced wanting to gather the psychiatrist in the county and to discuss how we can increase resources to the county.

8. One-Year/Three-Year Plan update – Ms. Cada discussed implementing a system of care for 0-7 priority. Ms. Cada discussed that Kim Volk might be a great consultant to connect with.

9. Date of Next Executive Committee Meeting: 01/10/23 starting at 6:00 pm

10. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m.

Dr. Stromborg moved for adjournment, seconded by Ms. Smith. The motion passed unanimously.
