
DeKalb Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

City of Genoa Wastewater Treatment Committee met March 1

City of Genoa Wastewater Treatment Committee met March 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Nick Bradac called the March 1, 2023 City of Genoa Wastewater Treatment Committee Meeting to order at 6:05 PM. 

On roll call, members Nick Bradac and Walter Stage were present; Pam Wesner joined at 6:15 PM; Mayor Jonathon Brust, Janice Melton, Janis Tures, and Alyssa Seguss, City of Genoa were also present. 

New Business: 

A. Discuss IRWA Rate Study: the WTC reviewed a 9% sewer rate increase recommendation from IRWA. The Committee discussed whether there may be some “low hanging fruit” to reduce infiltration and Public Works Director Janice Melton explained that Public Works continues to line sewers and manholes. 

B. Discuss City of Genoa Rate Survey: The Committee noted that some communities don’t have similar charges to Genoa, such as a user charge, but “bake it in” elsewhere (such as the per 1,000 gallons rate). The Committee noted that Genoa appears to be the average when it comes to both rates, charges, and the total bill but there are outliers at both ends. The Committee noted that there are many variables and doing a treatment expansion would likely cause Genoa to become towards the more expensive end of the list due to the capital fee that would be needed to pay for the project. 

C. Discuss Sewer Rates: With the new information presented, the Committee reviewed four different options presented, all which resulted in revenues sufficient to pay for operating expenditures but also accounted for varying amounts remaining for both the reserves to meet the fund balance policy and transfers to the capital fund. The Committee discussed the difference between increasing the usage rate vs. the user charge. The Committee discussed an interest in increasing the user charge for meters larger than the standard residential meter but was undecided on an increase to the per 1,000 gallons rate. 

Motion to Adjourn: 

Mr. Bradac made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 PM, seconded by Alderman Wesner. Upon voice vote, all members present voted aye. 
