
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Naperville Riverwalk Commission met June 14

City of Naperville Riverwalk Commission met June 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


The Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee (PDC)  

Chairman Friant called the June 14, 2023 Naperville Riverwalk   Commission meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the   lunchroom of the Naperville Municipal Center located at 400 S. Eagle St.,   Naperville, IL. 


Present: Valla Aguilar; Pam Bartlett; John Cuff; Jan Erickson; Jeff Friant;   Mary Gibson; John Joseph; Tom Stibbe; and Mike Sullivan 

Absent: Ian Holzhauer; Pat Kennedy, Chairman; Bill Novack; and Carl   Wohlt 

Also Present: Steve Caine and Dan Oscarson, The Church of Jesus Christ   of Latter-Day Saints; Brian Dusak, ERA; Rick Hitchcock, former Riverwalk   Commission Chairman; Julie Landry, City Staff; Carl Peterson, GRWA;   and Will Payne, NCTV 


Dan Oscarson, twenty-five year resident, along with Steve Caine, twenty-two year resident, both members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, provided an overview on Giving Machines that are vending machines that allow individuals to provide service by making charitable contributions to local and international organizations that provide such things as food, clean water, school supplies, shelter, clothing, training, etc. to those in need. They want to create awareness about the opportunity and noted they realize the Riverwalk Commission does not have the authority to permit them to install these machines on the Riverwalk. They have met with the Downtown Naperville Alliance (DNA) and will be presenting to them again for further discussion. The requested location for placement is along Main Street near the corner of Jackson Avenue, adjacent to White Plaza, for approximately ten days in early December. After a brief overview on how the vending machines work, the Commission thanked them for their presentation.


1. Fredenhagen Park Fountain - Jan Erickson 

Erickson provided a brief overview on the meetings that were previously held with the Exchange Club and Fredenhagen family regarding the possible repair or replacement of the Exchange Club Memories Fountain. Hitchcock noted that Geoff Roehll, Hitchcock Design Group, and former Riverwalk Commission Chairman, attended last week’s PDC meeting and has volunteered his assistance, free of charge, with this project. An onsite meeting that included Wohlt and Novack occurred on June 2nd and a summary of that meeting was included with last week’s PDC minutes, which were included in the agenda packet. The options being discussed are 1) fixing the fountain; 2) replacing with some type of natural water feature; 3) replacing with a rotating, semi-permanent piece of public art; and 4) replacing with some type of light intensive fixed sculpture. Roehll will be presenting some of these concepts at next month’s PDC meeting. Erickson suggested including Wohlt’s idea of illuminating some of the park with uplighting that would draw attention at night. Stibbe noted that there were lights in the park in the past that were a huge target for vandalism, especially if located on the ground, and would prefer a lighting option that could avoid vandalism.

Discussion followed on the possibility of including this as a Master Plan   project and the importance of timing with the Washington Street Bridge   Replacement completion and the 430 South Washington Street project. 

2. Fredenhagen Park Maintenance - Tom Stibbe 

Stibbe is working with Novack regarding the proper channels for financing   these repairs between the Park District and the City. 

3. Riverwalk Master Plan - Jeff Friant for Pat Kennedy 

Friant noted that work is underway as we are in the annual window to make   updates to the Master Plan. Further discussion will continue at next month’s   PDC meeting and recommendations will be brought back before the   Commission. Some initial suggestions included updating the Chairman’s   letter, project status, and updated budgets.  

4. Riverwalk Bicentennial Fund - John Joseph 

Joseph reported that the Riverwalk Bicentennial Fund has been granted   501(c)(3) status. 

5. Update on Eagle Street Gateway Design - Brian Dusak 

Dusak provided an update on the timeline, noting they continue to finalize plans so they can go out to bid in late summer. The intent is to get most of the hardscapes in this year so that landscape and restoration can occur the following spring. Their staff continues to work with City staff and they are very close to submitting some of the environmental documents that need to be uploaded in accordance with the grant requirements.

6. South Extension Preliminary Design - Brian Dusak 

Friant noted that Kennedy informed him that we did receive an $800,000 grant for the South Extension from the State of Illinois that was approved by the Governor in the overall budget, per Representative Janet Yang Rohr’s efforts. The Commission expressed their appreciation and excitement. Dusak reported they are moving forward with preliminary engineering with a few final tweaks and updated cost estimations. A public meeting for the residents in the area, along Melody Lane, has been set for July 19th. Erickson noted they have met with some members of the Naperville Cemetery Board and have been invited to attend their July meeting to discuss the northwest intersection and what options may be available.  


1. Giving Machines on the Riverwalk - Jan Erickson 

Erickson led the discussion on if the Riverwalk Commission would be in agreement about the proposed Giving Machines that were discussed earlier in this meeting, under Public Forum. It was noted that according to Riverwalk guidelines, there should be no fundraising on the Riverwalk. After discussion on property ownership and zoning rights, the Commission will defer to Novack regarding property ownership and if there is a response from the City regarding this request.


1. Approval of Minutes - Jeff Friant for Pat Kennedy 

Approve minutes from the May 10, 2023 Riverwalk Commission meeting 

A motion to approve the May 10, 2023 Riverwalk Commission meeting   minutes was made by Joseph and seconded by Erickson. MOTION   CARRIED with Holzhauer, Kennedy and Novack absent and Sullivan   abstaining 

Approve summary from the May 4, 2023 Asset Management Plan Walk 

A motion to approve the Asset Management Plan Walk summary was   made by Stibbe and seconded by Erickson. MOTION CARRIED with   Bartlett, Friant, Gibson and Sullivan abstaining 

2. Chairman - Jeff Friant for Pat Kennedy 

There was no Chairman’s report. 

3. Finance - Jeff Friant for Bill Novack 

Receive the May Riverwalk financial report 

Friant reviewed the financial report through May 31, 2023 that was included   in the agenda packet. 

4. Park District - Tom Stibbe 

Receive the monthly Park District report 

Stibbe reviewed highlights from the Park District report that was included in the agenda packet. All annual flowers are in and they continue with other plantings. Staff has been watering every day due to lack of rain. The Carillon fence is down and staff removed some straw blanket. Stibbe will speak with Novack regarding additional areas of straw blanket. The Horse Trough fountain pump is down but should be up and running soon. Staff continues with pruning, weeding, spraying, and watering. Erickson requested Stibbe thank his crew on behalf of the Commission.

5. Riverwalk Foundation - John Cuff 

Cuff advised there would be Riverwalk Foundation Board meeting at 6:00  p.m. today. 

6. Donor Recognition - Julie Landry 

Landry reported that the Fall ’23 Legacy Gift Order deadline was   September 1st and currently consists of two 4” x 8” commemorative bricks,  

two 8” x 8” commemorative bricks, and one bench order. 

Stibbe noted that the Spring ’23 commemorative brick installation occurred   on May 25th, with a significant number of bricks being placed near the   Masonic Plaza. 

7. Public Relations - Valla Aguilar 

Aguilar did not have an official report this month but noted that activity was   trending consistently with last month’s Riverwalk coverage. The majority of   mentions were Centennial Beach Opening, Splash Pad Opening,   Paddleboat Quarry as we are now into Summer Events season. 

8. Planning, Design, and Construction - Jeff Friant 

Receive the June 6, 2023 Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction   Committee draft meeting minutes 

All relevant information from the PDC meeting was already addressed in   this meeting. Friant noted there would be more discussion in July on the   Fredenhagen Park Fountain and Master Plan document. 


**Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, July 11, 2023, 7:30 a.m. 

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL 

Riverwalk Commission, July 12, 2023, 7:30 a.m. 

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL 

Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, August 1, 2023, 7:30 a.m. 

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL 

Riverwalk Commission, August 9, 2023, 7:30 a.m. 

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL 


A motion to adjourn was made by Erickson and seconded by Joseph. The   meeting adjourned at 8:37 a.m. MOTION CARRIED 
