
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Naperville Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee met July 11

City of Naperville Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Chairman Friant called the July 11, 2023 Naperville Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee (PDC) meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.

The meeting was held in the Municipal Center Lunchroom located at 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL.


Present: Pam Bartlett; John Cuff; Jan Erickson; Jeff Friant, PDC Chairman (until 8:31 a.m.); Bill Novack; Tom Stibbe; Mike Sullivan; and Carl Wohlt

Absent: Valla Aguilar; Mary Gibson; Ian Holzhauer; John Joseph; and Pat Kennedy

Also Present: Brand Bobosky, Century Walk; Rebecca DeLarme, City Staff; Brian Dusak, ERA; Joe Kennedy, NCTV; Carl Peterson, GRWA; Geoff Roehll, former Riverwalk Commission Chairman; and Marilyn Schweitzer, resident


There were no public comments.


1. Approval of Minutes - Jeff Friant

Approve minutes from the May 2, 2023 Planning, Design and Construction Committee meeting

A motion to approve the May 2, 2023 Planning, Design and Construction Committee meeting minutes was made by Erickson and seconded by Novack. MOTION CARRIED with Sullivan abstaining

Approve minutes from the June 6, 2023 Planning, Design and Construction Committee meeting Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the June 6, 2023 Planning, Design and Construction Committee meeting minutes was made by Novack and seconded by Erickson. MOTION CARRIED with Cuff, Stibbe and Sullivan abstaining

2. Park District - Tom Stibbe

Stibbe reported recent rain was very welcome and things are starting to green up again. He advised that the recent Naperville Salute event at Rotary Hill went very well with minimal turf damage. The Horse Trough Fountain is now running as the pump was recently repaired. The Millenium Carillon plaque had been damaged and they had it refinished, and staff added sod in some of the areas where straw mat and seed had been placed in the front area. Staff continues with pruning, weeding and mulching and volunteer groups assisted with mulching near Rotary Hill prior to the Salute event.

3. Fredenhagen Park Fountain - Bill Novack

Receive Fredenhagen Park Fountain Options document

Novack provided a recap, noting past discussions with the Exchange Club and Fredenhagen family representatives, and the City Council’s directive regarding the repair costs and possible alternatives to the Exchange Club Memories Fountain. He expressed appreciation to Roehll, Principal with Hitchcock Design Group and past Riverwalk Commission Chairman, for his ideas relative to the project.

Roehll reviewed the Fredenhagen Park Fountain Options document, included in the agenda packet, beginning with the first option to fix and keep the existing fountain. He noted that the fountain sub-contractor provided additional detailed breakdown of expenses and the reduced cost is approximately $289,000. Some of the recommended budgeted items include enhancements to the existing equipment that will make it easier to maintain in the future. Repairs would include OSHA life safety improvements, improvements to chemical treatments with the chlorine that was causing excessive corrosion, a new leak detection system, corroded equipment repair, and lighting replacement.

The second option discussed included a natural water feature that required certain elements to keep the pond clear like a gravel bottom, plants and water movement. Roehll reviewed some of the suggested views that included statues of herons, turtles and dragon flies and discussed the possibility of including informational signs on ecology.

The third option in the document was a sculptural component, with Roehl noting that it would include some type of planter. Friant inquired which option would be the least expensive with Roehll answering that it would depend on the sculpture. The group discussed the potential expense of a sculpture and the relatively low maintenance costs. Bobosky stated

Century Walk’s most expensive sculpture was of Joseph Naper, at a cost $175,000 quite a few years ago, and spoke of the attraction of the Bean in Chicago.

The group discussed the lighting component of the fountain, the opportunity to light the entire park that would draw attention from a further distance, the possibility of creating a bigger public improvement at Fredenhagen Park that could be part of the Master Plan, and the importance of the area as it relates to the 430 South Washington project. Consideration for the

Exchange Club and existing commemorative brick and stone donors was also discussed.

Roehll noted that the LED lights would have the ability to change colors and Bobosky spoke of the lighting at the Naperville Community Concert Center and recommended the group view the lighting at the Bill Shatzer sculpture at North Central College. Schweitzer, who provided written comments regarding the Fredenhagen Park Fountain Options document which are attached to these minutes, noted that she is not in favor of including the lighting with the repairs. Novack recommended including the lighting if the first option is selected, adding that it could be bid as an alternate.

Roehll received life cycle costs associated with the fountain repairs that he will forward to Stibbe. Stibbe noted that while his staff does a great job with day-to-day maintenance, he would prefer to have the startup and shut down of the systems handled professionally, both at the beginning and end of each season. Stibbe also noted the importance of the height feature, lighting in the area and suggested the possibility of including lighting the following year.

Further discussion will be held with the full Riverwalk Commission at tomorrow’s meeting.

4. Riverwalk Master Plan - Bill Novack for Pat Kennedy

Novack deferred discussion on the Master Plan to the next day’s Riverwalk Commission meeting. Peterson noted the current timeframe of updating the Master Plan and that two of the six capital improvement projects are close to construction and one is under preliminary design. He noted the importance of updating this information for the public and will review a draft of revisions at next month’s PDC meeting.

5. Riverwalk Bicentennial Fund - Bill Novack for Pat Kennedy

There was no report.

6. Eagle Street Gateway Design Update - Bill Novack and Brian Dusak

Dusak reported that the DuPage County Stormwater permit was received last week and that they are very close to submitting the final environmental assessment. They are still anticipating going out to bid this year with hardscape going in by fall and landscaping possibly falling into next spring.

7. South Extension Preliminary Design - Bill Novack and Brian Dusak

a. Public Open House July 19th

Dusak reported that the Public Open House was scheduled for July 19th, with Novack adding that invitations were sent specifically to residents on Melody Lane and the surrounding area. Peterson reviewed an exhibit that would be presented at the meeting.


1. Walk On! Event in Memory of Chuck Papanos on July 28, 2023 - Jan Erickson Erickson announced the upcoming Walk On! Event in Memory of Chuck Papanos, which will be held on Friday, July 28, 2023. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. at the Naperville Riverwalk Grand Pavilion and the walk begins at 6:30 p.m. Erickson provided a brief background for the new members of the group, noting Chuck’s position with the Park District and the great care and ownership he took of the Naperville Riverwalk.

2. Park District Planning and Review of 2031 Master Plan - Tom Stibbe

Stibbe advised that the Park District had been reviewing some of the Master Plan projects, specifically some of the riverbank stabilization and the rain garden or natural area near the tennis courts. They feel it would be a good idea to have another staff member from their planning department attend the Riverwalk Commission meetings. The Committee noted these are public meetings and had no opposition to an additional staff member attending future meetings.

At this time, Stibbe announced his retirement from the Park District, effective September 8, 2023. His position has been posted internally. The group expressed their congratulations and appreciation for his dedication to the Riverwalk.


Riverwalk Commission, July 12, 2023, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, August 1, 2023, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Commission, August 9, 2023, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, September 5, 2023, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Erickson and seconded by Sullivan. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 a.m. MOTION CARRIED
