
DeKalb Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

City of Genoa Wastewater Treatment Committee met July 19

City of Genoa Wastewater Treatment Committee met July 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Nick Bradac called the July 19, 2023 City of Genoa Wastewater Treatment Committee Meeting to order at 6:05 PM. 

On roll call, members Nick Bradac and Walter Stage were present; Mayor Jonathon Brust, Administrator Alyssa Seguss, and Public Works Director Janice Melton were also present. Alderman Pam Wesner joined the meeting at 6:50 PM. 

Old Business: 

Mr. Bradac made a motion to approve the May 3, 2023 Wastewater Treatment Committee Meeting minutes, seconded by Alderman Stage. 

New Business: 

A. Presentation by Scott Trotter Regarding Possible Wastewater Treatment Plan Upgrades and a Facility Plan: Mr. Trotter introduced himself and shared his experience with the Committee. Mr. Trotter explained some of the questions that the City needs to evaluate whether it makes sense to address the “bottlenecking” vs. building additional capacity, such as, what needs to be replaced to do an expansion? What capacity do we need? What regulatory changes are coming? Mr. Trotter explained the advantages of evaluating not just the plant but also the collection system. The Committee discussed ways outside of repairs, such as illegal hookups, that capacity issues can be addressed. 

Motion to Adjourn: 

Alderman Wesner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 PM, seconded by Mr. Stage. Upon voice vote, all members present voted aye 
