
DeKalb Times

Monday, November 25, 2024

City of Dekalb City Council met Aug. 28

City of Dekalb City Council met Aug. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of DeKalb, Illinois, held a Regular meeting on August 28, 2023, in the Yusunas Meeting Room of the DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak Street, DeKalb, Illinois.


Mayor Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Recording Secretary Ruth Scott called the roll, and the following members of the City Council were present: Alderman Carolyn Zasada, Alderman Barb Larson, Alderman Tracy Smith, Alderman Greg Perkins, Alderman Scott McAdams, Alderman Mike Verbic, Alderman John Walker, and Mayor Cohen Barnes.

Others in attendance included City Manager Bill Nicklas, City Attorney Matt Rose, and Planning Director Dan Olson.

Sasha Cohen was absent.


Shadow Gentry led the Pledge of Allegiance.


MOTION: Alderman Larson moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Alderman McAdams.

VOTE: Motion carried by an 8-0 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, McAdams, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.


There were none.


There was none.


There were none.


Mayor Barnes read the following by title only:

1. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of August 14, 2023.

2. Accounts Payable and Payroll through August 28, 2023, in the Amount of $2,797,488.22.

3. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report – July 2023.

MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to approve the items listed on the Consent Agenda; seconded by Alderman Larson.

VOTE: Motion carried by an 8-0 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, McAdams, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.


There were none.


There were none.


1. Resolution 2023-081 Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services as it Pertains to Participation in the Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) Program.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman McAdams.

City Manager Nicklas provided an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by an 8-0 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, McAdams, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

2. Resolution 2023-082 Authorizing an Architectural Agreement with Studio 222 Architects LLC for DeKalb Fire Station No. 4.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Zasada moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Larson.

City Manager Nicklas provided an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by an 8-0 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, McAdams, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

3. Resolution 2023-083 Authorizing an Agreement for the Provision of Wholesale Electricity for the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport – Dynegy Energy.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Verbic moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Perkins.

City Manager Nicklas provided an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

City Manager Nicklas provided an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

Alderman Perkins asked about the possibility of locking in the lowest rate for more than one year. City Manager Nicklas indicated that City staff would reach out to the consultant for further information and report back to Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by an 8-0 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, McAdams, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

4. Resolution 2023-084 Authorizing an Agreement with DeKalb Corn Classic and Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary Club for the 2023 DeKalb Corn Classic 5k/10k and Taste of DeKalb Events on September 24, 2023.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman McAdams moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Walker.

City Manager Nicklas provided an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, McAdams, Verbic, Walker. Nay: None. Abstain: Zasada, Barnes. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.


There were none.


1. Ordinance 2023-034 Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow the Resubdivision of an “TFR” Two Family Residential District Zoned Lot into Two Single-Family Attached Lots and Approval of the Final Plat of the B&B Resubdivision No. One Located at 1304-1306 Chestnut Street (Bradley Burns).

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Verbic.

City Manager Nicklas provided an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by an 8-0 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, McAdams, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to waive Second Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman McAdams.

Alderman Zasada stated the last time Council approved a special use ordinance, it was suggested that the process be streamlined by providing more information to the public. She added it’s a great opportunity for homeownership for people in the community.

Planning Director Olson stated there was discussion about removing the public hearing requirement and allowing approval by staff. He noted if that’s the direction the Council wants to go in, amendments can be made to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to remove the special use requirement.

VOTE: Motion carried by an 8-0 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, McAdams, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.


1. Council Member Reports.

Alderman Larson reported on her attendance at the swearing in ceremony of four new Police Officers.

Alderman Perkins thanked City Engineer Zac Gill for talking with him about some downtown parking issues.

Alderman Verbic welcomed back Northern Illinois University students.

Mayor Barnes reported on recent events and meetings he’s attended and been a part of, including guest speaking on the WLBK Radio Show, attending the FNBO Challenge football game, attending the groundbreaking ceremony for Kraft Heinz, where he heard good things about working with City staff, attending the Kiwanis prayer breakfast with City Manager Nicklas, traveling to Chicago with City Manager Nicklas to meet with Ferrara where work continues behind the scenes, and participating with the City Council at a joint meeting with the Finance Advisory Committee.

2. City Manager Report.

City Manager Nicklas reported that he and City Attorney Rose met with the owners of the S. Second Street property where there was constructive dialogue. Further information will be provided to Council at the September 11 Council meeting.

Mayor Barnes mentioned the recent Corn Fest, noting nothing significant with regard to crime happened. He also noted the constant presence of law enforcement during the event and their positive interaction with the crowds. Concluding his comments, Mayor Barnes stated Corn Fest doesn’t happen by itself and thanked City staff for leaning in and making events such as this successful.


There was none.


MOTION: Alderman McAdams moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Alderman Zasada.

VOTE: Motion carried by an 8-0 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, McAdams, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed and adjourned the meeting at 6:23 p.m.
