
DeKalb Times

Monday, November 25, 2024

Village of Somonauk Board of Trustees met Oct. 11

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Village of Somonauk welcome sign | Village of Somonauk / Facebook

Village of Somonauk welcome sign | Village of Somonauk / Facebook

Village of Somonauk Board of Trustees met Oct. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village President Grandgeorge called in. The meeting was called to order at 6:30. Roll call: Present: Whiteaker, Diebold, Dockendorf, McMillen and Eade. The meeting was call order at 6:31 p.m.


Eade moved to approve the minutes from September 13, 2023 meeting. Trustee Whiteaker seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf-yes, McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes, Whiteaker-yes and Eade: yes. Motion Passed


Morphey explained the bill list was a higher amount this month.($102,807.66) The insurance for the Village was due. Which covers worker’s comp, all the vehicles all the property etc. If you subtract that amount ( $57, 124.51) it is a normal amount.


Whiteaker moved to approve the bill list for $102,807.66. Eade seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf- yes, McMillen-yes, Whiteaker- yes, Diebold- yes and Eade yes.

Motion Passed


Brian Zarbock who is running for DeKalb County Corner was present to introduce himself to the board. Report of Officers:

Police: Morphey mentioned Chief King was on vacation. If anyone on the board had, any questions get them to Morphey and she will ask the officers.

Water & Sewer:

Eipers: Sycamore Lift station update; Eipers stated they should be starting the project next month. They will start at the sewer plant and work out. There has been no official meeting yet. The new pick-up truck is operational. He flushed and exercised the hydrants for the year.

Streets and Alleys:

Muffler reported, besides the list presented IDOT had finally repaired the corner of East St. and Rt. 34 at this point it appears to be draining correctly. He has been working on the Village hall bathroom. Removed the mold, repaired the ceiling had it re-dry walled, painted and is replacing the fixture’s.

Reports of Committees:

Water & Sewer: Nothing to report


Andrea Meyer from Newkirk and Associated was present to present the audit for the year ending April 2023. Meyer reported the audit went well. There were a few issues. She felt the Village needed an investment policy, and better segregation of duties; old uncashed checks need to be voided out or reissued. Over all things are in good shape.


Eade moved to accept the Audit presented for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2023. Trustee Whiteaker seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf-yes, McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes, Whiteaker-yes and Eade: yes.

Motion Passed

Morphey presented the draft Treasurers report ending April 2023. Mestemaker had just received some of the numbers and still needs to be reviewed by the Auditor. Morphey would like a motion to approve the Treasurers report with final approval from the Auditor. The report needs to be published in a local paper by the end of October. The cost is usually about $675.00. She would also like a approve to publish the report not to exceed $675.00


Eade moved to accept the Treasurers Report for Fiscal year 2023 with final approval from the Auditor. Trustee Whiteaker seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf-yes, McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes, Whiteaker-yes and Eade: yes.

Motion Passed


Eade move to approve the publication of the Treasurers Report for Fiscal year 2023 in a local paper not to accede $675.00.00. Trustee Whiteaker seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf-yes, McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes, Whiteaker-yes and Eade: yes.

Motion Passed

Laws & Ordinance:

Morphey presented Ordinance 23-07 Directing and Authorizing the sale of Personal Property by the Village of Somonauk. This ordinance is for the sale of the 2016 Ford Explorer from the Police Department to the Somonauk Fire Department for $10,500.00.


Eade moved to approve Ordinance 23-07 Directing and Authorizing the sale of Personal Property by the Village of Somonauk. For the sale of the 2016 Ford explorer to the Somonauk Fire Department for $10,500.00. Trustee Diebolt seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf-yes, McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes, Whiteaker-yes and Eade: yes.

Motion Passed

Employee Relations:

Morphey presented a new proposal for renewal of the Village medical plan. There is a 7% increase to the new plan. The deductible will increase slightly but the Village will continue to pay 100 % of the employee’s employee. It would increase the payment $273.00 a month. Morphey would still like to check another company. If it is cheaper she will bring it back to the board otherwise they will stay with Crum Halsted.


Eade move to continue to stay with Crum Halsted for the Village medical plan renewable on December 1st. Trustee Whiteaker seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf-yes, McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes, Whiteaker-yes and Eade: yes.

Motion Passed

Street & Alleys:

Muffler presented a quote from Village Engineer for $2500.00 to apply for the DCEO grant. If the Village received the grant, it would allocate $166,000.00 for a new project. Muffler is planning on resurfacing Gage St. from LaSalle St to Market St. This is a chance to take; the village may not be awarded the grant. After a discussion it was decided to move forward with the grant.


Whiteaker moved to have the Village Engineer apply for the DECO Grant for the sum of $2500.00. Trustee Eade seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf-yes, McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes, Whiteaker-yes and Eade: yes.

2023-2024 Street Program:

Motion Passed

Muffler reported he had not received any information from the Village engineer on the 2023-2024 street program.

Building and Grounds:

Approve the purchase of the new mower. Morphey stated last month the board had given a consensus to order a new park mower because of the order time. The consensus was yes the mower was ordered. The expenditure needed to be ratified.


Diebold move to approve the purchase of a John Deer 1550 Terrain Commercial Front Mower for the cost of $16,560.64 after a $10,000.00 trade in. Trustee Eade seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf-yes, McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes, Whiteaker-yes and Eade: yes.

Motion Passed

New quote for Leez Place: Muffler presented 3 quotes for the repair of the north side of the ditch on the south side of County line road.

C Johnson Trenching Inc. - $41,000.00 - $45,000.00

Midwest Dirt Works - $41,140.00

R.A.S. Land Management, Co. $38,750.00

After a discussion, it was decided to award the project to R.A.S. Land Management, Co.

Dog Park:

Morphey presented a lay out for the purposed dog park at the Community Park as well as quotes for the fencing around the areas as well as quotes for the fencing and cement.

Illinois Valley Fence & Pool, Inc. - -$19,000.00

Ideal Fence, Inc. - $21,650.00

Michael Ruiz Concrete _ $4,511.00


Eade move to award Illinois Valley Fence & Pool Inc. for $19,000.00 and Michael Ruiz Concrete for $4,511.00. Trustee Diebold seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf-yes, McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes, Whiteaker-no and Eade: yes.

Motion Passed

Muffler explained both areas are about the same size. The cement pad will join the two areas. There will be 4 gates. There was a discussion if there should be a charge for residents to use the areas. After a discussion, it was decided to use signage with the rules listed on them.

Morphey asked for a motion to adjourn: Whiteaker moved to adjourn McMillen seconded all others were aye.
