
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Jan. 2

Webp 5

Bill Littlebrant - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

Bill Littlebrant - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Jan. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM

Roll call was taken:

Present: Mayor Latham, Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton

Quorum established

Also Present: Attorney Gottschalk, City Administrator Penman, Police Chief Senne & EMA Director Eberle

Mayor Latham: No report

Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group: No report

City Clerk Ii: No report

City Treasurer: Open Position

City Administrator Penman report consisted of:

- Received first draft of the proposed City’s new website

- City Hall office is experiencing accounting software issues

- Sharing of year-end permit numbers as provided by Building Official Steffens compared to that of 2022

o Total permits               224 (2022)   504 (2023)

o Roofing permits              9              220

o New Home permits       42               29

o Fence permits               54               53

o Chicken permits              4                 6

o Solar panel permits         2               16

City Department Reports: No reports

Aldermen Reports: Alderman Kreinbrink noted there were capital projects outlined in the current budget, and requested that projects that have not come to fruition this fiscal year continued to be budgeted for the next fiscal year starting May, 2024. He stressed that budgeted projects be attainable. It appears there are a lot of proposed projects that will carryover into the next fiscal year.

New Business:

Continued Discussion of 2023 Water System Master Plan: Discussion centered on raising water rates noting that capital improvements, such as a third water tower, will need addressing. The City’s infrastructure has been neglected in the past, and has now caught up with the present. Enforcing dormant SSA’s (Special Service Area) and recapture agreements with developers was also discussed. The final master plan draft is not completed; however, the goal is the increase in water rates will take effect May 1, 2024.

Review of Licensing Fees & Proposed Increases: Mayor Latham felt licensing fees were too low for trailer parks at $60/park, cigarette licenses currently charged $50/annually, and increasing licensing on gaming machines. Alderman Robinson cautioned that several years ago the City attempted to raise the cost of trailer park permits and discovered legally, they could not. The City Administrator will investigate the feasibility of charging storage unit facilities a licensing fee.

Honorary Sign – Augustus Adams / Sandwich Manufacturing: The Historical Preservation Commission has approached the City about an honorary sign (A. Adams & Sons Ave) to commemorate the memory of Augustus Adams, the founder in 1856, of Sandwich Manufacturing. Their recommendation is to name Center Street as the honorary street because Main Street has been named Veterans Parkway. The Street Department will create a mockup for approval in February.

Announcements: Next meeting for the Finance Committee will be on Monday, January 15th, 2024, at 6:30 PM. The Regular Council meeting will meet at 7:00 PM on the same date immediately followed by the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting.

Audience Comments: Resident, Becky Nelson, asked the Council if they had considered the impact on Sandwich should an influx of Chicago migrants arrive without money, clothing, or living accommodations. Many communities are passing ordinances that prohibit bus stops of asylum seeking migrants in their communities. She would like to see such an ordinance restricting unscheduled stops carrying migrants.

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderwoman Erickson to adjourn the Committee-of the-Whole Council Meeting at 8:12 PM. Motion carried unanimously on voice vote.
