
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Naperville Riverwalk Commission met Jan. 10

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Scott Wehrli, Mayor - City of Naperville, IL | Mayor Scott Wehrli | Facebook

Scott Wehrli, Mayor - City of Naperville, IL | Mayor Scott Wehrli | Facebook

City of Naperville Riverwalk Commission met Jan. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Kennedy called the January 10, 2024 Naperville Riverwalk Commission meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the Naperville Employee University (NEU) at the Naperville Municipal Center located at 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL.


Present: Pam Bartlett; John Cuff; Jeff Friant; Mary Gibson; Pat Kennedy, Chairman; Ryan Mohammadian; Bill Novack; Tiffani Picco; Sennah Rashidian; Johnna Shields; Mike Sullivan; and Carl Wohlt

Absent: Jan Erickson; Ian Holzhauer; and John Joseph

Also Present: Jesus Cortez, NCTV; Rebecca DeLarme, City staff; Brian Dusak, ERA; Rick Hitchcock, former Riverwalk Commission Chairman; Stephanie Penick, Naperville Riverwalk Foundation; and Eric Shutes, Naperville Park District


Novack shared that he received a message from Carolyn Finzer stating that Wilbert Hageman, age 94, had passed away. Mr. Hageman was from one of Naperville’s original farming families and helped organize the Farmers Plaza monument on the Riverwalk near Eagle Street.


1. Praire Nature Garden - Bill Novack

Approve the plans for the Prairie Nature Garden and endorse construction during 2024

Novack reviewed the background on the Prairie Nature Garden project from the 2031 Master Plan that has been supported by the Naperville Riverwalk Foundation and further designed by the Naperville Park District. The Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction (PDC) Committee reviewed the project in detail, and supports the plan, recommending construction in 2024. The Riverwalk Foundation has committed $45,000 to construct the improvements and the Park District and City have developed a plan using both in-house and contracted labor to complete the improvements this year.

A motion was made by Friant and seconded by Gibson to approve the Prairie Nature Garden plans and endorse construction in 2024. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY with Erickson, Holzhauer and Joseph absent

Kennedy thanked the Park District and Riverwalk Foundation for their efforts and support. This project will now go before the City Council and Naperville Park District Board for approval as a formal addition/modification to the Riverwalk.

2. Fredenhagen Park and Horse Trough Fountain Improvements - Bill Novack

This item was discussed under G. 8., Reports; Planning, Design and Construction.


There was no old business to discuss.


There was no new business to discuss.


1. Approval of Minutes - Pat Kennedy

Approve minutes from the December 13, 2023 Riverwalk Commission meeting

A motion to approve the December 13, 2023 Riverwalk Commission meeting minutes was made by Cuff and seconded by Picco. MOTION CARRIED with Friant abstaining

2. Chairman - Pat Kennedy

There was no Chairman’s Report.

3. Finance - Bill Novack

Receive the report for the 2024 Capital Improvement Program for the Naperville Riverwalk

Novack reviewed the 2024 Capital Improvement report for the Naperville Riverwalk that was included in the agenda packet. He noted the following projects for 2024 that include the PA022 budget that addresses larger assets that go beyond the Park District resources; the 430 South Washington Street Park plans that were previously developed but will be brought back before the PDC Committee and Commission to review prior to going out to bid in 2025; the West Parking Lot BMP project that allows for soil borings and other tests to assess if the parking lot near the Grand Pavilion is a good candidate for a permeable parking lot; the detailed design and permitting of the South Extension from Hillside Road to Martin Avenue; the construction of the Eagle Street Gateway project; design and permitting for Riverbank Ecological Restoration; detailed design and permitting for the Hillside Road Gateway as part of the South Extension; the concept planning and preliminary design of the Riverwalk Grand Pavilion improvements; and the repairs to the Fredenhagen Park and Horse Trough Fountains.

Kennedy expressed appreciation for Holzhauer’s efforts as representative to City Council for assisting with the budget approval and thanked Novack for preparing the Capital Improvement budget.

4. Park District - Tiffani Picco

Receive the monthly Park District report

Picco reviewed highlights from the Park District report included in the agenda packet. All holiday decorations and lights were taken down and put in storage before the recent snowfall. They are working on removing invasives in Sindt Woods, and Picco has put information on the Park District’s website regarding recent projects at www.napervilleparks.org/riverwalk. They will also be placing signs in areas where larger projects are scheduled.

The sled hill has seen some activity recently and they are looking to flood the ice rinks in between the snowfall and upcoming colder temperatures.

Kennedy asked Picco to look at dates for the upcoming Asset Management Plan (AMP) Walk in April or May.

5. Riverwalk Foundation - John Cuff

There was no report.

6. Riverwalk Bicentennial Fund - Pat Kennedy for John Joseph

Kennedy reported that the Riverwalk Bicentennial Fund’s website should be up by the end of the week and is www.riverwalk2031fund.org. There is also a link on their website to the Naperville Riverwalk Foundation. Grant Cowen recently joined the Fund’s Board.

7. Donor Recognition - Rebecca DeLarme

Receive the monthly Riverwalk Commission Donor Recognition report

DeLarme reviewed the Riverwalk Commission Donor Recognition report included in the agenda packet. The Spring 2024 Legacy Gift Order deadline is March 15, 2024 and currently consists of three 4” x 8” commemorative brick and three 8” x 8” commemorative bricks.

8. Planning, Design, and Construction - Jeff Friant

Receive the January 2, 2024 Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee draft meeting minutes

Friant reported that at last week’s PDC Committee meeting, Eric Shutes from the Naperville Park District reviewed the preliminary plans for the Prairie Nature Garden that was approved earlier in this meeting. Friant also thanked the Riverwalk Foundation for their funding and support.

The Fredenhagen Park and Horse Trough Fountain repairs were also discussed in the meeting and the Horse Trough Fountain depth was discussed in detail and options of including a grate were reviewed. Dusak will provide more detailed information from Fountain Technologies on possible grate options at next month’s PDC Committee meeting.

Kennedy noted that the Eagle Street Gateway project would be going to bid soon and they are looking to meet with North Central College to discuss the 430 South Washington Street project and the multi-use path that is part of the East Bank Riverwalk project.

Hitchcock encouraged further discussion at an upcoming PDC Committee meeting on the Grand Pavilion improvements, noting the importance of engaging organizations that have used the area in the past, the general public, and also neighbors. Kennedy noted that the core of this project was related to water quality relative to the parking lot, and also accommodation and accessibility for larger crowds who use this area. Novack noted this project was budgeted for multiple years and once ideas are formulated an Open House could be scheduled to gather input from neighbors and interested parties.

Novack added that the shingles being replaced on the Grand Pavilion roof

that were two different colors will be replaced in March at the manufacturer’s cost.


Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, February 6, 2024, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center NEU, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Commission, February 14, 2024, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center NEU, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, March 5, 2024, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center NEU, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Commission, March 13, 2024, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center NEU, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL


A motion to adjourn was made by Friant and seconded by Novack. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 a.m. MOTION CARRIED
