
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met May 13

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Mike Constant, Trustee | Village of Hinckley Website

Mike Constant, Trustee | Village of Hinckley Website

Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met May 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:


At 7:20PM Interim Village President Quirk called the Committee of the Whole Meeting to order.


Interim President Sarah Quirk, Trustee Jennifer Klambauer, Trustee Russell Kula, Trustee Steve Gayhart, Trustee Mike Constant. Quorum Established.


Trustee Alyssa Prickett.

Also Present:

Village Attorney Tait Lundgren, Brandon Kramer (EEI), Public Works Supervisor Ceneca Wagner, and Members of the Public.

PUBLIC COMMENT (Agenda Items Scheduled for Discussion Only)



Approval of Committee of the Whole meeting minutes from April 22, 2024 Interim President Quirk asked for a motion to approve the April 22, 2024 Committee of the Whole minutes as written. Trustee Constant made the motion to approve which was seconded by Interim President Quirk.


Sharh Quirk-Aye, Jennifer Klambauer-Aye, Russell Kula-Aye, Steve Gayhart-Aye, Mike Constant-Aye. Motion carried.


Discussion / Tree City Certification

Interim President Quirk differed discussion to the next meeting due to a later discussion in this current meeting regarding the proposed landscape ordinance and the tree board / park board.


No Report.


No Report.



No Report.

Public Safety


Streets & Alleys

Discussion / Sidewalk Repair Project

Trustee Kula advised this topic had been discussed at previous Committee of the Whole Meetings.

Attorney Lundgren advised he spoke with other municipalities where he learned after a complaint is received the municipality pays for the repair or the expense is split 50/50 with the property owner. The only exception is if the sidewalk is completely on private property the expense is then covered (100%) by the property owner. Attorney Lundgren advised there was a past practice but there is not a current ordinance or policy that addresses sidewalk repair. Publics Works Supervisor Wagner advised he spoke with a company representative from Safe Step who can repair the sidewalk trip hazards. Supervisor Wagner advised he will forward the emails from Safe Step to Trustee Kula.

Trustee Constant asked if the company provided any references. Supervisor Wagner advised Montgomery, Elburn and Cottage Grove.

Trustee Gayhart related there needs to be a Village sidewalk repair program. Trustee Constant advised he voluntarily participated in the 50/50 program where he paid his contractor and he was subsequently reimbursed by the village. Trustee Constant inquired if the village had any leverage in a 50/50 program where the resident does not wish to participate. Attorney Lundgren advised he is not aware of a mechanism to force someone to participate. Attorney Lundgren advised he will research different written policies for consideration. Interim President Quirk suggested discussion should be deferred until a June Committee of the Whole Meeting to gather additional information.

Buildings, Grounds & Parks

Discussion / Tree Board & Park Board

Interim President Quirk related she added the discussion of potential Tree and Park Board due to an increase in the park programs offerings. She would also like the Park Board to serve as the Tree Board.

Trustee Klambauer related she would like to reestablish the Park Board to assist Stephanie with direction and to alleviate additional work imposed upon interim President Quirk. Trustee Klambauer would also like the park board to serve as the tree board.

Interim President Quirk advised the board should consist of 3 to 5 citizens. Trustee Constant related it is worth reestablishing the tree and park board. He further related there is a possibility the park board language still exists in the village code. Attorney Lundgren advised the tree board still exists in the village code, but he is unaware if the language for the park board is still in the village code. Attorney Lundgren will research the old village code for the Park Board language and present it to the board.

Trustee Gayhart asked for status of the Tree Board.

Attorney Lundgren advised that he prepared a proposed ordinance. In the absence of volunteers willing to serve on the tree board the responsibility would go to the planning commission. No action was taken on the drafted ordinance so the current ordinance still stands.

Trustee Constant related it makes sense to combine both boards.

Water & Sewer

Source Water Protection Plan

Trustee Gayhart advised he was not able to meet with EEI, but will meet with them in the near future and asked to have the Source water protection plan moved to the next Committee of the Whole Meeting.

Trustee Gayhart advised there is a leak at the water treatment plant.

Trustee Gayhart deferred to Dale Youngers who related the leak is in a 2” a non-potable underground water line which was leaking anywhere between 50,000 to 100,000 gallons of water per day. The line will be repaired, but until then there is a temporary solution in place which stopped the water leak.

Trustee Gayhart advised that he will speak with Clerk Losiniecki regarding the lead service letters being mailed out on Wednesday May 15, 2024.

Finance & Economic Development Report

Discussion / Unkept Properties / Garbage Can Removal

Trustee Constant related within the village code there is a section Titled Nuisances (Article II Sec. 34-31) which covers tall grass, abandoned vehicles. Trustee Constant feels the board owes it to the residents to follow up on what is considered a nuisance as defined by ordinance. Trustee Constant related what’s not covered in the village ordinance is the removal of garbage cans from the street after pick up. Trustee Constant proposed an ordinance pertaining to garbage cans be drafted.

Attorney Lundgren agreed to draft a garbage can ordinance for the next meeting date.

Discussion / Recommendation Landscape Ordinance

Trustee Constant related the Planning Commission finalized the proposed landscape Ordinance and asked the board if they wanted to discuss the ordinance further or move it to the next Regular Board Meeting for a vote.

Interim President Quirk advised she does not see anything objectionable and would like to move the proposed landscape ordinance to the next regular board meeting for a vote. Trustee Constant reminded the board about preparing appropriations.


Trustee Klambauer inquired about an email from a resident regarding an ordinance violation. Trustee Constant advised the issue is being followed up by the police department. Trustee Klambauer asked if anything is being done regarding the height of the residences in Royal Estates.

Engineer Kramer related typically the inspector checks the foundation against the engineered plans. Trustee Klambauer asked why B&F is not stopping the builders from building the foundations too high.

Deputy Clerk Weibler will speak with B&F regarding foundation heights.

Trustee Constant asked the board if they should revisit hiring a new building inspection company. Attorney Lundgren advised other smaller municipalities are using B&F but he will look into other alternatives.

Trustee Kula asked attorney Lundgren if there has been any progress on the streetlight on Prairie View. Attorney Lundgren advised he will follow up with Ceneca and if the situation is not resolved he will pursue the matter further.

Public Works Supervisor Wagner related he received the new public works truck on Friday and will have to put the old truck out for bid.


Eddie Cullins advised the board that he does not feel B&F should charge the homeowner more than one inspection cost per visit regardless of how many items need inspecting.


At 8:17PM Interim President Quirk asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Klambauer made the motion to adjourn which was seconded by Trustee Gayhart.


Interim President Quirk – Aye, Trustee Klambauer – Aye, Trustee Kula – Aye, Trustee Gayhart – Aye, Trustee Constant – Aye. Motion carried.

The next Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for May 28, 2024, immediately following the Regular Board Meeting.
