
DeKalb Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Dekalb Planning & Zoning Commission met June 17

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DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois | Facebook

DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois | Facebook

City of Dekalb Planning & Zoning Commission met June 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Planning and Zoning Commission held a meeting on June 17, 2024, in the Yusunas Meeting Room at the DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak St. DeKalb, Illinois. Vice Chair Bill McMahon called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.


Planning Director, Dan Olson, called the roll. Planning and Zoning Commission members present were: Vice Chair Bill McMahon, Steve Becker, Trixy O’Flaherty, and Shannon Stoker, and Maria Pena Graham, Jerry Wright, and Chair Max Maxwell were absent. Planning Director Dan Olson was present representing the City of DeKalb.

B. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (Additions/Deletions)

Vice Chair McMahon requested a motion to approve the June 17, 2024, agenda as presented. Mr. Becker motioned to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Stoker seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.


1. May 6, 2024 – Vice Chair McMahon requested a motion to approve the May 6, 2024, minutes as presented. Ms. O’Flaherty motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Ms. Stoker seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.

D. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Open Floor to Anyone Wishing to Speak on Record)



1. Public Hearing – A petition by A.H. Auto Repair, represented by Halmar Rodriguez, for approval of the rezoning of the site at 1104-1124 S. 4th St. from the “GC” General Commercial District to the “PD-C” Planned Development Commercial District to accommodate commercial and residential uses.

The Petitioner, Halmar Rodriguez, presented his petition to have the site at 1104-1124 S. 4th Street rezoned. Mr. Rodriguez stated that he has been in business at his 1211 S. 4th Street for eight years. Mr. Rodriguez plans to run his business, A.H. Auto Repair, out of the building at 1106 S. 4th Street. Mr. Rodriguez explained A.H. Auto Repair is a family-owned business that completes general automotive repairs and sells used tires. They do not do major or large repairs. Mr. Rodriguez mentioned their current clients are local DeKalb residents, NIU and Kishwaukee College students and travelers on I-88. The larger building location will allow A.H. Auto Repair to expand, and potentially hire one to two employees, which will increase the number of residents they can help in the community. Approximately 120sqft of the of the location will house Mr. Rodriguez’s wife’s salon.

Planning Director, Dan Olson, gave his Staff Report regarding the Petition. Planning Director Olson stated the Petitioner would like to relocate his current auto repair business to the new location which includes four parcels. An aerial map of the four parcels was then shown on screen. Mr. Olson confirmed that the rezoning request does not include any proposed expansion or any new buildings.

Mr. Olson pointed out the commercial buildings and the two residential properties included in the four parcels purchased my Mr. Rodriguez. Mr. Olson advised that all four parcels are currently zoned “GC” – General Commercial, and with the mix of land uses, the Petitioner would like to maintain the residences. 1124 S. 4th Street is currently being rented out. 1110 S. 4th Street has been vacant for approximately seven months and as such, has become non-conforming. This residence will be repaired, brought to code, and then rented out as well. Mr. Olson stated the “PD C” - Planned Development Commercial zoning, is perfect to accommodate all proposed uses. Mr. Olson went on to explain that the vehicle repair service facility is currently a Special Use in the “GC” – General Commercial zoning, but “PD-C” will include any use, including the hair salon, and will accommodate the two residences. The rezoning will all be included in one Ordinance which will make all of the parcels in compliance with the City. Mr. Olson discussed the improvements that will need to be made including restriping the parking lot and paving a few of the bays leading to the vehicle service facility. A picture of the proposed floor plan was then shown on the screen depicting the location of the outdoor building lighting, the bays for the auto repair and storage, hair salon, and waiting area for the main building at 1106 S. 4th Street. Mr. Olson also showed an aerial view of the property with the current zoning overlayed which included the Petitioner’s parcel along with surrounding parcels on Tyler Street and S. 5th Street, pointing out that it is generally zoned Commercial where the property is located, with Single Family Residential zoning to the East and across S. 4th Street. Several street view pictures were shown of the subject parcels. Mr. Olson pointed out the residential property at 1110 S. 4th Street that has been vacant for seven to eight months and is currently non-confirming. Mr. Olson stated Mr. Rodriguez will be doing a walkthrough of the property with City staff, including the City Engineer, to review code issues. Mr. Olson touched on the First National Bank of Omaha ATM that is located on the property and has had a Special Use Permit since 1999. Mr. Olson asked Mr. Rodriguez about his current lease with First National Bank of Omaha, and Mr. Rodriguez confirmed it is active, and he will be continuing the lease. Mr. Olson confirmed the lane leading up to the ATM will be restriped as a condition of the approval of the rezoning. The three East service bays were then discussed, as they will be used as part of Petitioner’s auto-repair business. Mr. Olson stated that the applicant has agreed to have access from the street into the service bays repaved with material approved by the City Engineer, or asphalt. Mr. Olson explained the other two doors will be less frequently used, as they are for storage access and deliveries. The City is recommending the driveway in front of those additional bays be paved out to the sidewalk and then from the sidewalk to the street within one year to ensure vehicles are driving over pavement instead of gravel to bring the building up to code. There are 18 parking spaces on the floor plan the applicant submitted, and per the use requested, only 15 are required.

Planning Director Olson concluded that based on the findings of fact and the Staff Report, the City determined the request meets all criteria for rezoning to “PD-C” from “GC”. The rezoning will maintain the two residences, the auto-repair business and the salon. Mr. Olson added that the zoning of “PD-C” fits in well with the rest of the zoning in the area, and no visual changes will occur outside of the restriping and repaving of the driveway at the main building of 1106 S. 4th Street. Mr. Olson confirmed the request meets all requirements, and no written comments were received prior to the meeting. The City recommended approval with the conditions – stripe the ATM line to clearly designate line, add handicap spot, repave driveway going to main three East bays within 90 days with material approved by the City Engineer or asphalt, and repaving the driveway from the additional two bays to the street with material approved by the City Engineer or asphalt within one year provided the Ordinance is approved by the City Council. Mr. Olson confirmed the applicant, Halmar Rodriguez, has agreed to all conditions.

Vice Chair McMahon opened the discussion to the public, no comments were made.

Vice Chair McMahon opened the discussion to the Commission. Mr. Becker asked Mr. Rodrigeuz if the current signage would be transported to the new building. Mr. Rodriguez responded that there is a current sign at the 1106 S. 4th Street location, and he will simply be replacing it with his business sign. The size and location of the sign currently present at 1106 S. 4th Street will not change. Mr. Becker thanked Mr. Rodriguez.

Ms. O’Flaherty stated the proposed rezoning is good use of the property, adding that the 1106 S. 4th Street location has been some version of commercial business for as long as she can remember, mentioning it has housed a welding shop, and several electrician businesses. Ms. O’Flaherty mentioned it is nice to see the building being used.

Vice Chair McMahon stated any time business expansion is happening it is great. He then asked if any Commission member would like to make a motion.

Ms. O’Flaherty moved that based on the submitted Petition, testimony presented, and findings of fact move forward it’s findings of fact and recommend to the City Council approval of the rezoning of the subject site of 1104-1124 S. 4th Street from the General Commercial - “GC” to Planned Development Commercial – “PD-C” subject to the following conditions listed in the Staff Report and per the development standards at Exhibit A.

1. The parking lot and drive-through lane for the ATM shall be restriped and a handicap space shall be added within 90 days of approval of the Ordinance by the City Council per the requirements of the U.D.O.

2. The driveways on Tyler Street leading to three service bays on the East side of the building at 1106 S. 4th Street shall be paved within 90 days of approval of the ordinance granting the rezoning per the requirements of the U.D.O and approval the City Engineer.

3. The remaining driveways from Tyler Street to the building at 1106 S. 4th Street shall be paved within one year of approval of the Ordinance granting the rezoning per the requirements of the U.D.O. and approval of the City Engineer.

Ms. Stoker seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken. Mr. Becker – Yes, Ms. O’Flaherty – Yes, Ms. Stoker – Yes, Vice Chair McMahon – Yes, Ms. Pena-Graham, Mr. Wright, and Chair Maxwell were absent. Motion passed 4- 0-3.

2. Minor Subdivision Plat – A petition by Mereo Capital Partners for the approval of the Final Plat of the Algus Subdivision – 200 Peace Road.

The Petitioner sent Jeff Linkenheld with Arc Design Resources and Civil Engineers to speak on their behalf due to Mereo Capital Partners being based in Philadelphia. Mr. Linkenheld stated Mereo Capital is a recent owner of the Algus Industries properties. An areal view picture with lot lines outlined of the subject lot was shown. Mr. Linkenheld discussed the reasoning Mereo Capital Partners has for wanting to split the parcel located at Peace Road and IL Route 38. Mereo Capital is interested in divesting the unused property to the South so they can sell the farmland. Mereo Capital is currently collecting rent on the farmland but does not want to continue to maintain the land. Mr. Linkenheld said he recognizes the access issue to the land, and mentioned Mereo Capital Partners was involved in the Casey’s built at the corner of Peace Road and IL Route 38, where they faced similar access issues. Mr. Linkenheld said the firm is proposing a 40ft easement from the new lot 2 to the South up to the existing driveway so the farmer would still have access through the current driveway. A drawing of what the proposed lot split would look like was reflected on a Plat of Survey and shown on a slide. The Petitioner addressed the several other proposals he is aware the City has received, but currently, the Petitioner does not want to do anything outside of splitting the parcel and selling the farmland. Mr. Linkenheld also mentioned he is aware of a few comments from the City regarding the access that Mereo Capital has already addressed.

Planning Director Dan Olson read the Staff Report, reiterating the request was a simple parcel split subdivision changing one lot into two. Planning Director Olson added that there will be language added to the Plat of Survey prior to recording that would require any new proposals to build on the lot to have a full review by the City to determine how the lot should be zoned, and if any rezoning will be necessary at that time, along with further discussion regarding any additional access required. Planning Director Olson confirmed all current easements, setbacks and certificates are properly shown, and advised the City recommends approval of the subdivision and Final Plat.

Vice Chair McMahon opened up public discussion, but no speakers were present, and no comments were received prior to the hearing.

The Commission did not have any comments to add.

Mr. Becker moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Final Plat of the Algus Subdivision dated June 12, 2024, prepared by ARC Design, and labeled as Exhibit A, subject to all Staff comments being addressed prior to the recording of the Plat.

Ms. O’Flaherty seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken. Mr. Becker – Yes, Ms. O’Flaherty – Yes, Ms. Stoker – Yes, Vice Chair McMahon – Yes, Ms. Pena-Graham, Mr. Wright and Chair Maxwell were absent. Motion passed – 4-0-3.


Planning Director Olson announced the Council did take action on May 13th to approve the Special Use Permit for DeKalb Tool Rental on S. 4th Street, and a special area was indicated where DeKalb Tool Rental could store their rental equipment. The Ordinance was passed. Mr. Olson introduced the new Recording Secretary, Olivia Doss, and asked the Commission to provide any updated contact information if necessary.


Ms. O’Flaherty motioned to adjourn, Ms. Stoker seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. The Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:21PM.
