
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Dekalb City Council met Nov. 12

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City of DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois/Facebook

City of DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois/Facebook

City of Dekalb City Council met Nov. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of DeKalb, Illinois, held a Regular meeting on November 12, 2024, in the Yusunas Meeting Room of the DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak Street, DeKalb, Illinois.


Mayor Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Recording Secretary Scott called the roll, and the following members of the City Council were present: Alderman Carolyn Zasada, Alderman Barb Larson, Alderman Greg Perkins, Alderman John Walker, and Mayor Cohen Barnes. Alderman Tracy Smith arrived at 6:21 p.m. Alderman Powell and Alderman Verbic were absent.

Also in attendance were City Manager Bill Nicklas, Assistant City Manager Bob Redel, and City Attorney John Donahue.


Deputy Police Chief Jason Leverton led the Pledge of Allegiance.


MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Alderman Larson.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 5-0-3 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Smith, Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.


There were none.


There was none.


There were none.


Mayor Barnes read the items on the Consent Agenda by title only.

1. Joint Review Board Meeting Minutes of July 26, 2024.

2. Special Joint Review Board Meeting Minutes of September 27, 2024.

3. Accounts Payable and Payroll through November 12, 2024, in the Amount of $1,662,393.70.

4. Investment and Bank Balance Summary through September 2024

5. Year-to-Date Revenues and Expenditures through September 2024.

6. Crime Free Housing Bureau Report – October 2024.

MOTION: Alderman Larson moved to approve the Consent Agenda; seconded by Alderman Zasada.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 5-0-3 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Smith, Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.


1. Truth in Taxation Hearing Regarding the 2024 Property Tax Levy.

Mayor Barnes read the above title for the record and opened the Public Hearing at 6:03 p.m.

Mark Charvat complimented the City and the Finance Advisory Committee (FAC) on proposing a reduced tax levy, which could mean a savings to homeowners of approximately $104. However, he’s discouraged with the tax levy the DeKalb Public Library (Library) is proposing, which is 34% higher than last year’s and exceeds what the City is asking for, as well as the cost of inflation.

Mr. Charvat further stated that while the Library provides valuable services to the community, he would like to know their rationale for the proposed levy. He then suggested that the City request the Library board to adjust the levy to hold taxpayers harmless. Mr. Charvat further stated that neither the Library Director, Emily Faulkner, nor the Library board are getting the message and perhaps the City should replace them with those that are fiscally responsible and understand finances. He also stated he believes it’s been inaccurately stated that the City can’t change the Library’s proposed tax levy. He then read from DeKalb City Council meeting minutes of November 24, 2008, where the then seated Council lowered the Library’s proposed tax levy.

Mr. Charvat further noted that DeKalb Community Unit School District No. 428 is also discussing an increased tax levy and encouraged the City to do something about it.

Continuing, Mr. Charvat noted his concern regarding Kraft Heinz and an article published in the Northern Star that indicated development is running approximately two years behind schedule, which will diminish revenue.

Concluding his comments, Mr. Charvat stated he’s concerned about the Library, adding they need to be held accountable, and the Council needs to take appropriate action.

Mayor Barnes closed the Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m.

2. Public Hearing Regarding a Proposed Annexation and Development Agreement for Approximately 42 Acres of Property Located at the Southwest Corner of Illinois Route 38 and John Huber Parkway (PSE Huber IL Solar LLC).

Mayor Barnes read the above title for the record and opened the Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m. There were no comments from the public. Mayor Barnes closed the Public Hearing at 6:16 p.m.


1. Consideration of an Intergovernmental Agreement Relating to the Proposed South Fourth Street Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Redevelopment Plan and Project.

Mayor Barnes read the title above for the record.

MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to bring this item to the floor for discussion; seconded by Alderman Larson.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

Alderman Perkins thanked City Manager Nicklas for providing the history of DeKalb’s use of TIF and stated a TIF district is needed for the southside.

Mayor Barnes stated he’s looking forward to the impact the proposed TIF will make to the southside of DeKalb, much like it did for the downtown area.

City Manager Nicklas indicated a resolution regarding this subject matter, as well as three state statute ordinances, will be brought before the Council on November 25, 2024.

Mayor Barnes encouraged residents to reach out to himself, Alderman Perkins or Alderman Powell with questions regarding the proposed TIF.


1. Resolution 2024-108 Authorizing a TIF Fund (Fund 262) Architectural Improvement Program (AIP) Grant for Ducky’s at 250 E. Lincoln Highway in the Amount of $6,283.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Smith.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 5-0-2-1 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Recused: Barnes. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

2. Resolution 2024-109 Authorizing an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Transit Planning Grant for the Purpose of Conducting a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Larson moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Zasada.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

3. Resolution 2024-110 Authorizing 22VETS Technologies to Install the Verkada Security System at the Public Works Facility in an Amount Not to Exceed $52,000.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Zasada.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

4. Resolution 2024-111 Authorizing the Waiver of Competitive Bidding and Approval of the Purchase of Two Ford E-450 Type III Osage Ambulances in 2026 and an Additional Two Ford E-450 Type III Ambulances in 2028 from North Central Emergency Vehicles in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $1,034,660 Using Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Funding (Fund 130).

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Zasada

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

Alderman Larson thanked Fire Chief Thomas for planning for the future so that the City can save money.

Alderman Smith asked if these purchasing City vehicles in this manner will be the norm moving forward, to which City Manager Nicklas responded it most likely would as dealerships are building vehicles to spec rather than keeping them on the lot.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

5. Resolution 2024-112 Authorizing a One-Year Purchase Agreement with Alexander Chemical for the Purchase of Chlorine for the Period January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, for the Purpose of Treating the City's Drinking Water.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Zasada.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

6. Resolution 2024-113 Authorizing a One-Year Purchase Agreement with Alexander Chemical for the Purchase of Fluoride for the Period January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, for the Purpose of Treating the City's Drinking Water.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Smith.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

Brief discussion ensued between Alderman Smith and City Manager Nicklas regarding the contract term.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

7. Resolution 2024-114 Authorizing a One-Year Purchase Agreement with Consolidated Grain & Barge for the Purchase of Water Conditioning Bulk Softener Salt for the period January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, for the Purpose of Treating the City's Drinking Water.

Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Larson moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Smith.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.


There were none.


1. Ordinance 2024-053 Authorizing the 2024 Levy and 2025 Collection of Taxes in and for the Corporate and Municipal Purposes and Special Service Areas of the City of DeKalb for Fiscal Year 2025.

Mayor Barnes read the ordinance by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Zasada moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Smith.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet. He added that he, Mayor Barnes, and Alderman Perkins would be meeting with the DeKalb Public Library (Library) Executive Director, Emily Faulkner, and two of the Library board members on November 13, 2024, to discuss lowering the Library’s proposed tax levy.

City Manager Nicklas recommended supporting the City’s Finance Advisory Committee’s (FAC) proposed tax levy of $8,341,336, which represents an 8% increase over the 2023 levy of $7,723,459.

Alderman Perkins stated he doesn’t support the FAC’s recommended levy, nor does he support the Library’s proposed tax levy. He noted that the Library’s proposed levy offers no justification of what it will be used for, adding he’s fine with voting no to both levy proposals.

Mayor Barnes agreed with Alderman Perkins’ comments, noting the same issue came up last year.

Alderman Perkins noted his frustration that no one from the Library was at the meeting to discuss the issue. He noted that the Library’s proposed levy is the highest rate in the County by quite a bit.

Mayor Barnes agreed, stating the Library’s proposed levy will impact the City’s overall levy.

City Manager Nicklas reminded the Council that the City has been paying $407,000 per year out of its General Fund since 2013 for the Library’s addition.

Alderman Larson also agreed with Alderman Perkins comments.

Mayor Barnes stated he will provide the Council with an update following the November 13, 2024, meeting with Ms. Faulkner and the Library board members.

Alderman Smith asked City Manager Nicklas where he thinks the Library feels money is needed.

City Manager Nicklas stated he believes it’s for capital needs, noting they are looking to hire an architectural engineering firm to help identify a list of repairs needed to the Library. He added that typically you don’t levy for something until all the information is collected.

Alderman Walker stated he doesn’t understand why the Library would propose a tax levy and not be present to discuss it with the Council.

Brief discussion ensued.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 5-1-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Walker, Barnes. Nay: Perkins. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

2. Ordinance 2024-054 Abating Taxes Levied for Corporate Purposes of the City of DeKalb, Illinois for the Tax Year 2024.

Mayor Barnes read the ordinance by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Smith.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

3. Ordinance 2024-055 Authorizing the Northern Illinois University (NIU) Annual Contribution for Integrated Transit Services in the Amount of $2,415,155.

Mayor Barnes read the ordinance by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Zasada.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

MOTION: Alderman Zasada moved to waive Second Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Smith.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

4. Ordinance 2024-056 Authorizing an Annexation and Development Agreement with PSE Huber IL Solar LLC for Property Located at the Southwest Corner of Illinois Route 38 and John Huber Parkway (PureSky Energy – Solar Farm).

Mayor Barnes read the ordinance by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Zasada moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Larson.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

Alderman Perkins asked how large the solar field will be compared to the others in DeKalb. City Manager Nicklas replied that it will be larger than the one on S. First Street.

Alderman Zasada asked about natural plantings around the solar panels. are we looking at natural plantings on the solar panels.

Brant Thomas of PureSky Energy replied that native pollinator plants will be planted under and around the panels.

Brief discussion ensued.

Mayor Barnes stated he appreciates PureSky’s attention to the visual effect of the solar panels as that location is a major entry point into DeKalb.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to waive Second Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Zasada.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

5. Ordinance 2024-057 Approving the Annexation of Certain Property Located at the Southwest Corner of Illinois Route 38 and John Huber Parkway (PSE Huber IL Solar LLC) (PureSky Energy – Solar Farm).

Mayor Barnes read the ordinance by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Zasada moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Larson.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

There were no questions or comments from the Council.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to waive Second Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Zasada.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

6. Ordinance 2024-058 Approving the Zoning Petition of PSE Huber IL Solar LLC to Rezone Certain Property Located at the Southwest Corner of Illinois Route 38 and John Huber Parkway to the “PD-I” Planned Development Industrial District and Approving a Concept Plan for the Development of a 5-Megawatt Ground Mounted Solar Energy System (Solar Farm) on Approximately 42 Acres (PureSky Energy).

Mayor Barnes read the ordinance by title only.

MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Larson.

City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.

Alderman Smith asked if the farm located on the property will remain.

City Manager Nicklas indicated it would.

Alderman Smith also asked when the project would start. Mr. Thomas stated it’s projected to start by the fall of 2025.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.

MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to waive Second Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Smith.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 roll call vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.


1. Council Member Reports.

Alderman Walker reported that Ryan Homes has started building houses in the 7th Ward and people from Naperville, North Aurora, and Maple Park are coming this way. He added that he hopes the City continues to move in the right direction.

Alderman Zasada reported on her participation in Veteran’s Day ceremonies on November 11 She also reminded residents that she will be hosting a Ward 1 meeting on December 3 at Jefferson Elementary School. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m.

Mayor Barnes reported on meetings and events he’s attended, including Phi-Sig’s Annual Family Parent Day Celebration and Auction, which donated money to the DeKalb Fire and Police Departments, an event held at the Library with Diane Nyland regarding homelessness, the Kishwaukee College Gala, and Veteran’s Day ceremonies at Nicor Gas, the DeKalb Elks, as well as at the clock on First Street and Lincoln Highway. He also noted that the Sycamore Elks Club served meals to veterans at Faranda’s on November 11.

2. City Manager Report.

City Manager Nicklas had no report.


There was none.


MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Alderman Zasada.

VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-2 voice vote. Aye: Zasada, Larson, Smith, Perkins, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Powell, Verbic. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed and adjourned the meeting at 7:19 p.m.
