Scott Wehrli, Mayor - City of Naperville, IL | Mayor Scott Wehrli | Facebook
Scott Wehrli, Mayor - City of Naperville, IL | Mayor Scott Wehrli | Facebook
City of Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission met Feb. 15.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Present 8 - Meghna Bansal, Tom Castagnoli, Derek McDaniel, Carl Richelia, Whitney Robbins, Oriana Van Someren, Mark S. Wright, and Michele Clemen
Absent 1 - Stasha King
1. PUBLIC HEARING CANCELED for the new day care center building for the property located at 471 E 75th Street (Primrose School) - PZC 24-1-099
Chair Van Someren stated that due to a public notice error, the public hearing for PZC 24-1-099, 471 E 75th St, (Primrose School) would not take place at the meeting. The case will be scheduled for a future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and all required public notice will be provided.
2. Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance from Section 6-6B-7:1 to allow a sunroom to encroach into the required interior side yard for the property located at 2298 Weatherford Lane - PZC 24-1-129
Brad Iwicki, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an overview of the request.
Desiree Sana, Petitioner presented the case.
Public Testimony: none
The PZC closed the public hearing.
Commissioner McDaniel made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Richelia to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-129, a variance pursuant to Section 6-6B-7:1 to allow a sunroom to encroach into the required interior side yard for the property located at 2298 Weatherford Lane.
Aye: 8 - Bansal, Castagnoli, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, Wright, and Clemen
Absent: 1 - King
3. Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance to Section 6-7D-4 of the Naperville Municipal Code to permit a General Service use on the first floor at 47 E Chicago Avenue - PZC 24-1-132
Adam Beaver, City of Naperville Planning Services Team, provided an overview of the request.
Caitlyn Culbertson, Attorney for Petitioner, presented the case.
Sean Adair, Petitioner provided additional information on the case.
Public Testimony:
Mary Lou Wehrli, provided comments on the case, expressing concerns about the request.
Commissioner Wright thanked Wehrli and members of the public for expressing concerns. Wright stated that he will be voting yes on the request as businesses on the east side of Washington street have struggled and stated that having workers on that side of the street would be a benefit to existing businesses. Commissioner Wright also clarified the location of the space that is being considered for the variance is not the space on the first floor directly on the corner of E Chicago Avenue and S Washington Street.
Commissioner Wright stated that he feels that the size of the first floor is minimal and the office space above provides employees who will populate downtown and that office building. Wright mentioned that he was told that the building cannot accommodate more restaurants due to HVAC constraints. Wright asked staff if a second exit due to fire code is being required, Beaver from Staff stated that he was not aware of that requirement. Wright stated that with this request the pros outweigh cons and will be voting yes.
Commissioner Castagnoli stated that based on his professional experience in retail leasing the first floor space under consideration would be difficult to lease and stated that the proposed space would likely be passed up by retailers in favor of other available spaces in Downtown Naperville. Commissioner Castagnoli stated that due to the potential difficulties he feels that the proposed use and variance request is appropriate and supports the request.
Commissioner Robbins stated that the location is challenging for retail, and for the current times this is a welcome opportunity for this location and voiced support for the request.
Chair Van Someren asked the Petitioner if the Freedom Commons location would stay open. Adair confirmed that it would not stay open. Chair Van Someren asked the petitioner if the first floor space would be manned by Fidelity employees. The petitioner confirmed that there will always be employees present on the first floor in order to welcome visitors and complete transactions. Chair Van Someren asked staff to confirm that banking is a permitted use on the first floor. Beaver from staff stated that typical retail banking is considered to be a commercial service, which is permitted on the first floor in the B4 district, whereas financial institutions such as Fidelity are considered to be general services which are only permitted on the second floor or above.
Commissioner McDaniel stated that this is a difficult decision for him as someone who has lived in Naperville for many years and someone who sees the potential impacts of foot traffic on downtown. McDaniel stated that he would prefer another use than banking on the first floor and stated that he hopes that foot traffic will increase in future as construction on Washington street is completed and cannot support variance at this time.
Commissioner Bansal stated that she understands that the location has been vacant for a long time period and supports new businesses in downtown. However, Bansal stated she has concerns about parking in the location and while she appreciates banks in Naperville she has concerns about the variance for this location and cannot support the request.
Commissioner Wright reiterated that the space under consideration is not the main first floor corner of the building, as that space is proposed to be occupied by Wells Fargo by right without consideration by the Commission.
Commissioner Robbins stated that Commissioner Wright had a valid point and the space actually under consideration is something that she can support.
Culbertson provided closing remarks.
The PZC closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Richelia made a motion Seconded by Commissioner Castagnoli to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 24-1-132, a variance pursuant to Section 6-7D-4 of the Naperville Municipal Code to permit a general service use on the first floor in the B4 district for the property located at 47 E Chicago Avenue.
Aye: 7 - Castagnoli, McDaniel, Richelia, Robbins, Van Someren, Wright, and Clemen
Nay: 1 - Bansal
Absent: 1 - King
1. Approve the 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission Annual Report
The PZC approved the report with an edit to clarify that Commissioner Bansal joined the Commission in December 2023.
2. Approve the minutes of the December 4, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting
The PZC approved the minutes.
Adjourned at 7:47PM