Suzanne Willis, DeKalb County Board Chair | DeKalb County
Suzanne Willis, DeKalb County Board Chair | DeKalb County
DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met March 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes
a. Minutes from February 3, 2025
4. Public Comments
Any member of the public may address the Committee for up to 3 minutes on any topic of their choosing. There will be no yielding of time to other members of the public and agenda time for public comments is limited to 30 minutes in total.
5. Presentations/Discussions
a. Senior Tax Levy Process Overview
b. DCRNC Update from DCRNC Administrator Bart Becker
c. Presentation from the Regional Office of Education
6. Resolutions
a. Resolution R2025-031—A Resolution Authorizing Execution and Amendment of Federal 5311 Grant Agreement.
Voluntary Action Center operates as a purchased service provider to DeKalb County under the 5311 and DOAP transportation grants. The Voluntary Action Center, in conjunction with DeKalb County Administration, is preparing an application on behalf of the TransVAC program to secure up to $450,695 in Federal and $1,540,800 in State of Illinois transit operating assistance. As part of the process, IDOT requires the DeKalb County Board to hold a public hearing on the project, which is scheduled to take place during the March 19th County Board Meeting, and pass a resolution that authorizes the submittal of an application for the project. This grant, under the auspices of the Federal Transit Administration’s 5311 program, offers transit operators in rural counties the ability to receive reimbursement for the costs involved in providing transportation for public ridership in the TransVAC service area.
7. Ordinances
a. Ordinance O2025-03—An Ordinance to Provide Public Transportation in DeKalb County, Illinois.
Ordinance O2025-03 states that DeKalb County wishes to provide public transportation for its citizens and become eligible for grants from the State of Illinois or any department or agency thereof, from any unit of local government, from the Federal government or any department or agency thereof. As part of the Federal 5311 Grant Application Process, this ordinance must be passed by the County Board on an annual basis to qualify for available funding.
8. Considerations
a. Procurement of an Air Conditioner Coil for the DCRNC Rooftop Unit from Helm Group in the Amount of $32,166.00.
The current coil in the rooftop air conditioner unit above the Administration wing of the DCRNC has been experiencing issues since the middle of 2024. The coil has been leaking freon and is unable to hold temperatures inside the building. A number of temporary repairs have been made to attempt to keep the coil inside the unit operable.
The DCRNC Maintenance Supervisor solicited three quotes for the procurement for the procurement of the coil. Helm Group submitted the lowest quote in the amount of $32,160.00. The quotes are inclusive of all installation costs, including crane pricing to hoist the coil onto the roof. A resolution authorizing the procurement will be considered by the Facilities & Technology Committee at their March 4th meeting.
9. Old Business
10. New Business
11. Adjournment