City of Dekalb City Council met April 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
City Clerk Lynn Fazekas called the roll, and the following members of City Council were present: Alderman David Jacobson, Alderman Bill Finucane, Alderman Joyce Stupegia, Alderman Pat Fagan, Alderman Kate Noreiko, Alderman Mike Verbic, Alderman Tony Faivre, and Mayor Jerry Smith.
Staff who were present included: City Manager Bill Nicklas, Assistant City Manager Ray Munch, City Attorney Dean Frieders, Management Analyst Jason Blumenthal, and Transit Manager Marcus Cox.
Management Analyst Blumenthal led the Pledge.
Mayor Smith asked if there were additions or deletions to the agenda.
Alderman Noreiko moved to approve the agenda. Alderman Finucane seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the agenda approved as read.
Resident Mark Charvat commented that the southern end of town saw smoke and didn’t know the source. He said he found out it was a prescribed burn in an area of county jurisdiction and wondered about notification or otherwise being handled differently. Mr. Charvat also remarked that paying the water bill with a debit card should not involve a fee, and that he would like to see a return to the three-month billing cycle.
Resident Michael Fitzgerald said he would like to see the parking stalls in front of his house removed.
Developer Nick Cronauer expressed appreciation for staff help with his hotel project. He said there is a conflict of interest in the background that will be exposed later, and that terminating the project is a mistake.
1. Recognition of Outgoing Council Members: • AldermanDavidJacobson(2011–2019) • Alderman Kate Noreiko (2015–2019)
• Alderman Joyce Stupegia (2019)
Mayor Smith made farewell remarks about and to the outgoing Council members. He and City Manager Nicklas awarded plaques and street signs with the Aldermen’s last names on them as parting gifts.
2. Recognition of City of DeKalb Interns:
• Nick Andric–InformationTechnologyDepartment
• Leeana Alcantar – Information Technology Department
• Jason Blumenthal–CityManager’sOffice
• NaomiBolden–CommunityDevelopmentDepartment
• ScottCoy–InformationTechnologyDepartment
• CodyFollis–CityManager’sOffice
• CaseyHeuer–PublicWorksDepartment
• Cole Lentz–PublicWorksDepartment
• HaydenPerkins–DeKalbFireDepartment
• RachelSanchez–HumanResourcesDepartment
• Walker Steinke–CityManager’sOffice
• RobinTravis–InformationTechnologyDepartment
• Yadira Verastegui–DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport
Assistant City Manager Munch awarded certificates and recognized the interns who attended the meeting.
3. Recognition of the Consumer Advocacy Council of DeKalb County (CCDC).
Founder Robert Putz presented a brief history of CCDC and the services it provides, on the occasion of CCDC’s 20 years of service to the community.
4. Recognition of Michael Kirk and the “Trees of DeKalb” Organization.
Mayor Smith announced DeKalb’s oldest tree, a burr oak on the east bank of the Kishwaukee River, will be dedicated on Arbor Day this month as a Heritage Tree.
5. Proclamation: Northern Illinois University Student Association Day – April 23, 2019.
Mayor Smith read the proclamation and presented it to Tristan Martin, speaker of the Student Association Senate.
6. Proclamation: Get on Board Day – April 25, 2019.
Mayor Smith read the proclamation, which encourages support for public transportation. Transit Manager Cox accepted it and briefly reported on the local transportation scene.
7. Proclamation: International Firefighter’s Day, May 4, 2019.
Mayor Smith read the proclamation and presented it to members of the Fire Department.
8. Proclamation: Municipal Clerks Week, May 5 – 11, 2019.
Mayor Smith read the proclamation and presented it to City Clerk Fazekas.
9. Proclamation: Museum Day – May 11, 2019, with a Presentation by DeKalb County History Center Executive Director Michelle Donohoe.
Mayor Smith presented to Ms. Donohoe and expressed support for the organization founded March 2018. Ms. Donohoe announced an upcoming traveling Smithsonian exhibit called “Crossroads” that involves some 15 partner displays and programs throughout the county.
10. Elder Care Services FY2019 Human Services Funding Report by Executive Director Tara Russo.
Ms. Russo reported on the use of human services funding from the City, which is used to address elder abuse and self-neglect issues in the county before they become crises.
There were none.
1. Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of April 8, 2019.
2. Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting of April 8, 2019.
3. Accounts Payable and Payroll through April 22, 2019 in the Amount of $1,847,610.01.
4. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report – March 2019.
Mayor Smith read each item of the Consent Agenda.
Alderman Stupegia moved to pass the Consent Agenda. Alderman Noreiko seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
1. Public Hearing Regarding an Annexation Agreement for Property Located at 1827 Pleasant Street (ComEd).
Mayor Smith read the topic of the public hearing as written, and opened the hearing at: 6:54 p.m.
No one spoke to the public hearing when opened, nor had anyone signed up to speak.
City Manager Nicklas requested the hearing not be closed, but instead continued to the next meeting.
Alderman Jacobson moved to continue the hearing to the next Council meeting May 28. Alderman Faivre seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Smith. Nay: none.
There were none.
1. Resolution 2019-067 Supporting the Issuance of a Permit from the Illinois Department of Transportation Authorizing McDonald’s to Reconstruct the Commercial Entrance at 805 W. Lincoln Highway.
Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.
Alderman Verbic moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Faivre seconded. City Manager Nicklas said IDOT requires a resolution of this type to obtain a permit.
Motion carried 7-0-1 on roll call vote. Aye: Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Jacobson. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
2. Resolution 2019-068 Authorizing an Agreement with DeKalb Corn Classic and Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary Club for the 2019 DeKalb Corn Classic 5k/10k and Taste of DeKalb Events on September 29, 2019.
Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.
Alderman Finucane moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Faivre seconded.
Race organizer Cohen Barnes presented a promotional video for the event and he said more than half of the participants come from outside the community.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
3. Resolution 2019-069 Approving a Low Alcohol by Volume Restaurant License for Best of the Middle East Inc., d/b/a Jamrah Middle Eastern, Located at 209 E. Lincoln Highway.
Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.
Alderman Finucane moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Fagan seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.
4. Resolution 2019-070 Approving a Bar Liquor License for Tavern on Lincoln, LLC, Located at 106 E. Lincoln Highway.
Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only. He noted that Aldermen Fagan and Jacobson were recusing themselves and had left the room for the discussion and vote.
Alderman Finucane moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Faivre seconded.
Motion carried 6-0-2 on roll call vote. Aye: Finucane, Stupegia, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Smith. Nay: none. Absent: Fagan, Jacobson (recusals). Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
5. Resolution 2019-071 Authorizing the Staffing of One Additional Seasonal Public Works Maintenance Position.
Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.
Alderman Stupegia moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Verbic seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.
6. Resolution 2019-072 Terminating a Preliminary Development Incentive Agreement for the Renovation of the Former St. Mary’s Hospital at 145 Fisk Avenue.
Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.
Alderman Verbic moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Faivre seconded.
Resident Mark Charvat noted that the school district took its tax increment financing (TIF) fund surplus share to pay down debt. He gave props to the City Manager for his scrutiny of the project, and said he’d like to see the funds declared as surplus.
City Manager Nicklas noted that in December 2018 a preliminary agreement was approved, having identified a potential forgivable loan for the development, and that concerns voiced in December led to 120-day due diligence period that resulted in termination of the agreement.
Alderman Finucane asked if the City should eliminate tentative agreements. The City Manager suggested the City wait for the TIF Joint Review Board’s opinion at its next meeting scheduled later this week.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the resolution passed.
7. Resolution 2019-073 Authorizing an Agreement for Legal Services for the City of DeKalb and Approving the Appointment of a City Attorney.
Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.
Alderman Faivre moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Verbic seconded. City Manager Nicklas summarized Council’s process of selection and gave background of the firm and attorneys, who have a June 1 start date.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
8. Resolution 2019-074 Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the DeKalb Township Road District for Bus Shelters.
Mayor Smith read the resolution by title only.
Alderman Finucane moved to pass the resolution. Alderman Stupegia seconded.
Regular Meeting Minutes April 22, 2019
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City Manager Nicklas said the City obtained grant money for the shelters.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
There were none.
1. Ordinance 2019-034 Amending Chapter 51 “Traffic”, Schedule B “Through Streets, Stop Intersections and Yield Intersections” as it Pertains to the Installation of Stop Sign for Northbound Huntington Road at its Intersection with Ridge Drive.
Mayor Smith read the ordinance by title only.
Alderman Noreiko moved to pass first reading. Alderman Faivre seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
Alderman Verbic moved to waive second reading and pass the ordinance. Alderman Jacobson seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the ordinance passed.
2. Ordinance 2019-035 Amending Chapter 51 “Traffic”, Schedule C “Parking Prohibited”, Section 1 “No Parking at Any Time”, as it Pertains to a No Parking Restriction for a Portion of Grand Avenue and Reserve Lane in the Enclave Neighborhood.
Mayor Smith read the ordinance by title only.
Alderman Noreiko moved to approve first reading. Alderman Finucane seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
Alderman Finucane moved to waive second reading and pass the ordinance. Alderman Verbic seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Smith. Nay: none.
3. Ordinance 2019-036 Amending Chapter 51 “Traffic”, Schedule Q “Speed Restrictions” as it Pertains to the Reduction of the Speed Limit for Gurler Road from the East City Limits to the West City Limits.
Mayor Smith read the ordinance by title only.
Alderman Fagan moved to approve first reading. Alderman Verbic seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Smith. Nay: none.
Alderman Jacobson moved to waive second reading and approve the ordinance. Alderman Fagan seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Noreiko, Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the ordinance passed.
4. Ordinance 2019-037 Authorizing an Amendment to Ordinance 2000-028 to Allow for the Remodeling of the Existing McDonalds Restaurant Located at 805 W. Lincoln Highway and Providing for Updates to the Parking Lot and Drive- Through.
Mayor Smith read the ordinance by title only.
Alderman Verbic moved to approve first reading. Alderman Finucane seconded. City Manager Nicklas said Planning & Zoning has approved of the amendment.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Verbic, Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
Alderman Finucane moved to waive second reading and pass the ordinance. Alderman Verbic seconded.
Motion carried 8-0 on roll call vote. Aye: Faivre, Jacobson, Finucane, Stupegia, Fagan, Noreiko, Verbic, Smith. Nay: none. Mayor Smith declared the motion passed.
1. Council Member Reports
Alderman Jacobson thanked his colleagues and said he was honored to have been a representative.
Aldermen Finucane, Fagan, Verbic, and Faivre thanked the outgoing Council members for their service.
Alderman Stupegia told the outgoing Council members to keep participating.
Alderman Noreiko said she would like to see an entrepreneur open a new bookstore and spoke of the importance of independent bookstores.
2. City Clerk Report No report.
3. City Manager Report
City Manager Nicklas shared an update on Kurt Thurmaier’s petition to remove parking restrictions in the neighborhood of Thornbrooke Drive. He reported discussion is ongoing and that he is hopeful of an ordinance being presented at the next meeting.
No executive session was held during this meeting.
Alderman Jacobson moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:52 p.m. Alderman Fagan seconded.
Motion carried by majority voice vote. Mayor Smith declared the meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.