
DeKalb Times

Thursday, November 21, 2024

City of DeKalb Economic Development Committee met August 2


City of DeKalb Economic Development Committee met Aug. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The Economic Development Commission (EDC) of the City of DeKalb, Illinois held a regular meeting on August 2, 2019 in the Executive Conference Room of the DeKalb Municipal Building, 200 S. Fourth Street, DeKalb, Illinois.

The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m.


Executive Assistant Ruth Scott called the roll and the following EDC members were present: Chair Trixy O’Flaherty, Grant Goltz, Jeff Richardson, and Sam Walt, as well as Ex-Officio Member Matt Duffy (DeKalb Chamber of Commerce - DCC).

Others present included: City Manager Bill Nicklas, Mayor Jerry Smith, Transit Manager Marcus Cox, and Executive Assistant Ruth Scott (as recording secretary).

The following EDC members were absent: Vernese Edghill-Walden, Mohammed Labadi, and Mark Sawyer, as well as Ex-Officio Member Paul Borek (DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation – DCEDC) and City Council Liaison Pat Fagan.


It was suggested that item “F. New Business, 1. Park 88 Bus Route Project” be moved up in the agenda order.


Chair O’Flaherty moved to move item F.1. up in the agenda order and approve the agenda; seconded by Mr. Walt.


Motion carried by a majority voice vote of those present. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES

1. Minutes of the Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes of the July 5, 2019.


Mr. Richardson moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Mr. Walt.


Motion carried by a majority voice vote of those present.


There was none.


1. Park 88 Bus Route Project.

City Manager Nicklas provided an overview of this project to date.

Transit Manager Cox noted that the project is in “the final stretch”. The Huskie Line is completing final testing of route, running it various times of the day to ensure it’s running as it should. A start date is tentatively projected for October 28, 2019, with a start time of 4:00 a.m. The Huskie Line is also in the midst of confirming an hourly rate for budgeting purposes. Mr. Cox noted that he would provide a map of the route to EDC members in September. Mr. Cox also provided a brief report on ongoing meetings with Park 88 businesses regarding funding.

Mayor Smith stated he’d like to meet with some of the Park 88 companies as a thank you for listening to the proposal as presented by Mr. Cox. Mr. Walt stated that he would attend the meeting with the Mayor. City Manager Nicklas said he’d help get that set up.

Discussion ensued including the resource guide and what information it may include, i.e. childcare, governmental agencies, etc.

Mr. Cox said marketing is a big piece of this project. He noted there is transit funding to for printing the maps that are 100% transit related and he’s looking at other funding that’s available to use that’s not under the transit umbrella.

Mr. Nicklas noted that he’s looking towards Northern Illinois University (NIU) to help with marketing.

Discussion ensued regarding the EDC grant, marketing and the funding available, and needed, and the timeline for moving forward. EDC members noted they’d like to hone down how they can be of assistance regarding this project at the next meeting, as well as setting up a time to meet with Melanie Magara regarding assistance with marketing.

Mayor Smith mentioned a planned bus route tour with Congressman Adam Kinzinger on August 6, 2019 of Park 88, downtown DeKalb, and the airport to show economic momentum.

Mayor Smith then introduced the newest member appointed to the EDC, Grant Goltz.


1. City Manager Report.

City Manager Nicklas provided an update for the Plaza DeKalb and Egyptian Theatre projects, as well as the Mooney property project. He also noted that the Alulu Brewery pulled out of their proposed project in DeKalb because they couldn’t make the numbers work.

City Manager Nicklas also noted interest in the O’Leary’s building as well as a potential major industrial project on the south and southeast sides of DeKalb.

2. DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Report.

There was discussion regarding a list of businesses that the DCEDC and the DCC work together with regarding business retention. Brief discussion ensued regarding questions or comments the EDC would like to add to the list.

Further discussion ensued regarding DCC business members and the frequency of business retention meetings.

Mr. Duffy also reported on a new series of two to three-minute informative videos providing accurate information on current topics and changes within DeKalb, which have been and will be uploaded onto social media. Mr. Duffy suggested that Mr. Cox be asked to do a segment on the proposed new bus route in Park 88.

3. DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation Report. No report.

Suggested items for the next EDC meeting:

a) Business retention questions that the DCC could add to their list of business retention items. Mr. Duffy noted that the EDC should consider they type of information the want to gain from the questions, such as a focus on economics.

b) Strategic Plan discussion.

c) A full update from Mr. Cox regarding the Park 88 route project, including a map of the route.



Mr. Richardson moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Mr. Grant. 


Motion carried by a voice vote of the majority of members present. The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 a.m.
