City of Sandwich Finance Committee met November 18.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Finance Chairwoman Killey called the meeting to order at 8:54 PM
Roll call was taken:
Present: Aldermen Dell, Killey & Kreinbrink; City Clerk Ii
Also Present: Aldermen Chmielewski & Redden; WSPY Reporter Jim Wyman
Review of Semi-Monthly Bills: Bills were reviewed to be submitted for payment approval at the Regular Meeting of November 25th , 2019. Question was raised why Public Works was not maintaining the lawns at the new public safety building, and instead, Yingling Landscaping was mowing weekly at a cost of $125/mowing. Other bills questioned included Meade Electric in the amount of $9,628.49 for traffic signal mast arm inspections and repairs; and also Harbour Construction in the amount of $3,750.00 for pre-construction services including preparation of bid packets. The invoice for Custom Computer Repairs was removed from the review pending further questions. Committee was unable to ascertain the service dates on the invoice.
New Business: None
Old Business: None
Audience Comments: Jim Wyman had general questions on various billings asking for explanation.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Committee, motion made by Alderwoman Killey, and seconded by Alderman Dell, to adjourn at 9:27 PM. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.