Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Committee of the Whole met April 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Call to Order
Board President, Kristen Andrews called the Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424 Committee of the Whole Digital meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Physically Present Board Members; Kristin Brynteson, Jake Wesner and Julie Ratliff
Also Physically Present Superintendent, Brent O’Daniell and Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Brad Shortridge
Digitally Present: Kristen Andrews, and David Cleveland
Absent: Mary Hintzsche, John Shipley
Bond Presentation - PMA - Bob Lewis
Mr. Bob Lewis with PMA attended the meeting digitally. He also prepared a Bond presentation regarding options for the board to consider when refinancing the district’s current Bond.
Mr. Cleveland led the conversation with his input regarding options for the board to consider when refinancing the district’s current Bond. His suggestion were as follows: the first option would be to do nothing; property taxes would increase and the board could then hold discussions regarding necessary capital projects. The second option would be an Abatement and third and final option would be to refinance the Bond interest and borrow for capital projects. Mr. Cleveland was in favor of the third option as a more conservative approach. He asked for board input.
Mrs. Andrews thanked Mr. Cleveland for his input and was in favor of the third option as well. Dr. Shortridge commented on the scenario for borrowing for capital projects.
Mr. Lewis stated borrowing for capital projects could be cost prohibited and too expensive.
Mr. Cleveland was in favor of refinancing the Bond increases for a 5-7 year term and stated it could be the best approach. He also asked about the annual Bond debt liability and the impact on homeowner’s taxes for homes valued at $100K-$300K.
Mr. Lewis shared a market update influenced by COVID-19. He also commented on the unprecedented support from the Federal Government within the Bond market. Mr. Lewis stated the District’s current credit rating was not as high as earlier in the school year. He commented on ways to increase the credit rating including costs associated with such a request. Mr. Lewis shared options for the board to consider.
Dr. Mary Hintzsche physically joined the meeting at 6:32 pm.
Scenario #1 – Do Nothing
Scenario #2 – Restructure 1-1/2 year restructure.
Scenario #3 – Restructuring with New money borrowing
Scenario #4 – Using the Abatement
Mr. Lewis also commented on the impact to property taxes for the homeowner with values of $100K- $300K if EAV and home values stay constant. He also shared timelines for each scenario including approvals, presentations, appropriate documentation with official completion.
Mr. Cleveland commented on a timeline to work towards the deadline of March 2021.
Dr. Shortridge commented on Mr. Lewis’s presentation and careful consideration regarding the market due to COVID-19.
Mr. Lewis commented on the current market and the potential for a resurgence of COVID-19 that may or may not affect the market when considering bond options and the timeline. He also commented on state funding and EBF to help with the bond decisions and timeline.
Mrs. Andrews asked the board for input and questions.
Mr. Cleveland thanked Mr. Lewis for addressing all questions emailed to Dr. Shortridge. He also recommended the board review all of the scenarios and the effect on taxpayers prior to a plan and timeline.
Mrs. Andrews asked the board for a timeline for further discussions.
Mr. Cleveland and Dr. Hintzsche asked about a town hall during COVID-19.
Mr. Lewis commented on the regulations regarding town hall meetings as well as petitions due to COVID-19.
Mrs. Andrews was in favor of further discussion at the May Committee of the Whole Meeting. She also commented on the potential to petition within a 90-day timeline.
The board was in favor of holding further discussions regarding refinancing the Bond at the May Committee of the Whole Meeting.
Public hearings, petitions, questions, and comments from guests and visitors
There were no public hearing, petitions, questions and comments from guests and visitors.
Discussion of KES HVAC Bid Results
Dr. Shortridge commented on the ongoing roof problems at KES. He also commented on the results from three bidders for a custom built HVAC system and extra work needing to be done. The approval of the bid will help to insure the necessary time to build the system and complete installation prior to the beginning of the school year. Dr. Shortridge shared the KES HVAC bid results with the Board. He advised accepting the bid from Windy City (Aaon). The lower bid (Carrier) met most specifications, but not all. Accepting this bid would involve adding ductwork and reinforcing the roof in order to handle the Carrier unit, which is too heavy for the current structure to handle. These additional expenses make the Carrier bid no longer the low bidder. The Aaon bid met all required specifications
Mr. Wesner asked about Windy City and their reputation for work.
Mr. Ratliff stated Windy City is the dealer and Aaon supplies the equipment. He also commented on a future installation bid. Mr. Ratliff stated KES requires two air handlers.
Dr. Shortridge recommended accepting the Aaon bid for the KES HVAC and roofing project at the April 28, 2020 BOE meeting.
Discussion of GKEA MOU
Mr. O’Daniell commented on conversations with the GKEA to open the Zipper Clause in the current contract in an effort to discuss the retirement language. There was no decision made therefore legal put together a resolution.
Dr. Shortridge stated the only change made was the deadline to put in a retirement request from October 1 to May 15. He also commented on Mr. Rucker signing the MOU on Wednesday, April 15, 2020. Dr. Shortridge asked for board input to contact staff that may be affected by the date change prior to board action on April 28.
Mr. O’Daniell stated the date of October 1 would remain in effect for the first year of the contract with the May 15 date for all future contract years.
Mr. Cleveland asked if there was an opportunity to revisit the Zipper Clause in the future and if there were any other topics with a Zipper Clause in the current contract.
Dr. Shortridge stated the MOU states there can be no further openings to the retirement language Zipper Clause. He also stated there were no other topics with a Zipper Clause to allow for future concerns or openings for discussion.
Mrs. Andrews asked the board for input regarding Dr. Shortridge talking to employees that this could effect.
Dr. Shortridge thanked the board for their favorable agreement.
Mr. Cleveland was not in favor of the change in date. He expressed his preference for the date to remain October 1.
Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Wesner, Dr. Hintzsche, Dr. Brynteson, Mrs. Andrews were in favor of the date change.
All board members except Mr. Cleveland were in favor of Dr. Shortridge talking to employees that affected by the date in the MOU.
Board President, Mrs. Andrews asked Dr. Shortridge to move forward talking to employees.
Discussion of the District Health Insurance Renewal
Dr. Shortridge commented on the GK District being in the top tier of increases for health insurance.
He also shared the 2020-21 health insurance rates with the board and stated the increase is double digits based on our employee’s usage of the plan. He also recommended the board support PPO-2 as in the past although PPO-2 may not be sustainable moving forward. Dr. Shortridge commented on the tight timeline for board approval to allow the market place be built in time for open enrollment.
Dr. Shortridge summarized by recommending for the April 28, 2020 Board meeting, the Board approve providing for Association members a maximum amount toward premiums at the PPO-2 level with the percentages prescribed in the current GKEA Agreement.
Mr. Cleveland asked how the health insurance increases might affect the budget. He also recommended the board consider supporting a higher deductible plan in the future.
Dr. Shortridge stated the health insurance increase would affect the budget by approximately 6%. He stated he would share additional budgetary and utilization information with the Board as it becomes available.
Board members held discussions regarding staff education and best practices for using the health insurance and Tele Doc to help keep costs down.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on the District’s wellness committees assisting in educating the staff on best ways to use the insurance.
GKEA President, Tom Rucker stated he would like to see health insurance costs lowered. He stated he will help with educating staff on how to use the insurance and Tele Doc.
Dr. Shortridge commented on the ability to make potential plan changes and will talk to the EBC in August.
Mrs. Ratliff was in favor of further staff education but not in favor of higher deductibles that could create a larger burden on employees.
Dr. Shortridge stated open enrollment could start as early as mid-May.
A recommendation for approval of the District Health Insurance Renewal will take place on April 28, 2020.
Review of District/Building/Athletic/Extracurricular Handbooks
The board reviewed all district, building, athletic, and extracurricular handbooks.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on the highlighted changes to the handbooks. He also commented on the District using the IPA Model Handbook service to ensure all legal is included in all handbooks. He also commented on the current COVID-19 situation and further changes for potential board consideration and approval. Mr. O’Daniell commented on the athletic handbooks for review stating the middle school athletic handbook is separate and brand new. He also commented on athletic eligibility changes and asked Mr. Jerbi to address the Board.
Mr. Jerbi thanked Mr. Butcher, Mr. Uili, Mr. Bauman and team for their work with the middle school athletic handbook. He also thanked Mr. Owen and Mrs. Miranda and team for their input with the high school athletic handbook. Mr. Jerbi commented on new IHSA by laws and changes for high school eligibility to pass five classes weighted or non-weighted to be eligible for sports. He also commented on new language to the registration process (online registration for sports) and levels of play.
Mr. Cleveland was not in favor of recognizing D’s as eligibility to play sports.
Mr. Jerbi commented on a letter grade of D as satisfactory not be held against a student for eligibility. He also stated moving from quarter to semester grade eligibilities an emphasizing the importance of good grades throughout the entire year.
Mr. Cleveland asked the committee to consider addressing the letter grade of D in all athletic handbooks. He further stated a student receiving a D in 50% of their classes, should not have the privilege to play sports.
Mrs. Andrews asked Mr. Wesner and Mrs. Ratliff if the policy committee would be reviewing all handbooks along with new PRESS Policy updates prior to recommended board approval on April 28.
Mr. Wesner commented on a review of all handbooks and PRESS policy updates to take place on April 20 prior to board approval on April 28.
Mr. Bauman commented on the letter grade D and eligibility. He also stated the team and coaches addressed the letter grades and stated moving to a semester grading eligibility system will help hold students accountable.
Mrs. Andrew recommended all handbooks be approved at the April 28 BOE meeting pending the Policy Committee review.
Budget Discussion
Dr. Hintzsche asked for a follow up of building and grounds summer work.
Mr. Cleveland commented on prior board discussions regarding essential and non-essential work to be completed and guidelines from the state and federal government. He also commented on potentially completing necessary summer work now while staff and students are not physically in the buildings and evaluating whether there was a need to hire additional summer help for additional cost savings to the district.
Dr. Shortridge commented on recent conversations with Building and Grounds Director, Mr. Ratliff. He stated he is doing a very good job reviewing all work necessary and required by the state and federal government. He also stated Mr. Ratliff is taking into consideration social distancing and work required by more than one person as well as the current stay at home order, a potential extension of said order along with state and federal guidelines for work completed in a timely manner most cost effective to the district.
Bond Discussion
Please refer to Mr. Lewis’s presentation above regarding the Bond discussion.
Board Discussion
Mr. Wesner asked Mrs. Mulso to post the April 20, 2020 Policy Committee Meeting to discuss all handbooks and PRESS Policy Updates #103.
Mr. Wesner commented on a recent discussion with a member of the military discussing the potential extension of the stay at home order well into August.
Dr. Hintzsche commented on COVID-19 and Winnebago County not peaking until April 29, 2020 with a potential second wave.
Dr. Brynteson asked about anti-body testing.
Dr. Hintzsche commented on a two-week turn around regarding anti-body testing.
EIS Statements
Mrs. Andrews shared a reminder of Economic Interest Statements due to the County by May 1, 2020. Nikki Gudall Volunteer Appreciation Award
Mr. Wesner asked to mail a letter to all Nikki Gudall Volunteer Appreciation Award recipients this year in lieu of the COVID-19 situation and delay of the ceremony and awards.
Mr. O’Daniell stated he would create the letter to send to all recipients.
Superintendent/Board Communication
Remote Learning Surveys
Mr. O’Daniell commented on the remote learning survey results. He stated there were over 500 responses with positive and constructive feedback. He also commented on recent conversations with administrators to address some concerns and isolated incidents. He stated he was proud of the students, parents and above all the staff for working during these dynamic times to educate our students. This has been a perfect example of a small community doing what is necessary to get through a tough time. Another survey will go out in a few weeks.
Mrs. Andrews acknowledged the work of the staff, administration and Superintendent to provide good communication during these dynamic times.
Mr. Cleveland stated he was happy with the communication and remote instruction.
Property Taxes County Level
Mr. O’Daniell commented on recent conversations with the county asking the impact to districts if the first installment tax payments were to be deferred without a penalty. Mr. O’Daniell stated as long as
the choice is not to go past the second installment deadline Genoa-Kingston could manage. Mr. O’Daniell publicly thanked Dr. Shortridge and the business office for their work maintaining the finances of the district to allow G-K to take a sympathetic position to the taxpayers at this time.
Dr. Brynteson recommended holding future discussion regarding the positive fund balance GK has.
Dr. Hintzsche asked what impact the deferred tax payments could have on the district and what large payments were due at the beginning of the school year.
Dr. Shortridge stated bus lease, insurance, and payroll to name a few.
Bus Drivers
Mr. O’Daniell clarified a recent article regarding DeKalb approving payments to DeKalb’s Transportation Drivers. Mr. O’Daniell stated DeKalb and certain other districts contract their transportation and food service whereas Genoa-Kingston does not. We are required to pay our employees however, do not pay for fuel for buses not running.
Timelines Assistant High School Principal
Mr. O’Daniell shared the timeline for hiring the Assistant High School Principal. He stated looking at internal candidates as well as candidates who previously applied for the high school principal
position. He commented on Mr. Cascio, Mr. Jerbi and Mr. O’Daniell reviewing first round candidates and team reviewing the second round. Mr. O’Daniell anticipates bringing a candidate to the Board for further discussions on April 28th with potential approval at a May 12 Special Board of Education Meeting.
Future Agenda Items
Policy Committee Meeting Monday April 20 11:30
April 28, 2020 Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 pm
Approval of School Counselor Title Change Approval of the KES HVAC Bid Results Approval of the GKEA MOU
Approval of District Health Insurance Renewal
Approval of District/Building/Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbooks Building and Grounds Summer 2020 Follow Up
Superintendent Evaluation
COVID-19 Update
May 12, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting/Potential Special BOE Meeting @ 6:30 pm
Potential Review of Board Policy 6:300
Potential Review of PRESS Policy Updates #103Review of 2020-21 Board Meeting Dates Potential Approval Assistant High School Principal
COVID-19 Update
Closed session for discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120 /2/(c)(1)
No closed session
Reconvene to Open Session
No reconvene
Personnel Action
No personnel Action
A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and seconded by Dr. Hintzsche, to adjourn the Committee of the Whole meeting at 8:28 pm.
Voice vote: All
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
Absent: 1
Motion Carried