
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Dekalb County 911 ETSB Met June 24

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Dekalb County 911 ETSB met June 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Chairman Leverton called the meeting to order at 11:00am.

a. Board Members Present: Bianchi, Frazier, Grandgeorge, Hanson, Leverton, McMaster, Phillips, Plote, and Polarek

b. Board Members Absent

c. Guests Present: Andy Sullivan, DeKalb County Sheriff; Van Bomar, DeKalb County Sheriff; Sheila Santos, DeKalb County Government

d. Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Glenna Johnson, E9-1-1 Coordinator

2. Agenda

a. Chairman Leverton asked for any amendments to the agenda. A motion was made by Grandgeorge and seconded by Frazier to approve the agenda. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier-Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

3. General Meeting Minutes:

a. A motion to approve the minutes of the March 4, 2020 meeting was made by Bianchi and seconded by Polarek. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier-Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

4. Public Comment- None

5. Treasurer’s Report

a. Monthly Treasurer’s Report- was presented and discussed.

i. A motion to approve the March 2020 monthly report was made by Hanson and seconded by Bianchi. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier-Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

ii. A motion to approve the April 2020 monthly report was made by Bianchi and seconded by Plote. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier- Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

iii. A motion to approve the May 2020 monthly report was made by Hanson and seconded by Bianchi. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier- Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

b. Approval of Bills

Bills Paid in April 2020

Vendor Invoice Amount

Sikich $5,750.00

First National Bank $2,270.07

Frontier $62.25

Voiance $86.31

Deerfield Construction Group $6,880.00

Total $15,048.63

Bills Paid in May 2020

Vendor Invoice Amount

PowerPhone $4,239.00

Housing Authority of the County of DeKalb $200.00

ESRI $680.00

Frontier $62.25

IDPH $20.00

Voiance $59.85

J&K Communications Inc $2,307.23

J&K Communications Inc $24,323.93

J&K Communications Inc $33,471.60

Total $65,363.86

A motion to pay the April and May bills was made by Polarek and seconded by Grandgeorge. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier- Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

Bills Paid in June 2020

Vendor Invoice Amount

Frontier $62.25

DeKalb County Information

Management Office $680.00

IDPH $150.00

Voiance $59.22

PowerPhone $329.00

Housing Authority of the County of

DeKalb $200.00

J&K Communications $7,277.27

Total $8,757.74

i. DeKalb PD bill request for June- Leverton covered the bill was for building the interop channels for the State in the new radio system. The bill was just added to the June bills for payment for approval by the board.

ii. A motion to pay the June bills was made after discussion of payment for DeKalb Police Department bill for J&K to be added to the current bills by Frazier and seconded by Hanson. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier- Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

6. Equipment/Software Requests

a. PSAP Console Furniture Request:

i. G. Johnson explained the documents provided for the different vendor pricing. She explained this was a budgeted expense for 2020.

1. A motion to purchase the console furniture from Zybix for an amount of $220,256.00.00 was made by Hanson and seconded by Grandgeorge. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier- Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

2. A motion to purchase from Evans a five-year console furniture cleaning for an amount of $26,000.00 was made by Hanson and seconded by Grandgeorge. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier- Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed

b. Powerphone Cache Lite additional licenses:

i. G. Johnson explained the need for the additional licenses at the two PSAPs.

ii. Motion was made by McMaster and seconded by Bianchi to purchase the licenses. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier- Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

c. NG 9-1-1 Phone System

i. G. Johnson discussed the two pricing options for the new NG 9-1-1 phone system that is required. She also explained this is a budgeted item for 2020.

ii. Motion was made by Hanson and seconded by Bianchi to purchase the new phone system from Syndeo for the price of $29,607.20. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier- Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.

7. Radio Reports-

a. EFJ is to be on site to finish the install at Genoa.

b. Work will start for the DeKalb Police PSAP also.

c. Sullivan stated they have been sending recordings to the vendor to work on the paging issues.

8. Grant Status

a. Johnson stated that the Grant for NG 9-1-1 had been approved for the amount of $39,933.90. The ETSB received 100% of their requested amount.

b. Johnson stated that the she had been working with the vendor and the State Administrator for the Grant for Consolidation had expect to hear a status of payout shortly.

9. NG911 Update-

a. NG 9-1-1 Plan Status- G. Johnson reported the installation of equipment would start soon. There are weekly calls to keep the project moving.

b. G. Johnson stated that there will be expenses that will come up during the install that will need to be purchased and will not exceed the amount budgeted that the ETSB will need to approve after installation of the expense item.

10. Legislation

a. 9-1-1 legislation

i. Legislation to was passed during Legislative Session in May to extend the surcharge and other dates. The surcharge sunset was only extended for 1 year.

11. Coordinator Position

a. Leverton discussed the job description that the sub-committee prepared for the ETSB approval for posting.

i. G. Johnson explained an example of timeline for the posting of the job for applications and hiring.

ii. The ETSB empowered the Sub-committee to set the salary range for the position.

iii. Discussed that benefits needed to be considered.

iv. Sub-committee will meet to discuss benefits, salary and the job posting for the newspapers and internet. 12. Participating Agency Request- None

13. Old Business- None

14. New Business- Johnson provided a quick summary of the repair issue that DeKalb PD has been experiencing the current 9-1-1 equipment with Frontier.

15. ADJOURNMENT- Plote moved to adjourn the meeting and the motion was seconded by Bianchi. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 12:29pm. A roll call vote was taken; Bianchi- Y, Frazier- Y, Grandgeorge- Y, Hanson- Y, McMaster- Y, Phillips- Y, Plote- Y, Polarek- Y and Leverton- Y. Motion passed.
