City of Dekalb Citizens' Environmental Commission met November 5.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
Roll Call
A. Approval of Agenda
B. Public Comment
C. Approval of Minutes
1. Regular Monthly Meeting August 6, 2020
E. Commission Reports:
1. DeKalb County Health Department: Vacant
2. DeKalb Park District: Amy Doll
3. Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District: Mike Holland
4. Northern Illinois University: Sarah Fox
5. City Staff Liaison: Vacant
F. New Business:
1. Article in Daily Chronicle on backyard chickens
G. Old Business:
1. Sustainability Plan Updates
2. Monthly Daily Chronicle articles
3. Update on Monarch City registration
4. Update on beekeeping ordinance
5. Leaf burning ordinance
6. Planned presentations
7. Other updates on previously discussed items
H. Announcements
1. New announcements
2. Next Meeting: December 3, 4:00 pm.
I. Adjournment