
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Somonauk Board of Trustees met April 25

Village of Somonauk Board of Trustees met April 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village President Grandgeorge called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Attending: Trustees: McMillen, Dockendorf, Eade; Conley. Whiteaker and Diebold absent. The meeting was a live meeting.

Approval of the Final Bill list:

Morphey reported the total list bill list l$17,791.54 Morphey explained this was the last pay out for the fiscal year 2022-2023 and they tried to get as many bills on this budget.

Extra Final bills listed:

Final payment for the county line project with Sandwich.

Universal Asphalt $1,836.53. Steven’s Tree Service corner Cherry & Washington $1430.00. Pay out for PZC & Building $1990.00, Rubno Engineering soil samples for Interceptor line project $2850.00, JD Doors $828.00 spring on door at sewer plant, CCR post cards $369.91, Water /Sewer postage $339.36


Trustee Conley moved to approve the final bills to April 25, 2023 for $17,791.54. McMillen seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: McMillen- yes, Dockendorf- yes, Diebold- yes, Eade- abstain, Grandgeorge-yes. Diebold- absent and Whiteaker- absent.

Motion Passed

Close the book for Fiscal year 2022-2023:


Conley moved to close the books for the Fiscal year 2022-2023. Eade seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: McMillen- yes, Dockendorf- yes, Diebold- yes, Eade- abstain-yes. . Diebold- absent and Whiteaker- absent.

Motion Passed

Morphey explained the Village Auditor had informed the Village they would not be able to perform the audit this year and we should look for a new auditor. Morphey reported they had done extensive search and had narrowed it down to Newkirk & Associates, Inc. It was going to cast a little more but felt they would be a good fit. She would like to have the Village President sign the agreement and move forward. Grandgeorge felt we should move forward and sign the agreement if nobody had any problems with it. There is no money changing hands now to it would be ok to move forward.

Morphey also mentioned we are working with LOCIS our software provider and are looking at upgrading to LOCIS #8. This would enable us to accept Credit cards and they will be writing a program for us to take our vehicle stickers.


Grandgeorge then asked for a motion to adjourn. McMillen moved to adjourn and Diebold seconded the motion. Everyone was in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 6:54 pm.
